
Loop Quantum Gravity etc Better Than Strings? Alt Logic

I want to write something about deconstruction of string theory, or at least a deprogramming step away from that membrane prone edge of theory. I have read a couple other books by Moffat and Smolin recently in theories besides string, super-string or M theory, such as modified gravity, modified Newtonian gravity, loop quantum gravity and so forth--so much of this theorizing about string can be quite wrong.

String theories may have an infinite number of solutions or versions. Even general and special theory may be somewhat wrong; there could be Double Special Relativity, or DSR version I and DSR II. There is another kind of geometry that might change things a little--non-commutative geometry.

Perhaps logic is changed by non-commutative geometry too.

Kripke wrote in Naming and Necessity about rigid designators in modal logic (amongst other things). Non-commutative geometries could change the functions of logic too, for that matter, how does one adapt logic to a background independent intellectual paradigm that should be associated, if it is to be applied to real-world objects and events, with a relativistic space-time field of mass-energy?

Rigid identifiers must exist within a Quinian kind of ontological relativity or lexicon I would think if they are to have an independent background rather than a dependent one that pejoratively comprises a sort of Newtonian 'absolute space' of meaning. Yet rigid identifiers could also have a non-commutative or anisotropic nature--they are only temporally rigid rather than necessarily rigid. Within a non-commutative paradigm of meaning, rigid identifiers that have a given address or relativistic meaning would continue so only phenomenally and not reversibly.

Rigid identifiers as emergency terms might reflect the logic of space-time a little better, yet space-time itself in many modern cosmology theories does not exist. Space may be a construction of discrete causal blocks that together comprise an order considered to be time, yet time may be just a conscious experience of journey through those causal blocks spiritually.

There may be an infinite number of branes and strings, hyper-strings and variable speed of light criteria making this a complicated universe to deconstruct schematically. Perhaps human conscious sentience is of such a spiritually different nature of mass-energy that theories made by humans for a unified field that is comprehensive will always be different itself--that is the theorists are not really included within the material or subject studied and thereby uncertainty is introduced. We know for certain that a non-sentient universe has no uncertainty to it (just guessing).

Perhaps I will consider modal logic and cosmology someplace else than here. II simply wanted to point out that string theory is a sort of national scientific academic cult of 30 years standing so far. I hadn't realized that! There are other ways to regard the scientific data acquisition efforts for cosmological theory besides within a string it together construction.
Personally I believe that the Kantian noumenal-phenomenal distinction will always hold even in cosmology and quantum mechanic theories about the ultimate nature of reality. The best value of theoretical physics will be in discovery of pragmatically valuable navigation data, and the limits of certainty of what is will always be phenomenal.

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