
Some Ideas on Assaults Upon U.S. Labor Value

I believe that the effort to use historical political analysis templates on present political and social circumstances runs the risk of creating straw man 'arguments' to knock down affirmatively or negatively. Mexican exploitation of the United States is simply one aspect of the global economic phenomena of financial globalism today.

The irrationality of financial globalism implicitly arises in the valuation of non-democratic, intangible values such as money, over national interests such as political and social equality, a healthy environment, security and freedom from foreign debt. Fundamentally the political leaders of today fail to have adequate intelligence and common decency, as they would require to overcome the temptations for electronic financial shuffling of abstract capital about at the speed of light across the planet.

The automatic trading program on Wall Street that lost 700 points and recovered it 20 minutes later is an example of the irrational value theories that guide the United States. I believe the corporate and political leaders are essentially philosophical runts in pursuit of money and social advantage who will dissipate the United States and sell it out for a mess of pottage. Their value theories are wrong, their political courage lacking, the good judgment needed to secure a solid, secure, healthy United States with stabile life opportunities for citizens lacking. It is easier to pursue ostrich like war economics without a possibility of benefit for the United States than to design a rational political program to continue the United States along its constitutional parameters with liberty and justice for all citizens.

A reverse planning sequence is usual in military missions. It is something like looking ahead in chess before one makes a reply to a hostile opposition force deployment--for disaster may be structured within the induced directed trap. In Iraq the Bush II administration should have had an exit strategy before starting, and one they were capable of enforcing--otherwise one must enter a war with a blank check and let the chips fall where they may--that is often an irresponsible strategy unless one is just concerned about making money for the oil industry.

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