
Economic War on American Working Poor Spends Trillions in Iraq & Afghanistan

The Obama administration permissively allows the busted U.S. border security to flow illegal alien Mexican migrants north to devastate U.S. worker wage values, and the busted BP oil wellhead to send 10,000 to 30,000 barrels of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico each days for forty days and nights plus devastating the ecological-economic health of critical habitat. The Harvard lawyer globalism in government brings devastating consequences to individual free enterprise nationalism. Some painters cannot afford to buy a man-lift for two and three story ladder reaches!

Globalism has taken over the U.S. Government since the end of the cold war. Globalism enriches the riches and seeks optimal methods for concentrating wealth. It also impoverishes ordinary Americans whom are trimmed through a thousand cuts of global networking.

Bush I declared the New World Order, yet Bill Clinton greased through the freeing up of U.S. home mortgages for buying and selling as commodities; the Chinese government could then buy up U.S. home mortgages.

In the 1990s Wall Street investment firms and banks devised new ways to sell out America and take cheap, non-renewable profits with diminishing returns to the national prosperity. The nation was hit by a triple economic assault by Washington leadership.

1) NAFTA sent U.S. manufacturing to Mexico, U.S. policy also outsourced jobs to China,

2) Illegal immigration sent tens of millions of cheap laborers to the U.S.A. to reduce the scarcity of domestic labor and its value

3) A number of financial mechanisms were developed to stimulate economic growth primarily to concentrate wealth. The housing industry was one such effort.

With U.S. mortgages being made globally tradable commodities, turnover sales percentages were made simply to create profit without rational national need for more housing. With millions of very cheap laborers available to build modularized homes, and the largest possible size homes that might be sold constructed by developers, with contracts signed by home- buyers that could not stand an economic shock, and with foreign nations holding the paper. The home production industry inflated prices and supply. Eventually the market crashed for a while.

If the market crash left many Americans homeless, the government in theory created a Tarp fund to ‘bail out lenders. Maybe that is the Chinese Communist Government in part, who bought mortgages as a way to invest its excess profits in U.S. securities and other American properties.

The Chinese Government was facing a win-win scenario as the U.S. housing industry tanked of course. As homebuyers defaulted unable to buy such large homes the Chinese an other foreign investors became the home owners themselves and could rent out the homes during times when Americans could no longer afford to buy.

The globalization of the U.S. Housing mortgage business landscape made a global landlord of American homes, drove prices up, crashed the market for consolidation of ownership and new rentals, and then is bailed out by added taxpayer debt. The foreign governments also are the lenders of the dollars to bail out their own housing market investments in the United States. Obviously this is the fault of the U.S. Bush, Clinton and Obama administrations rather than the foreign opportunists encouraged by corrupt Wall Street financial pimps to buy the United States.

An ecological economic transformation of the United States is not forthcoming, for it would conflict with the global constellation of cheap profit financial pimp networks making a virtue of structures of ineffective protracted foreign wars of no logical end—a classical military blunder—at tremendous opportunity cost to the United States, and of several polices that destroy U.S. national interest.

If the U.S. Government seeks to make of the military a tool for an economic simile of theophagy consuming the posterity and future of a free and intelligent United States of America in order to enrich globalists. Disabling political support to particularize the security of citizens within an economic and spiritual metric is simply one avenue of ingression for a globalist derationalization of intelligent individualism.

Networks leading a common group-think (vis Janis) cannot substitute for competent and bold, ecologically economic and nationalistic political leadership in Washington.

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