
Democrats to Sneak Fast Passage Of Gay Friendly Military Policy Bill Through Cngress

The Democrat Congress plans to vote on a gay friendly military bill as soon as Thursday of this week. Announcing late Monday that the President, Congress and administration sycophants had agreed on a plan to gay up the military, with implementation to occur later after the bill passes, the quick vote avoids much public time for criticism.

Previously in January 2010 I believe it was, the President declared his intention to integrate radical homosexuals into same sex units. A year was supposed to pass before a military review was complete. With the weather warming the Democrat Congress is getting hot on a June wedding for the gay civil union with U.S. military policy. Waiting another six months would be too much for the Congress, so this ‘elopement’ of a quickie bill passage is supposed to be the ticket to Hawaii and Camp Paradise.

I think it would be a good idea to just leave ‘don’t ask, don’t tell in effect’. If Congress Gays the military up then intelligent straight males may choose not to serve any more, and the nation will have butch branches of Government ‘protecting’ them. Alternatively, as non-reproducing males, gays present a natural disposability factor while strait people are raising families, so another bloody Korean War might be possible in a year or two if enough gays enlist. As a Christian, I am a conscientious objector on anyone being slaughtered though—even gays.

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