
BP Gulf Oil SPill Prelude For Shell Arctic Ocean Oil Spill?

It is said that the BP oil disaster in progress may have been releasing as much oil as the Exxon Valdez spilled--every four days. It makes sense. BP said that the well in production was to have brought out 50,000 barrels per day, so if the well head is broke releasing oil that is how much oil reasonable should have been released to destroy ocean health.

Scientists at several universities have made estimates of how much oil is gushing from the wellhead at 50,000 to 100,000 barrels per day based upon particulate flow, knowledge of pipe diameters, velocity of photographed affluence and so forth. BP perhaps intentionally underestimated the amount of toxic liquid being released by a factor of ten, yet of course there is a small chance they could be truthful and the scientists wrong.

http://www.newscientist.com/blogs/shortsharpscience/2010/05/guess-the-volume-of-oil-spilli.html?DCMP=OTC-rss&nsref=online-news 50,000 to 100,000 barrels per day of BP busted wellhead?

http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/15/us/politics/15obama.html Obama declares end of sweetheart deals between Government and Oil industry

http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/14/us/14agency.html?partner=rss&emc=rss U.S. Government allowed drilling without permits in Gulf of Mexico

http://firedoglake.com/2010/05/13/murkowski-blocks-oil-spill-liability-cap-increase/ Sen. Lisa Murkowski-(R-Alaska) blocks oil corporation liability limit increase from 75 million to ten billion dollars

http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN2017961320100120?type=marketsNews Shell Oil plans to drill three offshore oil wells starting this 2010 in ocean north of Alaska

The trouble with allowing more oil drilling offshore in Alaska is that it is a result of the pervailing corproatist political environment holding financial leverage and economic input in present non-renewable form to be the highest material good. That is of course plain wrong--there are innumerable alternative value theories possible, many of which within free enterprise economic criteria would de-collective the mass global network control of natural resource use and economic direction in the United States and create limits for it.

Such a calculus of area and particulars would rectify the creeping sprawl over the borders of the United States of national economic self interest. President Obama has done nothing at all so far to move the economy toward a national principle of self-reliance and adequacy for all American citizens. In the Arctic Ocean the desire to plunder the comnparatively pristine region by global corpoations such as Royal Dutch Shell will lead to interference with efforts to preserve the viability of life on Earth and bio-diversity in the Arctic. Oil spills will intentionally develop to squash talk of and efforts to create environmental safety for endangered species--the simplest thing is to just destroy the habitat of endangered species and the speciues and then the discussion is fait acompli. Their was a phenomena of intensional design in the Exxon Valdez Oil spill, and of course the 10 billion dollar judgenebt against it was later set aside by a Bush era court. The corrupt phenomena of the BP oil disatser wellhead failures may never be known beyond proximal causes, yet it too seems more than a little suspicious. There are of course unanswered questions about the J.F.K. murder at Dallas. Some things are never really understood by general history.

In order to create a better union in the United States, a new nationalist political party should be formed dedicated to the interests of the people of the United States before those of globalist manipulators of abstract financial currency and insurance trading. For civil rights to have any real value they must be tied to real estate--rather like the pegging of the value of a paper dollar to a particular commodity. Value theory should be rectified to adequacy and self-reliance, conservation of non-renewable and renewable resources at sustainable use levels. Individuals should not be allowed to invest in more than three corporations, no corporation should have more than 5000 employees, zero illegal immigration ought to occur, for that corrupts civil rights to earn a fair wage by U.S. citizens in America, and a national and international principle of trying to locally produce enough to sustain the resident population on local resources within rational environmental conservation limits should be set forward; only when comparative trading advantages on a proximal, environmental and demographic basis are found should international trade proceed. Presently the international trade operates on a non-rational, non-ecologically cognizant principle of most exploitable unit to produce abstract paper profit for those concentrating abstract paper value power. That is a disasterous formula for world environmental health sustainability.

The Shell Plan supported by corrupt U.S. Senators is another plank in the non-rational destruction of environmental health in the United States and on Earth.

http://response.restoration.noaa.gov/gallery_gallery.php?RECORD_KEY%28gallery_index%29=joinphotogal_id,gallery_id,photo_id&joinphotogal_id(gallery_index)=171&gallery_id(gallery_index)=12&photo_id(gallery_index)=106 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Images

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