
Literature Quants Noticed by 'Nature'

The article on quants researching data in poetry and literature for word use mentioned Google's n-gram viewer that sorts through millions of books to let the interested become informed about the rise and fall of word use.

I suppose the phrase 'a queer congress' may not be used in New York in the future even if it is so as it will evolve into deposition in the hate speech lexicon by a queer congress.


Quantitative approaches to literary analysis are an inevitable consequence of the bureaucratization of any verbose society. The quantitative assault on Wall Street (known as 'The Street') began with Joe Flom and Walter Wriston II, Ivan Boesky, Michael Milken and numerous others regarding real corporations as abstract entities to manipulate financially for profit. Quantitative approaches bring not only profit but occassionally a sense of social prestige and scientific solidity.

It cannot inevitably however see the woods for the trees, through which they run lonely, dark and deep without promises to keep except unto themselves.

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