
Free Trade Agreements to Outsource Jobs

The United States has developed a new majority negating the historical position of straight while males. This is a politically incorrect subject to write about obviously, as the new majority coalition of women, non-whites and homosexuals have the ascendency especially in the internet. I read a former Baptist minister's pro/con message today about the new acceptability of gays in the same issue as photos of high school graduates--maybe next year there will be an article in some paper on the new acceptability of bestiality-who can say?

One of the consequences of the new age of an immoral majority is trade agreements between the United States and various other countries. Every time a free trade agreement is struck the former white Republican majority that have concentrated wealth can outsource jobs to a nation with different values better suited for profit.

Eventually the Moslem world too should be a place where 'free trade' with factories outsourced from the United States may flourish. Sending a factory from Iowa or Massachusetts to Peru or Egypt brings far cheaper labor, no obligation for employee benefits, and a docile work force that respects traditional vallues along with low, low taxes-then the relocated producer can export the product to the United States-perhaps Los Angeles-avoiding high teamster wages, expensive U.S. domestic transportation costs and so forth.

I write this unpleasant evaluation of free trade agreements as a white male of course, for whom real wages of that class have been in devline 40 years in the United States. There were lots of factory jobs at one time that even a philosopher might work in long enough to save a little for graduate school or for self-employment. No more is that true.

The U.S. Government thus rationally invests in foreign nation rebuilding in order to make the relocation of American businesses to those foreign regions practical. I imagine that close work with foreign leadership elements to redecorate the world for an acepptable business model should continue.

In the meanwhile the rise of women to leading roles in politics and the media should continue while illegal entry of foreign labor will also continue. The prospects for creating good jobs generally, with secure boundaries may decline. Yet the transition of upwardly mobile new majorities albeit at a lower comparative standard of living to past generations should provide a buffer to agitation againt the outsourcing of jobs to more compliant, cheaper labor forces.

Assuredly one day the United States may achieve a tranquil balance of labor forces-when all social classes are used to prosperity and feel less insecurity in regard to formerly advantaged classes. Alternatively the United States may become mired in global issues with little hope of freeing itself of foreign control, foreign conflicts imported to the nation and ecological issues that overwhelem the political competence of Americans.

Fundamentally I am trying to transtition to a post-active phase of political commentary as our own leadership seems so resolutely opposed to any political policy that would return sufficeint quality jobs that I too might profitably snag one. There are other things to be concerned about, and more nuanced methods of political-social investigations that yet do not conform to the pervasive social corruption of leadership of the United States today and perhaps for future generations.

Some optimism should be placed here for the happy ending purpose. Hmm- I believe that off-world space exploration could occur, that Jesus may return on Oct. 21st, that space-aliens might arrive to provide humanitarian and good employment with liberty and justice for all; that's enough happy ending ideas for now...

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