
Buy Recommendation for 'The Age of Greed' by Jeff Madrick

This is that one great book explaining everything wrong about the U.S. economy you should read. Published in 2011, The Age of Greed is a story of how financial skill overpowered manufacturing, research, development, and stability while skyrocketing C.E.O. pay, cutting employee pay and health benefits emasculating American labor and national economic health. The financial sector profited richly converting manufacturing and housing sectors into securities for resale in derivatives and tranch protocols..

Corporate mergers and employee downsizing to produce short term profit, junk bonds, leveraged buy outs, hostile takeovers, deceptive accounting, federal deregulation of finance, bad economic theories-'The Age of Greed' has it all. Chapter by chapter biographies of leading characters and their contribution to the downfall of the U.S. economy add up to portray something of the way things are today; a.f.u.

Easy to read and a fascinating page turner serving almost as an introductory course to basic Wall Street and Government scam techniques, the reader learns through expert analysis how creative and confident financial experts took down the U.S. economy in 2008-2009.

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 I believe Russell's historical analysis was way off. Constantine's victory over Maxentius at the battle of the Milvian Bridge in 31...