
Excelsior College/Univ. of the State of N.Y.; Please erase the B.A. degree I got in 1991!

Excelsior College Univ. of the State of N.Y. Albany, N.Y. June 24, 2011

re; Request for deletion of my Bachelor of Arts degree (#----) issued from The University of the State of N.Y. in June 1991.

Please erase from your records a.s.a.p. the Bachelor of Arts degree I received and now deplore from The University of the State of N.Y. in June 1991.

I would like your records and all others reflecting my graduation from the University of the State of N.Y. to be as if I had never taken a degree from The University of the State of New York. I would appreciate acknowledgement from Excelsior College and The University of the State of N.Y. that the degree has been destroyed.

The degree, number ----- of June 1991 was signed by Gov. Mario Cuomo and delivered to P.O. Box 2019 Wrangell Alaska 99929 in June 1991. It is no longer something I want.

The action of the New York State legislature and Executive redefining marriage parameters is offensive to good sense and moral decency. It is misleading and deceptive to the public letting them think I want to have any association with the University of the State of N.Y. after corruption of N.Y. State marriage law.

The New York State legislature in passing a bill to legalize homosexual marriage in New York, supported by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, has created a moral contravention. I do not wish to be associated with the institutions of the State of New York henceforward, and do not want people to believe that I support the political views of the New York State Legislature on marriage.

I believe that democracy should be constructed through free will and choice rather than force. If I had believed in 1991 that the State of N.Y. would ever recognize homosexual marriage I would never have taken a degree from the Regents College/ University of the State of N.Y.

I believe it is the moral duty of the State of N.Y. to free those with a degree they deplore from the onerous relationship of a degree with their name on it issued by the State of N.Y.

I may be the right of a U.S. state to choose to enact perverted laws. It is equally the right of a citizen to sever all ties with such a state so far as possible.


Gary C. Gibson

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