
National Conservativism vs. Globalism

It is very challenging to interpret American economic conservativism today that supports global corporatism as conservative. One instead must regard it as a phenomenon of swollen egotists prosecuting an advantage to make cheap profits at the cost of national independence.

For now globalists may build up China, Red Army business ventures such as Lenovo, outsource U.S. telecommunications data stream analysis to foreign intelligence and security corporations and agitate against free medical care for the poor and veterans in the United States, for the role of false conservatives is simply to radically change the world in the effort to harvest cheap short-term profit.

In the future, after falsely labeled conservatives have their way organizing a world with decaying environmental resources and over-population, a world in which trans-national corporations avoid local taxation and concentrate wealth, exploit the environment and making human suffering increase at the bottom of the sky-hook to the clouds, the people too may overcome their own national boundaries and unite as a global polity to democratically vote a fair tax rate on 'conservatives'.

American conservatives in subverting nationalism will build the infrastructure for a one-world government reaction to the one world business environment exploiting nationalist 'locals' (those located somewhere). The U.N. may have security council resolutions to redistribute global capital to fully fund health care for the poor, invest on global environmental recovery and accelerate the pace of rational traditional living with economic liberty for all. That is the work that today's global conservatives are working for. That will be a world without much room for dissent nor any for national initiative such as might be valuable for space colonization.

Global conservatives today have political-economic philosophy expansion ideas reminiscent of Adolph Hitler's ideas about declarations of war. The historian John Lukacs in his book on the Churchill-Hitler contest of May-June 1940 reported that Hitler said of Mussolini's declaration of war "That will be the last declaration of war in the history of the world...Attack and March! That is the right and healthy way. I shall never sign a declaration of war. I shall act."

The United States today is effectively a one-party democracy of globalists. Nationalists and others opposed to illegal entry to the nation are in the power minority. Liberals and conservatives alike are cut of a globalist, swinging, raving telecommunications cloth as unreasoned as a blind wombat driving drunk at high speed during rush hour in the wrong direction. Democracy requires a foundation in real property and security boundaries to exist. Democracy also requires competition-a plethora of independent nation-states able to peacefully co-exist without being corrupted by trans-national corporate predators reducing locals to powerlessness politically with the worst case economic and health prospects personally.

President Obama throwing in the towel in December 2010 on letting Bush II tax cuts expire knew that he had already lost the House of Representatives to Republicans-it was the Democratic Party's last chance to recover a responsible U.S. economic footing for the next few years. He knew that no legislation would subsequently reach his desk for signature without Republican support, sohe v placed his party in a worst-case scenario for critical budget negotiations with little leverage on the Republican globalist position.

Republicans may actually have some support for leaving the federal borrowing and debt limit where it is and letting the chips fall where they may. If the cost for any further federal borrowing is higher after the appearance of default or delayed payment of federal debt, that could be an advantage to private sector borrowers that could find better terms from lenders than the U.S. Government.

If U.S. economic development can be stimulated by an increase of loans to private sector business after the U.S. Government's 800 pound guerrilla stops soaking up all the extra cash, there may arise a fiscal discipline in federal management of its budget resources. Means tests for social security, Medicaid and Medicare may become more realistic, illegal entry to the nation may be stopped with a comprehensive ecologically enhancing border control zone, full employment programs might be designed to keep people off federal subsistence programs and free public health care for the nation's poor may allow the poor to keep their sporadic dolops of capital for buying real estate, consumer goods or investing in small business (such as starting up a national D.N.A. bank so in the distant future one may be able to have one's body regrown-perhaps on another planet. Such a business charging a $500 fee for the service in some sort of 3 by 5 metal, holograph image bearing card with an adequate encapsulated D.N.A. sample in an underground, secure facility might be a good business plan).

Lukacs writes in his book 'The Duel' (page 145) of imprecise or unspecified terms in the Secret Protocols between Stalin and Hitler as well as in the Yalta Accords that allowed vagueness to expand later into the basis for conflict-possibly operation Barbarossa in addition to the cold war.

Mission creep in undeclared wars for the United States has become an issue since the Vietnam Conflict. Undefined economic-political creepis also a problem today in global corporatism and its reciprocal affect upon U.S. elections as well as military ventures abroad.

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