
On the Death of Thule ©2011GaryCGibson (fiction)

Young whales travelling in the sea live in noise pollution. Their world is dangerous and in decline. The narrative of history of the pod of Thule provided by Aldus Hoyle includes the astrophysicist’s theory of the steady bang micro quantum-wave duel Universe.

Wave quanta travel across space without being in it. Mass and energy distribution in the Universe within a relativistic paradigm disregards the paradigm of space as nothing material at all and in effect describes just relationships of mass, energy and space-time as a variable field.

Wave quanta of the micro world exist at an instantaneous trans-relativistic scale. That minimalist universe hasn’t got the inflated expanse of the macro-universe to travel through as it pre-exists the steady-state universe. In a way, ours is a tale of two universes; one large and the other of no significant size bound together with inversed relations of normal hierarchy. For the smaller universe readily accesses all locations the larger universe may have in its form as space-time mass-energy. The dot universe has the advantage of insider trading places to space-time.

Thule was the Arctic dream on the polar extreme of the world. Frozen over seasonally it was one end of a world filled by the largest mammals to have walked the Earth. They swam in the world ocean by the millions and thought in the vertical-horizontal existential field of being of life that was the solid state age of the Universe that was soon ready for the brief appearance of mankind.

Mind fields of whales, mind fields of human beings with their ten to the 77th power neuron connections, the strong field and its diminishing effectiveness binding together larger elements with more protons and increasing size; mind fields relating to other mind fields and to the steady state universe and what lies below. The strong force binding atomic nuclei would lose energy if it were not replenished from interaction deselecting alternative worldlines of wave-quantum.

The electrical force’s continuing transfer of data of shapes of mind fields and associated atomic structures outward to birds and neighboring life forms. These things can be felt moving things in amplified verisimilitude beyond the Great Attractor’s power. Bringing the Milky Way Galaxy, the local group of galaxies and the Virgo Cluster at hundreds of kilometers per second toward an unknown object hundreds of millions of light year away in an echolocate sense, natural intelligent selection of wave-quanta actualized intelligent design.

The decrease of whales on the Earth and the loss of concatenated mind fields of those tremendous beings let the Earth fall with increasing acceleration toward a place in the Universe with a different life form-one repulsed by the mind force of whales and drawn to the diminished mind-field capacity of the Milky Way Galaxy and its curious speck of a planet about 25,000 light years from its center.

Fast rocket trains bring migrants from the Equatorial region to Alaska, Canada, Siberia, Scandinavia and the Arctic shore to work thousands of offshore oil plantations, clean up oil spills and service concentrated wealth industry’s recreational and business pleasures.

Chemical pollutions from a million sources trickle into the waters, become sedimentary depositions emerge as toxic vapors of mist on warm summer days.

The polar temperatures reach above 80 degrees Fahrenheit seasonally now. Much work is done by millions of loyalist-allegiant retainers living on the Arctic coast before November arrives and they vanish at the approach of darkness to warmer, better lit areas of the world. Still, the ocean is full of noise of their machines, explosions and sonar blasts to bludgeon cetaceans with wrath.

Thule is dead. The ice and life is gone though a disposable planet industry develops to concentrate wealth for Juphyrim Khedive the machine designer. Thousands of pipelines can be repaired. Hundreds of thousands of miles of high latitude roads resurfaced with rich black asphalt to accelerate warming absorption of solar photons.

Residual brain wave field preference of dinosaurs for a warmer planet is reasserting its ghostly existence through womankind’s work in killing Thule and the age of the whales.

Womankind’s allegiance to the world-for-machines and dinosaur logic without sentient life increases.

Lambda is a measurement of the rate of expansion of space of the Universe. In the solid state phase of mass and energy, within relativity’s criterion of gravity, mass and energy at very large scales have appeared to be pushed away isotropically by the supervening expansion of space. Hubble’s red shift increases over time and distance- for galaxies overall are moving apart. It is only mass and energy in the relativistic universe that moves away at large scale as wave quanta mechanics interpolate selection criteria from the no-space distance realm of the micro-world to the relativistic Universe.

In states of quantum superposition whale mind fields experienced the decrease of their numbers in the existential sea as hunter-killers ranged across the surface of the world with increasingly efficient mind-pricks bloodying the waters.

Whale song decreased to echoes of endlosung commensurate for the final solution of the Reich state’s security apparatus. The mind field became weak on the Earth as sterilizing machine increased power spotlessly. Slippage of the solid state Universe retroactively toward recreating its past with an expansion of relativistic space-time brought verbs of the age of dinosaurs closer toward incarnation in electronic circuits of machines drawling solar strength from a world without biological life.

For every quantum packet observed in the Universe the alternative myriad wave quanta lines of potential existence that might have been observed cease to exist as possibility. The Universe becomes constructed and modified by the selection of possible wave-quanta that lodge in the Universe as steady-state determined wave-quanta totals statistically associated with other selected quanta and locked out of the micro-realm of all possible free wave-quanta.

Given a finite initial endowment of hypothetical wave-quanta selection from those primordial wave-quanta observed/spoken into being by The Word, as the Universe increased its conversion of mass energy from possible wave-quanta to selected wave quanta the reduction of possible forms reciprocally decreased. After a time period measured as about 6.7 billion years life on Earth would become a near future phenomena as the solar system and an Earth coalesced in the firmament to begin a local four billion year cycle.

The development of life would require additional mass-energy conversions and construction of complex quantum bio-computing neurology. After a few billion years the quantum mind field as a steady state fact became actual. Whales by the millions experienced being transcending the sum of the steady state wave-quanta from which they and the material of the Universe surged into being. The mind field transcended the decrease of wave-quantum packets and maintained the Universe as an extended steady state minimum entropy actuality.

Entropy is the expansion of mass-energy at the speed of light into available space. Steady state changes to entropy may occur when wave-quanta selection possibilities are relocated into the steady state universe in the appearance of mass energy displacement, or the increase of space expansion. When a mind field is reduced in relation of complexity to the wave-quantum realm of possible thought and actualization as steady-state mass-energy a consequence is the conversion of possible thought into the expansion of space without thought.

The whales reduced to a minimum on Earth experienced the return of the maximum minimum age of reason. Thule is dead.

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