
If No-one Was in the Universe Would the Universe Still Exist?

Reading a book on the subject of infinity is a good way to regard quantum units I would guess. Quantum units as points of a given qualitative size or as segments sampled of infinite waves seem to be what much of quantum mechanics is about. It is considered that such smaller objects comprise the universe.

So the idea that strings arise as theoretically simpler ways of arresting the infinite reductionism of particles has arisen. If one has a loop or quantum string it is circle and thus infinite in one dimension at least, whereas a point particle has no comparable limit of reduction of its smallest interior size.

I think the quantum string or loop concept is admirable. One may have quantum spin vectors of infinite positions in infinite dimensions and yet contain it within a given area that is the quantum string.
Still, I think the quantum strings would be like cut out silk screening prints abstracted from a monistic continuum of some kind rather than as pluralistic quantum quite independent yet forced together by some greater force such as gravity. Quantum string behavior in the space-time and dimensions of the observable universe of experience may be a nominal appearance for others given unto humanity by God.

And so I also wonder about pluralism in economics and of capitalism. Values and value theories about worth and the best social methods of attaining those objects or circumstances of worth have evolved long after the passing of Adam Smith into a kind of discrete yet macro-socially concatenated pursuit of pluralistic units instead of a continuum or continua of value. Maybe economic analysis is simpler when assigning worth to discrete quantities or packets of quantities, yet I think the good continuum is inherently of more value and the likely true object or goal that Adam Smith worked to produce as a social good for the English people of his day.

Contemporary economics seems to have less ability to contemplate economic value continua than it does process the trade of individual and concatenated quantities of pluralist product constructions. Continua could include the ecosphere or continent traversing free 1000m.p.h low entropy mass transit systems, or even clear running streams running through major cities. Continua contain entire quality of life space-time worldliness and spiritual values while pluralist quanta have implicitly variegated and disconforming space-time values and qualities. Sometimes it is requisite that material quantum production units have course flow modifications to integrate with existing continua of high value. I am sure that Adam Smith believed that economic quanta were for the purpose of serving the direct good and advancement of socio-economic continua rather than displacing it.
So one may also believe that intuition leads to an assumption that discrete quantum unit hypotheses might be efforts to describe emergent phenomena of a deeper and holistic continuum with or without an arrow of space-time.

The spoken Word of God that conformed emergent existence to an intentional ordinality was already in existence before the local start of universe with time and the change of entropy. What the nature of God is for-himself probably cannot be inferred from the contingent characteristics of the Universe inclusive of the reasoning of the human mind-perhaps the most complex structure in the Universe. Like the monads of conjecture described by Gottfried Leibnitz, the irreducible quantum loops or spheres of however many dimensions are set within a continuum contingent upon the eternal will of God. Descriptions of the structure of the Universe bring us more data to regard in our experience of God and His placement of nature.

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