
Snowden Files Revelation 11.3: N.S.A.Vacuumed Google & Yahoo Data

The Washington Post reported Snowden File data indicate the N.S.A. hacked Google and Yahoo outside the U.S.A. and outside F.I.S.A. court review. If so, and the N.S.A. denies it, it would be nothing new. Because the Internet is global and moves data around continents over ocean cables at light speed avoiding U.S. domestic protections is easy for spook cable tappers. Its a wealth of data not only on potential terrorists but on all global business communications and private interests using the Internet.

Because politics have partisan bias even in the U.S.A. and government dissimulators are routine the potential for not abusing the insider information is low. At least the N.S.A. will be able to see through all the pseudonymous names on the Internet including those of Kathleen Sebelius.


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