
Snowden Files and the China Shoe Drop

With the revelation that the U.S. governments, N.S.A. has spied on the phone calls of foreign heads of state for many years, including those of American allies the concern has arisen that U.S. national security is being damaged. In the case of Germany and other friends it is U.S. relations that are being damaged rather than national security. Germany was no threat of attack on the U.S.A. In the case of China, we are waiting for that other shoe to drop.

 Initially Edward Snowden fled with his intelligence files to China where he may or may not have given Chinese agents a copy. We tend to think not, for he was not given permanent residence in that communist nation whereas in Russia, he was. If the U.S.A. has been spying on the private phone calls of the Premier and politburo officials providing wikileaks with that data would damage U.S. national security. Make no mistake, only Chinese Communist Party officials have the right to secretly listen to the phone calls of Chinese communist leaders and any other dangers to the people of China.

If the evil Dr. Fu Manchu is plotting to take another billion dollars from foreign investors without paying taxes the Chinese leadership needs to know to try to slip the noose over the malefactor. If the seventh son of Charlie Chan has invented a poof gun disappearing targets into another dimension the Red Army has to have it first. Like the need of the U.S. government to know whatever business anyone is about in order to provide that data to those willing to concentrate wealth, the Chinese leadership needs to know before any foreign surveillers just what is going on in the Empire.

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