The Whistler-informant that enfiladed President Trump's chat with the new Ukrainian President is being parsed through middle terms to try to make it appear that Ukraine was asked to help interfere in the 2020 election. Democrats having failed to show any Trump collusion with Russian interference in the 2016 election after-the-fact, seem now to be moving on to trying to show before-the-fact that Ukraine is, or was asked to interfere in the 2020 election (in the U.S.A.) by running a legal procedure in Ukraine to investigate corruption that may have occurred in Ukraine.
Apparently the Democrat just whistle legal theory is that if Ukraine investigates crimes committed in Ukraine, that would interfere in the 2020 U.S. election, if the crimes were committed by American Democrats or relatives of highly placed former Democrat politicians (of the U.S.A. unfortunately). Democrat Presidential candidates and their relatives are believed to have legal immunity from criminal investigations while running for office- at least in foreign nations. The Just Whistle movement would not rate an o.k. sign, and that is good for the symbol 👌is now officially recognized hate speech.
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