
Faith, Knowledge and Certainty

Faith is based on knowledge of some kind, as is any belief that in turn requires an element of faith. Philosophers since Socrates have pointed out the uncertainty of knowledge. It is quiet an ancient topic. I suppose language and lexicons about an ontology have a bootstrap kind of presumption about the certainty of certain founding axioms, yet philosophers have noted that the axioms need to be taken as functionally valid in order to validate all that follows from them. People sometimes like to use certain relations like knowledge and faith with a kind of metaphysical opposition; different poles of an existential magnet, yet I think they are just different concepts within given lexicons or ontologies. 

Assuredly though empirical and other scientific work may not share a lexicon or ontology with faith, yet some would One sees through a glass darkly regarding epistemology and other matters including the reef of solipsism. The Universe is like the woods lonely, dark and deep and people have only so many miles to go before they sleep. Faith is more meaningful and even eventful to some than others; all are called yet few are chosen.

Monism and pluralism are easy and ubiquitous concepts, From the one arises the many. A big bang is a metaphorical paradigm with a singularity becoming pluralism, yet remaining one with a field within a field. The many are always less in quality than the One, like a dollar changed into one cents has one-hundred items of less value each (not that I am saying that the many [parts of the Universe, or even the Universe itself is in some way equal to God.

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