The U.S.A. Today reports that the former Rutgers student could get as many as ten years in jail for broadcasting homosexual sex activity on the Internet without the consent of the sex players. Plainly using sophisticated broadcast media access to violate the privacy of individuals should be .proscribed activity.
One of the involuntary 'stars' of Ravi's foray into the candid camera realm, Tyler Clementi, suicided a few days after learning of the publication of his personal error in sexual identity/activity.
Writers and amateur video-makers should strive not to include anyone's face or meaningful descriptions of individuals-recognizable to others, without express written permission unless of course one is writing about major public figures. It just isn't worth the headache of potential violation of privacy litigation.
Few Americans today are worth a hagiography. Yet it is not the case that common perverse behavior should be extracted from context and exploited-by-others. The broadcast media and even the Internet offer tremendous bully potential for the illicit corruption of any individual to exist socially without being stigmatized by opportunist predators seeking to promote themselves with truths that violate privacy or falsehoods that are a product of the rumorer's demented syndicalist imagining and permutation.
A free society requires freedom from social behavior of others that adversely draw attention to any individual capriciously. A free society requires people to be free not to be conformed to totalized conduct of good or of evil, of loyalty to corrupt politicians or even dissent from aforementioned.
It is possible that some sort of cross-cultural element existed in Ravi's choice to violate Clementi's privacy. In some foreign nations homosexuality is punishable by death, so violating someone's privacy to capture evidence of that sin would be no problem unless he should have got a Sharia court order, or possible a Hindu writ of out-casting, if such exist.
correction -correction
Ravi was not a neighbor of Mr. Clementi, but a room-mate. This changes the nature of the situation from the impersonal to the personal. Rutgers University should give students the choice of not having a homosexual room-mate forced upon them especially when they are in the rutting season.
I doubt that Ravi choose to be mated with a homosexual living in his personal space for a year or more engaging in homosexual practices. Rutgers officials might have told him to 'suck it up' if he had complained about the room-mate assignment. If his language used the word 'queer' in the student housing office they might have said he was using 'hate speech' and considered his expulsion.
Rutgers University evidently does not screen out students upon the basis of sexual preference and that is probably wrong. Ravi being from a nation where homosexuality is regarded as wrong conduct-as it is in much of the United States, might have been unavoidably upset at the evil turn in his personal living reality and perhaps was emotionally reaching out in some way to process the offensive situation toward a liberating (for-himself) direction.
Because the situation was quite personal and not a product of Ravi's creation or will-to-be occur is improbably described as a 'hate crime'. The homosexual room-mate problems in his college dorm would have been on the 'worst nightmare' side of things rather than a positive element reinforcing his opportunity for higher education.
Ravi did not cross the street to do surveillance or even invade the privacy of his neighbor as I mistakenly believe. Ravi instead set up his computer camera in his own living space as he had a legal right to do. He recorded what went on in his 'home'.
Sharing his home video on the Internet is a different legal issue, yet it does not seem like a hate crime to post of video of one's home even if it is messy or has homosexual room-mate goings on. Ravi's self-defense from being socialized to accept homosexuality in his personal life or home might have taken a tragic turn, however his actions clearly were not a product of pre-conceived hate of homosexuals to such an extent that he stalked them and victimized them criminally as part of a political or pathological agenda.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
Matter/Anti-Matter Energy Conversion for Space Drives 99.993% More Efficient Than Hydrogen Fusion
Stretching the dollar for space transportation energy means getting a high delta v return for investment. Since hydrogen fusion-the power that drives the sun’s energy output is only .007% efficient future space transportation energy planners probably will look toward a more efficient source for power: matter-anti-matter annihilation.
Hydrogen fusion in the sun is just the first nuclear fusion reaction that merelt condenses mass wityh only a little energy released. That is why after the sun goes through its less efficient helium burning phase and a few others there is are so many heavy new elements formed. Some stars detonate that remnant and leave a lot of messy mass strewn about the Universe; good for planets and living things yet proof of the inefficeincy of nuclear fusion.
If one Euro were entirely converted to energy it would yield the power of a small atomic bomb. When matter and Anti-matter combine they yield energy with 100% efficiency. That’s 99.993% more efficient than hydrogen fusion. Producing anti-matter today is very difficult and only very tiny quantities arise too small for any theoretical space power source.
It is another look toward the future to consider some of the potential for matter-anti-matter energy in space transport. Space ships would need to carry less than a pound of anti-matter to add to a pound of matter gradually to travel across the galaxy and beyond. If M-Theory advances to another theoretical framework beyond that explains how dimensions are shaped and what they are made of; perhaps they do not really exist at all but are only emergent qualities of the behavior of matter or anti-matter, then energy might be focused within specially shaped space-drive dimensions to increase transport efficiency once more.
Quantum computer development of post-M-Theoretical physics in two or three centuries might be able to bring the matter-anti-matter energy drive within reach of survivors of global warming, if there are any, on Earth. They will ask what the true nature of energy is-is it all of one flavor or does anti-energy and anti-dimensions too exist to add spice to the physics mysteries?
If one Euro were entirely converted to energy it would yield the power of a small atomic bomb. When matter and Anti-matter combine they yield energy with 100% efficiency. That’s 99.993% more efficient than hydrogen fusion. Producing anti-matter today is very difficult and only very tiny quantities arise too small for any theoretical space power source.
It is another look toward the future to consider some of the potential for matter-anti-matter energy in space transport. Space ships would need to carry less than a pound of anti-matter to add to a pound of matter gradually to travel across the galaxy and beyond. If M-Theory advances to another theoretical framework beyond that explains how dimensions are shaped and what they are made of; perhaps they do not really exist at all but are only emergent qualities of the behavior of matter or anti-matter, then energy might be focused within specially shaped space-drive dimensions to increase transport efficiency once more.
Quantum computer development of post-M-Theoretical physics in two or three centuries might be able to bring the matter-anti-matter energy drive within reach of survivors of global warming, if there are any, on Earth. They will ask what the true nature of energy is-is it all of one flavor or does anti-energy and anti-dimensions too exist to add spice to the physics mysteries?
People's Dictator Kim Jong Un to Launch 'Big Dong' Missile in April
After agreeing 16 days ago to allow nuclear plant inspections and not to launch long range missile tests in exchange for 240,000 tons of food (pink slime beef?) from the United States in what the adminstration perhaps beleived was a publicity coup, North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un has announced he will launch a long range (probably a Taepo Dong 2 rocket) Big Dong missile for peaceful purposes-it has a radio-equipped high tech toaster on board) in April.
Scientific research is important of course, yet it seems as if the best-known Dictator for peace got the best of the administration legalistically speaking in finding the loophole in the agreement that did not specifically cover missile testing for peaceful technical purposes. Delivery of high tech toasters to Anchorage might be a part of the Dictator's economic strategy.
The missile will be launched to celebrate Kim Il Sung's birthday.
Scientific research is important of course, yet it seems as if the best-known Dictator for peace got the best of the administration legalistically speaking in finding the loophole in the agreement that did not specifically cover missile testing for peaceful technical purposes. Delivery of high tech toasters to Anchorage might be a part of the Dictator's economic strategy.
The missile will be launched to celebrate Kim Il Sung's birthday.
Rush Limbaugh: Anti-hero of New Godless, Feminazi, Homosexual Democrat Party
Rush Limbaugh is by no means a shock jock. MSNBC's Ed Shultz has called Laura Ingram a 'slut' and did not rise to the level of numerous left-leaning broadcast bullies that 'liberate' by being vile. Rush Limbaugh does personify everything the new American Democratic Party hates though; he is white, male, strait, pompous, full of confidence, super-rich and under-educated and woefully ignorant on all thing environmental. Rush Limbaugh is the anti-hero of the American left.
One may prefer the use of non-polemical language in the broadcast media. No lemization of anybody should be a part of the verbiage stream of usual social free speech. We know though that some people use controversial language in order to get the public's attention and increased earnings. Well, the toppers will be with us so long as the electromagnetic broadcast spectrum is auction off to concentrated wealth instead of used for individual citizen internet podcast slices on a community level.
Free political speech should not be countered by personal attacks upon the speaker's finances. Intolerance of opposition free speech by the New Post-American Order is de rigeur however. When the rump state of the U.S. economy has fully implemented a totalized economic order in harmony with Britain's Foootsie and royal prerogatives free speech issues will no longer be a problem.
The rump economy will promote a cadre of economic insiders in government and corporate sycophancy allegiant to global tax remittances. The insiders need be only godless and immoral loyal to their biological class to be employed as mass units. They will hate small scale independent free enterprise and all things strait white male and American.
The Obama administration is in the midst of its anti-Catholic, feminine campaign tactical line to get women voters to line up for the campaign to re-elect the President. Issues such as contraception and now the Protection of Women, Queers, and Illegal Alien Women and Queers Act have been brought before the congress. Its something of a 'Did you beat your wife last night' strategy that Republican politicians will suffer for if they oppose it creating the appearance that they support violence against women, queers and illegal alien women and queers. One must wonder what the next tool in the Obama campaign kit to divide American voters is next?
Lesbian on lesbian violence certainly needs to be stopped. The butch beatings of their gay ‘wife’ also need federal intervention. Without doubt the problem of hate crimes exist arises as well when beat downs and whump ups of the person they love occur.
In the New Post-American Order feminism and homosexual government employment is the focus of the transitional effort to rate citizens according to their gender, race and/or perversion for hierarchy in legal protection. This is a time-tested idea that Tacitus noticed in Germany of his day where the penalties for breaking the skull of a non-citizen differed significantly than for breaking the skull of a tribesman.
Community organizing is the President's forte'. In Syria Kofi Anan has sought to organize the guerilla movement that the government seemingly can fight or recognize only with general shelling of cities and neighborhoods. It would be helpful if all illegal combatants in Syria would wear uniforms so they could be identified and the government could just kill them instead of everyone in their general areas of operation. Civil wars should be more civilized in these days of civility, and President Obama may lead the effort on that even as he falters in Afghanistan in not firing Afghan President Karzai who is probably cutting deals with the Taliban and depositing billions in offshore accounts in anticipation of the U.S. incompetent withdrawal that doesn't secure safe, defensible enclaves for the Northern Alliance after 2014. In the United States President Obama may be organizing new campaign tactics exploiting the power of the media and congress indirectly.
The New Post-American Rump state operates on the existential age-of-fracture principal of narrow self-interest even if it is of a class such as female government and corporate workers. Using the law and economic to promote the wealth and well-being of particular classes rather than of everyone is the reason that the loss of comparative American economic power and the deepening of U.S. national debt really don't matter to the Democratic Party.
The effort of the Democratic Party to appeal to the Latina illegal alien fraudulent voting portion of the population by offering visas to illegal alien women and queers victimized by domestic violence (must it be by straight white men or can they do that for-themselves to gain a 'pathway to citizenship?) is a clever tactic implementation. The Republicans might be able to counter that by guaranteeing zero-illegal immigration and good jobs for Mexican-American citizens with shovel ready jobs for high-tech corporations that will hire as soon as the top one-percent and middle class get tax cuts to a more reasonable level.
Well-it's all no problem. With 15.3 trillion dollars of public debt and bad military strategic planning, energy policy and so forth as Rush Limbaugh might point out everything can be readily fixed by cutting all social benefits to the poor. The Democrats only mention the word 'poor' themselves when they have need of some potential victims to deflect opposition to some political tactic such as making it illegal to check for voter picture I.D. (it would hurt the poor).
One may prefer the use of non-polemical language in the broadcast media. No lemization of anybody should be a part of the verbiage stream of usual social free speech. We know though that some people use controversial language in order to get the public's attention and increased earnings. Well, the toppers will be with us so long as the electromagnetic broadcast spectrum is auction off to concentrated wealth instead of used for individual citizen internet podcast slices on a community level.
Free political speech should not be countered by personal attacks upon the speaker's finances. Intolerance of opposition free speech by the New Post-American Order is de rigeur however. When the rump state of the U.S. economy has fully implemented a totalized economic order in harmony with Britain's Foootsie and royal prerogatives free speech issues will no longer be a problem.
The rump economy will promote a cadre of economic insiders in government and corporate sycophancy allegiant to global tax remittances. The insiders need be only godless and immoral loyal to their biological class to be employed as mass units. They will hate small scale independent free enterprise and all things strait white male and American.
The Obama administration is in the midst of its anti-Catholic, feminine campaign tactical line to get women voters to line up for the campaign to re-elect the President. Issues such as contraception and now the Protection of Women, Queers, and Illegal Alien Women and Queers Act have been brought before the congress. Its something of a 'Did you beat your wife last night' strategy that Republican politicians will suffer for if they oppose it creating the appearance that they support violence against women, queers and illegal alien women and queers. One must wonder what the next tool in the Obama campaign kit to divide American voters is next?
Lesbian on lesbian violence certainly needs to be stopped. The butch beatings of their gay ‘wife’ also need federal intervention. Without doubt the problem of hate crimes exist arises as well when beat downs and whump ups of the person they love occur.
In the New Post-American Order feminism and homosexual government employment is the focus of the transitional effort to rate citizens according to their gender, race and/or perversion for hierarchy in legal protection. This is a time-tested idea that Tacitus noticed in Germany of his day where the penalties for breaking the skull of a non-citizen differed significantly than for breaking the skull of a tribesman.
Community organizing is the President's forte'. In Syria Kofi Anan has sought to organize the guerilla movement that the government seemingly can fight or recognize only with general shelling of cities and neighborhoods. It would be helpful if all illegal combatants in Syria would wear uniforms so they could be identified and the government could just kill them instead of everyone in their general areas of operation. Civil wars should be more civilized in these days of civility, and President Obama may lead the effort on that even as he falters in Afghanistan in not firing Afghan President Karzai who is probably cutting deals with the Taliban and depositing billions in offshore accounts in anticipation of the U.S. incompetent withdrawal that doesn't secure safe, defensible enclaves for the Northern Alliance after 2014. In the United States President Obama may be organizing new campaign tactics exploiting the power of the media and congress indirectly.
The New Post-American Rump state operates on the existential age-of-fracture principal of narrow self-interest even if it is of a class such as female government and corporate workers. Using the law and economic to promote the wealth and well-being of particular classes rather than of everyone is the reason that the loss of comparative American economic power and the deepening of U.S. national debt really don't matter to the Democratic Party.
The effort of the Democratic Party to appeal to the Latina illegal alien fraudulent voting portion of the population by offering visas to illegal alien women and queers victimized by domestic violence (must it be by straight white men or can they do that for-themselves to gain a 'pathway to citizenship?) is a clever tactic implementation. The Republicans might be able to counter that by guaranteeing zero-illegal immigration and good jobs for Mexican-American citizens with shovel ready jobs for high-tech corporations that will hire as soon as the top one-percent and middle class get tax cuts to a more reasonable level.
Well-it's all no problem. With 15.3 trillion dollars of public debt and bad military strategic planning, energy policy and so forth as Rush Limbaugh might point out everything can be readily fixed by cutting all social benefits to the poor. The Democrats only mention the word 'poor' themselves when they have need of some potential victims to deflect opposition to some political tactic such as making it illegal to check for voter picture I.D. (it would hurt the poor).
Scientists at the University of Central Florida have found a method of using gold or palladium instead of the more costly platinum or iridium in a hydrogen fuel cell.
Layering the gold with tungsten and other inexpensive materials appears to be a basic research step toward better, cheaper fuel cells and electric cars.
Better fuel cells, better batteries; the road ahead may have more electric vehicles if concentrated wealth doesn't simply buy up and repress patents or development.
Layering the gold with tungsten and other inexpensive materials appears to be a basic research step toward better, cheaper fuel cells and electric cars.
Better fuel cells, better batteries; the road ahead may have more electric vehicles if concentrated wealth doesn't simply buy up and repress patents or development.
Will The President Drive Down Unemployment in Swing States for Re-Election Boost?
With the nation's unemployment rate over 8% the prospects for the President being re-elected aren't good going from history's record. If its more than 7.2% then don't let the door hit you on the way out Presidents have found the nation's sentiment.
Between Red states (named for Joe McCarthy's favorite color?) and Blue states (named for male chauvinism?) their are the crucial confused, undecided, uncertainty and willing to be convinced states the media refers to as 'swing' states (named for adultery?). If the President could spend enough federal resources and persuade enough Democratic employers to hire even if temporarily the rest of the year (well until November 8th) so that the unemployment rate in those swinging states might drop two point to 6.4 or so maybe he could get enough swingers to vote for his economic program to swing the election his way.
Alaska is not a 'swing state' politically speaking. My prospects for finding some homes or buildings to repaint here before next year's snow are not looking good even with the election year prospects for clever political spending.
Between Red states (named for Joe McCarthy's favorite color?) and Blue states (named for male chauvinism?) their are the crucial confused, undecided, uncertainty and willing to be convinced states the media refers to as 'swing' states (named for adultery?). If the President could spend enough federal resources and persuade enough Democratic employers to hire even if temporarily the rest of the year (well until November 8th) so that the unemployment rate in those swinging states might drop two point to 6.4 or so maybe he could get enough swingers to vote for his economic program to swing the election his way.
Alaska is not a 'swing state' politically speaking. My prospects for finding some homes or buildings to repaint here before next year's snow are not looking good even with the election year prospects for clever political spending.
Russia Plans Moon Base By 2030/Obama Administration Plans Increasing Federal Debt to $20 Trillion
The United States finally will have some competition in the race to develop the moon. Russia's Space agency has leaked a report detailing plans to send cosmonauts to a moon base there by the year 2030.
The United States administrations are heavily into the decadent sensuality phase of national and cool global uncreative economic policy these years and of course cannot understand how anything like a moon base could be paid for-especially with the need to run the public debt of the United States upward to 20 or 30 trillion dollars.
The United States administrations are heavily into the decadent sensuality phase of national and cool global uncreative economic policy these years and of course cannot understand how anything like a moon base could be paid for-especially with the need to run the public debt of the United States upward to 20 or 30 trillion dollars.
Obamacare Cost Doubles/Alaska Gas for Japan-China?/More Politics
A Congressional Budget Office report on Obamacare found that it will actually cost nearly twice as much. Evidently bthere was some chicanery in the Administration's acounting whereby the program would not pay out benefits the first four years while it was still collecting tax revenues and hence the deception on the cost. For ten years when the policy is active it is far costlier than described.
image of friendly politician interviewed by public television in Juneau Alaska
There are additional interesting politics being business as usual-ed through this week. The highway bill to fund public highway construction projects with asphalt for fossil fuel carbon dioxide emmiting vehicles is up for renewal. In theory the billions and billions spent on that should for once be spent on developing newer forms of ground transportation while the roads should no longer be subsidized by the federal government.
Existing roads might be leased for toll road pay by users (to U.S. businesses) and prizes might be given for systems designs of complete new ground transport modalities.
In Alaska U.S. Senator Nick Begitch told a joint session of the Alaska State Legislature that it should prepare for "an Arctic boom" presumably of industrial development, slaughter of wildlife and rampant oil drilling. Does he know something as a Democratic Party insider?
The U.S. Senate voted recently not to allow the invasion of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge by foreign or domestic drillers.
If the Alaska State legislature had voted to support construction of a gas pipeline from the slope to Cook Inlet the state would have been ready to export natural gas to China who likely would be a regular customer. The state is worried about declining oil revenues to fund the state government Soviet and privileged insiders working for derivative receivers of fossil fuel royalty revenues. Though it would be better to develop new non-fossil fuel methods of producing energy-even japan would buy natural gas from Alaska now after the tsunami if it were available. Those guys just are too trained by oil insiders to think outside the crude.
image of friendly politician interviewed by public television in Juneau Alaska
There are additional interesting politics being business as usual-ed through this week. The highway bill to fund public highway construction projects with asphalt for fossil fuel carbon dioxide emmiting vehicles is up for renewal. In theory the billions and billions spent on that should for once be spent on developing newer forms of ground transportation while the roads should no longer be subsidized by the federal government.
Existing roads might be leased for toll road pay by users (to U.S. businesses) and prizes might be given for systems designs of complete new ground transport modalities.
In Alaska U.S. Senator Nick Begitch told a joint session of the Alaska State Legislature that it should prepare for "an Arctic boom" presumably of industrial development, slaughter of wildlife and rampant oil drilling. Does he know something as a Democratic Party insider?
The U.S. Senate voted recently not to allow the invasion of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge by foreign or domestic drillers.
If the Alaska State legislature had voted to support construction of a gas pipeline from the slope to Cook Inlet the state would have been ready to export natural gas to China who likely would be a regular customer. The state is worried about declining oil revenues to fund the state government Soviet and privileged insiders working for derivative receivers of fossil fuel royalty revenues. Though it would be better to develop new non-fossil fuel methods of producing energy-even japan would buy natural gas from Alaska now after the tsunami if it were available. Those guys just are too trained by oil insiders to think outside the crude.
Mitt Romney a Friend of Jets/Dolphins Owners-Nothing Said About Cardinals, Broncos or Peyton Manning
Mitt Romney has said that he is a friend of the owners of the Jets and Dolphins. The Dolphins may be interested in Peyton Manning however the Jets have signed Mark Sanchez again. This Tuesday not only will there be a Republican primary but that is also the day that Peyton Manning has said he will let the public know who he will play for next season.
The Cardinals have already exceeded their salary cap (its 120 million this year) while the Broncos have 41 million dollars of headroom to bargain with. These high finance numbers are peanuts compared to some of the quantities flung around on Wall Street by the quants and by the federal government and its skyrocketing interest obligations. The Miami Dolphins have 16 million in salary cap headroom to try to lure Peyton Manning to play in the footsteps of Don Shula the former coach of the Baltimore Colts and the perfect-season Miami Dolphins.
Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum might be able to look beyond traditional sources of Vice Presidential candidates toward academia for some sort of potential Woodrow Wilson who could learn on the job as Vice President. Academia-maybe Stanford, might have a 5th generation somewhat Hispanic or African-American very skilled at foreign affairs. While Rush Limbaugh might not approve it is still a possibility. The NFL draft is not so far away either.
The Cardinals have already exceeded their salary cap (its 120 million this year) while the Broncos have 41 million dollars of headroom to bargain with. These high finance numbers are peanuts compared to some of the quantities flung around on Wall Street by the quants and by the federal government and its skyrocketing interest obligations. The Miami Dolphins have 16 million in salary cap headroom to try to lure Peyton Manning to play in the footsteps of Don Shula the former coach of the Baltimore Colts and the perfect-season Miami Dolphins.
Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum might be able to look beyond traditional sources of Vice Presidential candidates toward academia for some sort of potential Woodrow Wilson who could learn on the job as Vice President. Academia-maybe Stanford, might have a 5th generation somewhat Hispanic or African-American very skilled at foreign affairs. While Rush Limbaugh might not approve it is still a possibility. The NFL draft is not so far away either.
Obama Administration Blocks Voter I.D. Law in Texas
The Obama administration has stepped in to allow undocumented voters in Texas elections. With 20 million illegal aliens in the nation requiring voter I.D. seems a reasonable security precaution. The administration disagrees.
Texas would require that voters show one of seven kinds of I.D. The federal government requires two forms of I.D. to be lawfully employed, yet evidently regards voting as of less importance.
Positive I.D. has the potential for slowing down voting fraud. A state I.D. card only costs about 3 dollars per year over its five year period of validity.
Texas would require that voters show one of seven kinds of I.D. The federal government requires two forms of I.D. to be lawfully employed, yet evidently regards voting as of less importance.
Positive I.D. has the potential for slowing down voting fraud. A state I.D. card only costs about 3 dollars per year over its five year period of validity.
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