
Matter/Anti-Matter Energy Conversion for Space Drives 99.993% More Efficient Than Hydrogen Fusion

Stretching the dollar for space transportation energy means getting a high delta v return for investment. Since hydrogen fusion-the power that drives the sun’s energy output is only .007% efficient future space transportation energy planners probably will look toward a more efficient source for power: matter-anti-matter annihilation. Hydrogen fusion in the sun is just the first nuclear fusion reaction that merelt condenses mass wityh only a little energy released. That is why after the sun goes through its less efficient helium burning phase and a few others there is are so many heavy new elements formed. Some stars detonate that remnant and leave a lot of messy mass strewn about the Universe; good for planets and living things yet proof of the inefficeincy of nuclear fusion.

If one Euro were entirely converted to energy it would yield the power of a small atomic bomb. When matter and Anti-matter combine they yield energy with 100% efficiency. That’s 99.993% more efficient than hydrogen fusion. Producing anti-matter today is very difficult and only very tiny quantities arise too small for any theoretical space power source.

It is another look toward the future to consider some of the potential for matter-anti-matter energy in space transport. Space ships would need to carry less than a pound of anti-matter to add to a pound of matter gradually to travel across the galaxy and beyond. If M-Theory advances to another theoretical framework beyond that explains how dimensions are shaped and what they are made of; perhaps they do not really exist at all but are only emergent qualities of the behavior of matter or anti-matter, then energy might be focused within specially shaped space-drive dimensions to increase transport efficiency once more.

Quantum computer development of post-M-Theoretical physics in two or three centuries might be able to bring the matter-anti-matter energy drive within reach of survivors of global warming, if there are any, on Earth. They will ask what the true nature of energy is-is it all of one flavor or does anti-energy and anti-dimensions too exist to add spice to the physics mysteries?

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