
Modern Atheism’s Reliance On Developing Anti-theses to Classical Faith

It is paradoxical that modern atheism’s development of a consistent faithlessness in faith is largely reliant upon reactionary formation of the anti-thesis of faithlessness in disbelief to ancient doctrines. Atheists today do not consider the universe for-themselves as a place of wonder and philosophical curiosity, but preponderantly regard with inexpert opinion ancient doctrines dismissively and ‘awaken’ to a faithless secular opinion running aground to stay in the shoals of simple science.

For-itself the universe is a marvelous place of wonder. The ancients certainly found its beauty, majesty and awe-inspiring nature worthy of interest. They often made up best guesses about it workings and origin sometimes evolving through historical aggregation to become science. The brilliant turn-of-the-century formulas of Max Plank, Albert Einstein and others certainly changed the understanding of atoms, energy, quantum mechanics, light, space-time and cosmology. Like the ancients we see through a glass darkly and have reached the limits of observational sci8ence in the WMAP microwave mapp0ing of the residual heat at 3 degrees Kelvin from which one can look back nearly to the matter patterns near the beginning of the Universe when light could escape from the initial heat and density. One day our present point of view may be regarded as ancient equally to the conjectures of Parmenides, Democritus, Aristarchus, Copernicus and Newton. for some reason atheists associate ancient secular knowledge and interpretations or misinterpretations of the Bible with the veracity of God as-himself; a superfluous association as wrong as the idea that the final cosmological theory will be anything other than the last one made by a human being.

Even with the advance of scientific learning the Universe continues to be an unsounded, in-the-midst-of-nowhere package of miracle grow that cold have been designed by any number of intelligent beings from extra-Universal programmers of physics to God. In other words there is no natural support in cosmology based upon science for the atheist opinion. The atheist opinion is a prejudice.

God said to the Biblical prophet Jeremiah that ‘everyone knows who I am, they just forgets. Sartre might have phrased that sort of intentional forgetfulness ‘false-consciousness’. A human being in first-person judgment drawing upon science might easily conclude that God created the Universe and designed its quantum mechanical order of assembly.

Most contemporary atheists counter arguments for the existence of God with anti-thetic replies that the book of Genesis isn’t consistent with scientific facts relying for support for faithlessness on misunderstanding the book of Genesis.

A good author and poet named Rosenberg wrote two books (‘The J Book’ and ‘Abraham: The First Historical Biography’) on Genesis and its authors based on his own translation from Hebrew. The J writer-possibly a woman of royal position in Solomon or Rehoboam’s court drew on the existing scrolls and scriptures and her knowledge of ancient Sumer from whence Abraham journeyed to put together a composite book named Genesis that was added to by three subsequent writers of different eras. It is easily possible to fail to understand what the material given unto us today in Genesis means in reference to who wrote it, what they thought the material meant, and what it referred to then. It is also possible to fail to comprehend the relationship of Abraham to God and the way that Abraham got ‘up to speed’ in making it possible for him to have a relationship with god that the real Creator of the Universe might join.

If the Creator of the Universe ordered a quantum energy inflation consistent with Plank’s variable or Einstein’s General and Special Theories of Relativity comprehending that 14 billion space-time quantum year increments along a matrix of useful events Abraham would be ready to have a relationship with him as his personal God, how ought he then bring ‘the chosen people’ to develop a literary tradition to write about the acts of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and etc in such a way that faith would be developed and continue and yet not be too disconcerting for future faithless anti-theists of 21st century America? That might seem like a tall order yet one not challenging for God.

While the emergent anti-theists seek to ascend the mountain of godlessness with ancient scripture they fail to understand as footholds to shimmy up from, scientific cosmology provides new support for people of faith that have learned better about the composition of ancient scripture and philosophically understand that the time literals are not a problem, but are relativistic motion quantum given meaning or values by God. A quantum mechanical universe set within uncertainty downloaded from a One compatible with the paradigm of unification like unto the neutrons of a Bose-Einstein condensate could be a nominal representation of the omniscient and omnipotent power of God to issue being. As Jesus Christ said the Universe is like a great tree growing is which every sort of bird might dwell (paraphrase).

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