
The United States in 2012

The U.S. Government has made Orwellian hate crimes legislation a general entry to intervene in politically incorrect crimes upon special classes, given the military the right to exfiltrate U.S. citizens without legal review to unspecified foreign torture facilities where they may disappear forever and has forced corporate medical insurance upon all citizens as well as seeking to force all religious organizations to provide birth control paraphernalia indirectly or through insurers.

Following the attack on the rich in the World Trade Center in 2001 American democracy has been progressively stifled and wealth concentrated with onerous public debt building up along with high unemployment. The rich scorched by terrorist death took out their vengeance upon the poor and middle class of the United States while creating a ubiquitous surveillance state. They have no intention of reforming a version of capitalism in need of egalitarian upgrade.

In a year where the administration compelled homosexual marriages unto the states, military and District of Columbia supporting legislative and judicial imposition of the policy upon the people, and where federal judges have ruled against a California proposition to make marriage just heterosexual and in Arizona and elsewhere the right to verify citizenship of people encountered in routine police stops, the shape of elite federal policy is beginning to take shape in a general direction.

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What is Meant by 'Atheists Have No Morals'

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