
Election 2012: Is the Federal Government More Perverted Than It Was Four Years Ago?

As the 2012 Presidential campaign heats up Americans may be asking themselves if the federal government is more perverted now than it was four years ago. Certainly the profit takers on Wall Street have rounded with a 'jobless recovery', and eight states have gone over to the dark side of the force of homosexual marriage. At least Rush Limbaugh is in the thick of things with controversy glomming on to his radio broadcasts as one expects as howls from Democrats that 'he should be silenced' arise this time over the controversial contraception issue the President created in trying to force Catholic religious organizations to act as agents of President Obama's birth control policy.

For quite a while Mr. Limbaugh has said that the Democrat Party wanted badly to make an issue of Republican opposition to free rubbers and birth control pills for women a political item and that Republicans are not at all in opposition to birth control.

In this Alaska town where half the radio stations are owned by one company there is little alternative to ABC, CBS and Rush Limbaugh, so I sample that show now and then in order to avoid NPR which is about as leftist as one needs to get.


Thanks for commenting.. Ronald Reagan said that politics is the second oldest profession and much like the first. President Obama has jumped on the Democratic pile on to attack Mr. Limbaugh for making a rhetorical question about the law student being paid to have sex by the government. That was stretching the point of course, yet government does tend to whore its citizens from military conscription to contraception, abortion and so on. Politicians cut taxes on the rich and tell the poor that taxes should be increased on the rich a little later.

Politicians cut home loan protections on mortgages making houses into ATMs for sale globally to stimulate the economy and get re-elected then let the nation go broke. Politicians are perhaps the most quantitaviely pimping of professions.

President Obama needs to intimidate the non-goose-stepping independent media in order to get re-elected. Then he can bully some other small countries and get weapons delivered to the 'Friends of Syria' or allow more offshore oil drilling after asking for the environmentalist vote. Enough revolutions started and he may get green stamps for purchase of a second Nobel Peace Prize.

Sorry about writing this a little polemically. The President deserves a thesis yet its all disposable anyway. The rich get richer and ...

Today Rush said that the Georgetown law student has so much sex that the government needs to pay for her contraceptives. Law students looking forward to being one day in the Obama class probably ought to pay for their own birth control if they must sleep around like monkeys (what else is law school for?).

Mr. Limbaugh also pointed out that it is actually Democrats that want to limit contraceptive availability. A Missouri state legislator-a woman, has introduced a bill to ban federal support for vasectomy unless the life of the man is endangered. Limbaugh asked if that the back alley vasectomy phenomena will increase when federal support is cut off.

Limbaugh is obviously bad at ecospheric knowledge advocating fossil fuels and oil well drilling even as ocean acidification from global warming is happening faster than ever going back 65 million years. Rush is right about the President's effort to force state control over religious organizations so far as to compel them to act against their well-known religious beliefs and distribute rubbers and birth control paraphernalia through their affiliated organizations or insurers-plainly that is an anti-Christian boundary violation.

That anyone should believe that the most amusing talk-radio personality should be silenced is a sad commentary on the Stalinesque drift of corporate kow-towing, jack-booted demo-partnered corporatism seeking to make every citizen a syncopated raving mutt of global networks of power.

Rush Limbaugh is an advocate for wealth and the interests of the rich and perhaps fears tax increases more than anything else, as his hundreds of millions would be threatened with use in good works creating jobs for the poor. The rich own radio and until it is given over to citizen podcasts in some ultra-modern reformation it will continue to offer very few intelligent commentators.

American political I.Q. is not too hot these days. Even Rush Limbaugh fails to support Mitt Romney much as the President basically gets sufficient tax breaks for the rich and middle class to keep them happy while dumping debt upon youth for tomorrow. If the President is re-elected interest payments each year on the Federal debt may approach 1 trillion dollars annually. Something needs to change.

One can't just ask as a re-election test question; 'Are you more perverted than you were four years ago, and has the President made America more perverted?' It is necessary to ask if one is unemployed if the unemployment rate has dropped enough percentages points to not wish to give someone else a try as President.

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