
Faith That Rush Limbaugh's Language Evolution Will Become More Conservative

I saw a rather funny political cartoon in a newspaper that had President Obama pushing a wheel barrow of contraceptives up to Ms. Fluke from one side, and on the other stood Rush Limbaugh calling her a slut for taking them. Ms.Fluke stood in the middle looking confused.

Limbaugh often accurately summarizes the broadcast media positions on the left-the recent interpretations of the February employment statistics are a good example with Reuters, CNN, MSNBC, and the Washington Post painting it quite differently than the Gallup Poll the day before looking at non-seasonally adjusted numbers of the unemployed actually rising to 9.1% while the administration just says it stayed the same at 8.3% out of work.

Where Rush Limbaugh does the Republican Party substantial harm is in his environmental opinions that some therefore associate with all Republicans as a pervasive opinion.

Limbaugh did use inappropriate language though, and some conservatives would probably like to roll back language use to something before Lenny Bruce hit the stage and commercial television changed beyond the standards of 'I Love Lucy'.

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