
Sects. Albright-Clinton Nuclear Agreements With North Korea 1994-2012

North Korea's dictators historically won the contest to develop nuclear weapons with the Bill Clinton administration. Kim Il Sung signed agreements that took off the heat while providing the Clinton administration with some PR victories and continued to develop nuclear weapons under the table. Kim Jong Il continued the advantage for North Korean weapons development. A couple of days ago the next dictator Kim Jung Un agreed to return to six-party talks in exchange for hundreds of tons of foods continuing the tradition of promising to stop enriching uranium and making plutonium at the Yongbyon facility. That plan worked in 1994 and this new Obama-Clinton administration has signed off again in order to help the young dictator be on good terms with his people as he can provide practical food gifts as well as gain respect for communist authorities.

One might believe that the Obama administration and Sect. Clinton are renewing the ineffective policies of the Bill Clinton years and expanding that paradigm to Iran's weapons program.







http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5J1aaMLLZM4 North Korean nuclear history-documentary Clinton administration

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