
Solution Alpha to Female Disconformity in Republicrat Political Conversion

The opportunism of President Obama in developing the woman-contraception problem as a line of attack on American churches and religious organizations for his 2012 political campaign highlights the value of exploiting female differences and unit cohesiveness in contemporary politics. Rush Limbaugh of course blundered in to the fray with intemperate, injudicious language in referring to the Congressional horse and pony show on the availability of rubbers and birth control pills at Georgetown University where tuition must be at least 10 or 20 thousand dollars annually.

Women do have a different economic and political operating system universally, and the sharper politicians exploit that to lever opposition upon their foes with real or imagined premises.
Fundamentally the female problem is equivalent to the software interchangeability of MSWord, Open Office's version of word, Open Office ODT and the export of PDF files. As anyone knows, in version 3.2 and Word 2000 there are subtle yet substantial differences in getting the pages to transfer directly. MSWord insists on having a few extra pages, and some of the header/footer and page break settings are more difficult to transfer from Word to OPWord.

American females establish their political lists and points rather inflexibly putting their spin and biases upon them to which any sort of legal super-structure is extraneous. Female boundary conditions and protocols for header-footer content integrity and page numbering-much less line numbering, are what they are. When a man must use that structure political in a directly equal way transferring the content into Open Office inevitably the page numbers will be all akimbo and the table of contents rather useless. Female versions of word take no regard for male economic structures and allow a fundamental corruption of male economic values and balances when their own female word version is exported unchanged directly in to the more general OPWord.

The feminine worldview in politics is not necessarily comprehensive of the male worldview, though as a majority opinion it can be decisive in determining the direction of American foreign and domestic policy. The United States has had four bad Presidents in a row and the economic status of the nation reflects that fact. The nation has not been willing to elect a single good economic manager in that time capable of reforming business, banking, Wall Street or government
Presidents fail upon moral and/or economic grounds in the post-cold war era, and the media is an accelerant upon a consumerist ethos existentially calculated to increase debt and corrupt domestic political effectiveness at assuring full employment, secure borders, stable population, recovering environment and full equal rights of all citizens.

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