
Will Alaska Legislature Consume State's Permanent Fund

Governments need to be paid for somehow. Democracy has income taxes for financing when they reach a certain size. Lincoln invented the first income tax to pay for the civil war. If a state has plentiful free assets it may have no need of an income tax-yet with oil being gone permanently more or less from high price value globally the days of free government are likely over. So legislators lust after the Permanent Fund. It is a matter of learning if the government eats the people's Permanent Fund before becoming sober and responsible?

With new forms of value theory, government, resource use an
d so forth it might be possible to have a self-financing government with very low income tax, yet the PFD is itself an efficient way to let the people have financing for inventive personal interests.The PFD should be spared being the main course for cannibalism by legislators not yet adjusted to the new financial reality.

There is no harm in letting the people of Alaska have an annual stipend for entrepreneurial and survival finance. If the government is funded by Wall Street alternatively, with the Permanent Fund, it would then be corporatist rather than a Democracy or Republic; a device of global oligarchs.

Obama-Libya Policy Timeline With Four to Six Thousand ISIS Fighters

President Obama's decision to terminate the ISIS-free Libya of Khaddafi enabled the ISIS terror group to find a ready supply of weapons and chaos to move in to. President Obama's Indonesian homeland has also had ISIS terror problems that are increasing with recruitment and training.

http://www.nti.org/analysis/articles/was-libyan-wmd-disarmament-success/ (Bush era)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_military_intervention_in_Libya (Obama-N.A.T.O.)









Latino Voters Prefer Granma Over Macho Trump BY 46%

A new Fox news poll shows Latino voters prefer Granma Zillary over Macho Donald Trump by a wide margin. Fidel Castro's Cuban communist revolution was launched from a boat named Granma and it became eponymous for the official Cuban communist party media organ to the present day. Hillary Clinton fits the role of Granma of the continuing Obama revolution well enough to surge ahead amidst Latinos and Latinas.


If the deficit spending financing ever runs out for the U.S. Government returning to the right path will start from a pretty deep hole. Probably the poor will be most harmed while Zillary keeps the Fed Reserve presses running for free billions to Wall Street and big banks.

Pres. Ob's Mid-East Policy Was Manure for ISIS Growth

Mr. Trump isn't the first to associate the Obama-Clinton Middle East Policy history as being the manure of growth for the growth of ISIS. Spreading anarchy and chaos liberating Libya's guns and explosives and supplying terrorists with weapons to subvert the lawful Syrian Government all helped support the rapid rise of ISIS. Many left-leaning McGoo publications find Mr. Trump's assertion preposterous and laughable.


The Obama-Clinton axis of Muslim support in Middle-East policy was an accellerant thrown onto the refugee flood to Europe that helped advance ISIS terrorism. Reality isn't always the preferred narrative of the left that support globalist candidates trying to concentrate wealth and downgrade average Americans. When the globe decides the U.S. Government can no longer operate at a tremendous loss (no balanced budget), and it tightens up, those the left expect support from will be those most harmed.

The Shack-Was it Heresy?

I read the wiki description of 'The Shack'. It seems friendly to Christians, though of course written by a Canadian hence immediately suspect of cheesiness. It is not my preference to dump novels in with nonfiction works for theological purposes and inclusion on heresy lists. I lived in a shack myself for several years in Alaska and hadn't any epiphanies worthy of being described as heretical. The book was a Canadian fiction writer's paradigm! They drink Molson's! George Burns was guilty of heresy for portraying God in a movie I suppose-still, those were interesting and even enjoyable movies. The author seems to have selected elements eclectic enough to interest consumers from several directions, though not Saskatchewan. Oregon, serial killer, river canoeing, a shack, a black female vision of God, the trinity, Papa, a dream-it was loaded!

It needed to be published in the last year of the G.W. Bush administration-today the author might have named it 'Honky Chateau'. Maybe its an allegory of the 2nd term of G.W. with Condi the vision of god in metaphor and Hillary as the serial killer?


I wonder what Mary Lou Finlay thought about it.


Hunting Wolves in National Parks Stops

People just get used to hunting. It’s like taking away a fishing habitat. Complaints follow though it may be good in a larger context for species conservation. Regulation without consent of the regulated is like fascism, and there must be equal application of regulation for equal protection of the laws. I can't believe hunting was ever allowed on national parks, reserves or refuges anywhere though. They aren't supposed to be special hunting parks.

Hunting is honorable I should point out. The Lord made it plain that all meat except that sacrificed to idols I believe, is o.k. Eating a wolf would be callous though. I like wolves myself. I stood five feet away from a wolf frantically trying to bite its way out of a box trap with a missing slide down gate once...all it had to do was turn around which it did after I left. 

It’s easy to understand that people who eat dogs with or without barbecue sauce might have a stomach growl looking at a wolf on a spit. Probably eating dinner with the Clinton campaign has some sort of problem attached to it, yet I can't find a Bible passage about that presently.


Trump Should Move Beyond a Tabloid Campaign

Trump should drop the tabloid campaign style. Donald Trump is not a stodgy guy. Everyone knows he is inclined to just say what he thinks. Running against the Democrat insider machine that may not be a good idea.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign style is well known. She denies anything bad or stonewalls it. The Zil never admits having done wrong even if it's leaving Americans and an ambassador to the tender mercies of Libyan terrorists..Zilly relies on insider connections and contributions from the ultra-rich and her husband's popularity and political machine. Anything positive she has to say is scripted in advance and it's easy to goad Trump into making some sort of statement the media can attack for a few days.

Trump’s tabloid approach worked good enough in the primaries. Against the global corporate insider Clintonistas that even have the support of leading globalist Republicans Trump needs to be the conservative guy saying nice positive things from a script. He needs good, intelligent advisers to vet his replies to contentious statements and events in-the-world before he uses them with the media.

Trump is far more likable and personable than big Zil. He simply needs to make plain simple, positive platform plank assertions such as a 10% nationwide flat tax on all individuals and businesses with an exemption for those earning fewer than $24,000 annually. He needs to stay on target with ten plain excellent planks and not be just a one-issue guy.

Hillary Clinton is a successful Lady Macbeth. Trump is more like an honest DeLorean trying to get a start amidst big automakers pumped up with government money. Trump still has time to put a winning campaign together.


Chess Roots

Evidently chess started in  Afghanistan around the first century as a war gaming and planning model. It migrated to India and then Persia by the 6th century. The fers was the councilor piece that evolved to be the queen by the 15th century with super-powers eventually. Check mate may have started with Shah mat! (the king is helpless- at wikipedia). Those ancient war gamers were pretty good at abstract theory I suppose, besides creating Hindu-Brahma theory and the caste system in India unfortunately. Maybe the GM caste reflects that a little. It is ironic that chess was so popular in the ideal classless society. Lenin might have been a snob if he had achieved Class A  player status.

The Christian View of Marriage

Everyone knows (who is Christian), what the Christian view of marriage is, before 2015 at least. Now the U.S. civil marriage establishment is corrupt as it has admitted homosexual marriage to the institution. The inconvenient truth is that a Christian should not get married within the U.S. government paradigm. If one is able to afford it, a better choice would be to marry in a foreign nation without perverse laws. Much establishment policy is to ignore the corruption and participate as if the national corruption of marriage is just in the other half of the bottle. American Christians should not be willing to participate in any corrupt establishment if they have a realistic alternative .

Christians should not acquiesce in the establishment of slavery, homosexual marriage, torture, institutionalized thievery , state devil worship etc...

Volume and Empty Space

Parmenides wondered about empty space and volume. There is the problem of the unified field dispersion and human entanglement in the Higgs f...