
Trump Should Move Beyond a Tabloid Campaign

Trump should drop the tabloid campaign style. Donald Trump is not a stodgy guy. Everyone knows he is inclined to just say what he thinks. Running against the Democrat insider machine that may not be a good idea.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign style is well known. She denies anything bad or stonewalls it. The Zil never admits having done wrong even if it's leaving Americans and an ambassador to the tender mercies of Libyan terrorists..Zilly relies on insider connections and contributions from the ultra-rich and her husband's popularity and political machine. Anything positive she has to say is scripted in advance and it's easy to goad Trump into making some sort of statement the media can attack for a few days.

Trump’s tabloid approach worked good enough in the primaries. Against the global corporate insider Clintonistas that even have the support of leading globalist Republicans Trump needs to be the conservative guy saying nice positive things from a script. He needs good, intelligent advisers to vet his replies to contentious statements and events in-the-world before he uses them with the media.

Trump is far more likable and personable than big Zil. He simply needs to make plain simple, positive platform plank assertions such as a 10% nationwide flat tax on all individuals and businesses with an exemption for those earning fewer than $24,000 annually. He needs to stay on target with ten plain excellent planks and not be just a one-issue guy.

Hillary Clinton is a successful Lady Macbeth. Trump is more like an honest DeLorean trying to get a start amidst big automakers pumped up with government money. Trump still has time to put a winning campaign together.

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