
Is Hillary's Rat Poison Dose for Blood Clots Too Much?

Hillary Clintion may have some sort of disease besides bad ethics shared with her husband. She reportedly is using the drug coumadin. That is intended to prevent heart attacks, blood clots and strokes although it can have deleterious side effects such as dizziness and bleeding in the skull housing unit.

I can answer the question that the use of a drug intitially made as rat poison by the Presidential candidate along with her weakness, dizziness etc. is not too much of a problem that the candidate ought to step down or lay down fropm the rigors of a tough job.



President Barrack Obama has played golf hundreds of times in his seven years and Hillary can use such ample leisure for naps. She will have expert medical workers constantly surrounding her in case she has more attacks. The job of the President is fundamentally to be a front person for globalists and to hold parties and receive contributions near and far. The voter's job is just to approve the right globalist put forward by  Harvard electors. Hillary just needs to cross the finish line in first and then she can resume the same sort of life she would if not President except with a lot of power to delegate.

It's another not-to-worry issue for Democrats obviously. The late Sen. Ted Kennedy had brain cancer for years and performed his usual wacky job even helping get Barrack Obama elected. That's not so bad perhaps since Sen. Ted Cruz and Speaker of the House Ryan have helped get Hillary elected by not supporting the Republican candidate.


People expect Hillary to be unfit for office yet acceptable even so because she is Hillary. If Hillary were stuffed and wheeled in by secret service taxidermy specialist she would still be o.k. so long as Bill was around as a ventriloquist to channel her ideas.


In other Hill news the F.B.I. found 14,000 more state department emails Hillary didn't turn over .


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