
Hillary Hired Gold Star Family for Political Hack Attack

The idea that gold star families-those with a war dead family member (in U.S. uniform)-are free to make any sort of political hack attack on any public forum free from response by their target is foreign to me. I grew up the son of a generation with more than 400,000 war dead 'gold star' families. With a national population of about 120 million during the second World War everyone knew someone who had a family member killed in war and no one thought any of those families were free to make political hack attacks with impunity.

With a volunteer military and comparatively few Americans killed in war some have elevated those families to a new level where they are free to make political hack attacks and not expect criticism for it. That's a wrong direction to go. People respect the service member's sacrifice but his family hasn't any right to expect to be able to meddle in politics as some sort of sacred cow.

Khazr Khan's DNC speech premise was that if Donald Trump's ban on Muslim immigrants had been in effect when he made his way to the U.S.A. to attend a Harvard Graduate School his son would never have been an Army officer and been killed in Iraq defending against Muslim terrorists. Yet if Trump's policy had been in effect none of the 911 Muslims that took down the World Trade Towers would have been able to learn to fly jets in America nor hijacked planes from Boston to crash into N.Y.-it was all b.s.

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A Reply to a Hater of God

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