
President Trump Speaks at G-7 For Free Trade

President Trump put up a remarkable plan to end world tariffs and government subsidies for industry. That's remarkable. One writer suggested that world leaders should listen and perhaps the time for the G-7 should end as the nations are mostly European and don't represent world economic reality very well any more



Pyrrhonism and John Locke; Nominal and Real Essences

 There are best explanations to particular questions. Maybe C.S. Pierce's pragmaticism works for mathematics too. What if Pythagoras (the old round Earth theorist) and Euclid had been Pyrrhonists and quailed from finding the right answer because no rational criteria can exist for regarding anything as best or more than a prejudice? Skepticism has it's uses. It should remain until one has certain so far as possible. For example there aren't many scientific skeptics of Darwinian theory these days though it would be wrong to not recognize that it is a nominal explanation and has deeper, transcending possibilities farther on.
Whether or not  Locke was a Pyrrhonist is a very interesting question and issues that lead one to consider the relation of real and nominal essences in a quantum mechanics, or even Bohm-Debrolgian or Everettic context (of monism).
How can one ultimately differentiate monism from pluralism, and is pluralism necessarily temporal and phenomenal? Must one see deeper into any pluralist physics to comprehend a monism or unified field?
Is nominalism all that is possible for understanding things in-themselves, while realism and monism are too deep in a Kantian sort of noumenal for-itself behind the glass, darkly?
I suppose a Pyrrhonist could be placed with those of the Copenhagen Interpretation where the observer collapses the waveform quanta of the in-itself to make it a being-for-others.
Locke's apparent preference for not looking farther than the nominal, or sense data, doesn't work so well with modern physics that does go farther. It may be that there is an infinite line or protocol of nominal essences that one may go through with investigation to deeper, new understanding of the construction of quanta, fields, space and time.
Sartre pointed out that only God could have the point of view of the other at the same time as one's own. That relation may be instructive for comprehending the limit of observing nominal and real essences.


How Does Pres Trump Rate on A-Kissing Compared to Other Presidents?

In recent times the Democrat Party and Washington insiders seems to want a reliable toady-figure yes-man who will serve the inside-the-beltway establishment first and foremost and global leaders a close second. He or she is expected to be a bureaucrat without any original ideas and one whom never ever makes waves. Neither is the fellow really supposed to reform anything or change anything to a more effective government delivery of programs.

The President is supposed to be a media darling who loves celebrities and commemorative events. He or she is supposed to be a hollow individual dominated by Hollywood and Harvard. The one percent that own everything are supposed to approve of his or her service to them. It is unthinkable that the President should raise taxes on the most rich, reform social security and welfare for means testing, balance the federal budget, change environmental zoning laws and national mass transportation or secure the borders. That's all fine until the economy collapses.

President Trump at least breaks a few of those onerous traditions and expectations, though he is not too hot on ecological economics. At least he doesn't spend time thinking about how to get the approval of the Fortune 500 CEO kock-suckers that like everything more corrupt than it is.


Nothing Much Farther (poem)

Nothing Much Farther

  Premises of a Universe with bases of fortitude
places and scenes of verdant life
the best kind of day job
with a star in the night sky lighting the darkness
water separated from those on Earths and in skies
ranging across the Ultima Thules of everywhere
colors quarkordinated
at the edge of borders with Hilbert space
content in coordinates so meaningful
with lines in three dimensions
of inertial frame increments of motion and distance
changed with a gravity of particles
entangled into freeze framed catalysis
where virtual particles change balances in nothingness
to something more than before
disappearing with entropy-wrenched information
storage huts fading away in time while worlds rise
glaring for perceptible beings-in-themselves
experiencing sounds and tastes of toilets,
dogs lapping from pools of h2o
poised for flushing
the mundane rests amidst the miraculous.

N.A.S.A. Should Start Sending Parts to Future Moon Base-Climber's Hut

Like any frontier venture (or climbing very tall mountains) it can be useful to cache supplies at distant places. N.A.S.A. could view the moon base as a climber’s hut to start with and send building modules, tools and supplies up on cheap as possible rockets now and then.

Over time the more supplies one has to work with the greater are the options and support for a variety of activities. Even the ISS could become a parts warehouse for a moon base.

Instead of sending old satellites to burn up in the Earth atmosphere there should be a way to send the metal to the moon base. Even good engineers need parts to innovate things.

N.A.S.A. should really get started even in a small way instead of waiting for the grand design to emerge during the middle of the next administration. N.A.S.A. moon base efforts to help reinforce private lunar efforts and catalyze progress.


Apparently Canadians Did Help Burn US Capitol

British forces in the U.S.A. 1812-1814 had quite a large element of Canadians in them. A quote from google search ...

"Without native allies the Canadian and British forces would have been overwhelmed. A "typical" British force in 1812 to 1814 would be 400 British Regulars, 200 Canadian regulars (fencibles), 200 Canadian Militia and 300 natives. Roughly 1/4 to 1/3 of armies in Canada were Indian troops."


Of course the Washington Post and other media are attacking the President for his jibe at Canadian Prime Minister Truedeau.


Canada was a British colony in 1812 and had a large left-wing imperial army of more than 6,000 soldiers stationed there. Many were likely to be Canadian. 


I should also point out that Canadians were part of the Devil's Brigade that became the first Special Service Force (with U.S. Rangers) during the Second World War. They trained in Helena Montana. That unit had more than 230% casualties (it kept refilling as people died).

Essential Single Malt Whiskey for President's Trip to Quebec and SIngapore

When President Trump meets with some troublesome leaders and  North Korean Dictator Kim Un he should use the opportunity to introduce the world to American single malt whiskey.

Canadians have been lackey's of British Empire single-malt whiskey for centuries. That Scotch whiskey may have played a role in the burning of the nation's capital to spite Andrew Jackson who kicked Brit butt in New Orleans.

President Trump should provision a case of good single barley malt whiskey for Dictator Kim as well as the Prime minister Trudeau who is leader of the Canadian Empire with electronic copyrights that don’t cost $170 dollars.

No one knows what to expect from North Korea or Canada on free trade. President Trump could cancel NAFTA in Canada while the Senate considers conferring most favored nation on North Korea is they agree to allow a Democrat Party satellite office their, and to vote on giving Russia most-unfavored nation status.

The G-7 really has only one real mission; to educate President Trump on the benefit of transforming America and the world completely to renewable energy within 15 years and make a profit in doing so.

Passing as a Racial Majority in a Self-Driving Car

Self-driving cars have the potential to relieve those stopped for driving while black better than NBA championship millionaire pouting to refuse to visit the White House while a non-Negro or female is President. Self-driving cars are basically raceless, although the on-board computer could be given to speak with a Gulah accent and answer police questions about its driving respectfully.

Self-driving cars have some limitations such as passing a slow-moving vehicle ahead on a two- way street. Human drivers need to look ahead to determine if they can move out into the lane of oncoming traffic and accelerate to pass an impeding car ahead to return in time to their own lane before meeting with a head-on collision. Self-driving cars presently don't try that maneuver, yet they easily could with adaptive highway sensors that provide live information to self-driving cars of the location of highway traffic with, say, a country mile of the position of the self-driving car.

It is remarkable that Americans believe all sorts of silly things about energy and technology based on a willingness to believe things that reinforce the present economic methodology and establishment. Of course I refer to those that desire no change from the fossil fuel air pollution power system that developed during the industrial revolution and continued through the day of Henry Ford.

U.S. highways should have some sort of way to collect sunshine and release it to electric cars drawing it from a power line. Self-driving cars might be made even safer. I should remark that solar panels are not air polluters worse than coal plants.

FEMA Should FTX Guatamala Volcano Relief

After the Puerto Rico hurricane disasters were somewhat slow to experience FEMA relief (a deserved criticism or not isn't entirely certain) it became plain that FEMA could use occasional field training exercises for management and support teams. The volcanic eruption and disaster in Guatemala is a good opportunity for the FEMA team to establish the ad hoc political and equipment interactions required for swift reaction time in an effective way to relief victims.

Though its not part of the United States, the relief of volcano victims and the liaison and logistics required could serve as a test of the Federal Emergency Management Administration that isn't just on paper.


Mexico Puts on US Sanctions; End NAFTA

Instead of getting into back and forth with Mexico over tariffs on goods and illegal aliens the Trump administration should just end NAFTA. It's a worse deal than that with Iran in retrospect.


AI Hasn't Self-Awareness

AI has lots of information and no awareness. It has been trained to recognize language and meaning without any knowing. For those that wonde...