
How Does Pres Trump Rate on A-Kissing Compared to Other Presidents?

In recent times the Democrat Party and Washington insiders seems to want a reliable toady-figure yes-man who will serve the inside-the-beltway establishment first and foremost and global leaders a close second. He or she is expected to be a bureaucrat without any original ideas and one whom never ever makes waves. Neither is the fellow really supposed to reform anything or change anything to a more effective government delivery of programs.

The President is supposed to be a media darling who loves celebrities and commemorative events. He or she is supposed to be a hollow individual dominated by Hollywood and Harvard. The one percent that own everything are supposed to approve of his or her service to them. It is unthinkable that the President should raise taxes on the most rich, reform social security and welfare for means testing, balance the federal budget, change environmental zoning laws and national mass transportation or secure the borders. That's all fine until the economy collapses.

President Trump at least breaks a few of those onerous traditions and expectations, though he is not too hot on ecological economics. At least he doesn't spend time thinking about how to get the approval of the Fortune 500 CEO kock-suckers that like everything more corrupt than it is.

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