
Abogadao Takes a Green Road to Keep National Family Together Illegally (Not Really)

Sarah's friend is a Mexican lawyer (also known as an abogado in Mexican language) and former presidential candidate who was caught up in the cruel arrest and separate policy at the U.S. border. He was seeking political asylum with the gringo after running for the Presidency against his former wife, who won and sent the legal sicarros his way.

  I will use a pseudo-name for the former candidate in order not to embarrass his family. Obrador Rodriguez Zavala Antonio Cortes has some really excellent policies that would quickly end the drug gangs, fossil fuel extraction industry and illegal migration to del Norte.

Obrador is a loyal family man that would like to keep his nation together, provide solar lighting for every home and backpack and one day provide decent public education so every common kid can learn to speak Japanese fluently. When the sicarros arrested Oba and took him to his wife the President at her command, perfidious disloyalty emerged and the former couple were handcuffed together just like that.

Obi bribed the sicarros to take him and his wife to the border with their infant son Theodore. Dumped in the desert by gang coyotes they were quickly arrested and separated into Trump family separation centers and thus Oba could breathe a sigh of relief, being safe at last.

There was some contentious discussion about the separation. The President wanted her former husband's assets that were not recovered in her day in court. Rumor has it the funds she seeks were hidden in banks in the north.


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