
Microsoft Begins War on Open Source (i.e. Linux) Operating Systems

Microsoft apparently has resumed it's monopoly seeking ways and is buying a large piece of the open source software developer platform Github. People hate windows not because its a commercial rather than free operating system, The problem with windows is that its like telemarketers dominating your telephone line. That just is not an acceptable condition for adults that want to use a computer without being controlled by the computer and compelled to serve all of the commercial Microsoft related products that appear every time its used.

Microsoft will want to eliminate or suborn all of the working open source (free) operating systems that actually work for millions of people efficiently and wrench the entire idea of free computer operating systems that work effectively. That isn't good for Americans and anyone else that likes to get work done on a computer without issues arising. Microsoft would rather tariff everyone and get in the way if it can than to allow computers to work like a utility without problems.


Microsoft and Wall Street tend to view computer users as consumers to sell to. The commercialization of operating systems render them less than optimal for producers with all of the distraction and invasive machinations interfering with purity of owner purposes and goals in real-time.

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