
Harley Davidson Hogs May Be Bred Overseas

The Harley Davidson motorcycle; an American icon, will be made overseas in the future to a certain extent the company said.

Europeans have killed the Hog with tariffs so HD will have to move abroad in quest of cheaper labor. I suggest Japan and Taiwan for new production facilities.

Japanese like Hogs and are excellent workers and great engineers. They may be able to tweak the Hog with some growth hormones that will improve it. HD should have some sort of super-electric motorcycle able to recharge in park in a Phoenix parking lot.

The rising Chinese economy is also a good market for HD. Probably they would be able to produce China-specialized motorcycles cheaper even with sanctions and all the rest; for Chinese consumption. Saudi Arabia may be a good place to sell Hogs since women can now drive on the street legally.

Americans will want to ride American made motorcycles and those in the future might become specialized 3D printed electric motorcycles or designer motorcycles from some specialized HD American Division. Good luck and sayonara Harley Davidson.

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