
Some Media; Not James Comey, are Biased Against President Trump

Apparently the FBI needs a little adult supervision to keep its agents from back flipping and shooting fellow dancers. I knew an old minister (and a good carpenter) who jokingly asked his son and I if we needed adult supervision when we 50 somethings were working on a building facelift. James Comey was insubordinate- perhaps loyal to his former boss (my speculation) and some FBI people thought they could stop Trump from being elected. They should have applied themselves better and thought about getting the President not to appoint Scott Pruitt to the EPA .

There is no final resolution to the Clinton emails and the possibility of foreign collusion in her phone being cloned by a foreign government so they can read it first before the media. At least Scott Pruitt is trying to muddy the nation's waters by attacking water quality regulations before he leaves office.

Maybe Special Investigator Mueller deserves some of the blame for the insubordinate atmosphere, if it exists pervasively, at the F.B.I. Those guys just aren't like J. Edgar Hoover at all. I am not sure if that is good or bad.


The Inspector General named Horowitz's report looking into former F.B.I. Director James Comey’s handling of the Clinton emails/election era 2016 conundrum was released. It found that Comey harmed the F.B.I. somewhat with improper actions. Thus it appears the President is moving closer to the day when he won’t have special lawyers back-biting like a pack of wolves chasing down a deer in the forest.

Some of the left-wing media are acting right-wing on the President’s canceling war games in Korea as a token of reconciliation to Dictator Kim Un. They need to be on the opposite side of anything as critically as possible. Only a troop increase with new weapons on the DMZ would satisfy the peace mongers.

Eventually Washington will turn to more serious issues, such as; Did North Korea collude to elect Donald Trump?

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