
Nobel for Trump, Un and Rodman for Reducing War Games Greenhouse Gassing?

Halting War Games Reduces Greenhouse Gassing in Korea

An unintended collateral benefit of the promise of President Trump to skip holding war games in Korea this year is curtailing emission of copious greenhouse gases from military vehicles. Though the U.S. Army has tried to present a greener motor infrastructure there is still a lot of filthy diesel exhaust from military tailpipes. High performance in power combat platforms can use a lot of gas. Tanks may have thousand horsepower and up engines and all that greenhouse gassing exhaust is added to the atmosphere.

If you consider the war games as human activities designed to accelerate global warming they are somewhat inefficient. Tens of thousands of soldiers running about and sailors and airmen turning up dust or placing pollution high in the atmosphere. Still, the concatenated effete is substantial. Hence it is good that the President promised to halt the war games this year and allow both North and South Korea to continue developing commercial and family ties.

The Singapore summit of Kim Jong (Rocketman) Un and President Donald Trump was just the start of what could be progress toward normalizing relations and ending the state of war that continues in spite of the recent rapprochement. Korea does not need the threat of nuclear war developing and the North should recognize that and enjoy the benefits of peace instead. The United States does not actually need much practice to launch a variety of stand-off weapons anyway if the North chose to attack the south.

Though the Nobel Committee had to cancel this year because of potential ignoble conflict of interests, if there was a Peace Prize it should go to Dennis Rodman, Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un together for fine work in wild diplomacy.

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