
The Problem WIth Washington State Solar Farms

Solar is good yet some solar farms are pretty ugly and even invasive. They tend to transform the land into uselessness for and exclusiveness from anything else. Plainly the state should find a way to get more bang for the buck on public land. Bureaucrats need to get thinking caps on.

Working toward a multiple-use criterion with grazing, solar power perhaps higher off the ground), wind, bicycle trails, habitat for wildlife and especially birds and bees along with some sort of agriculture. Simply installing line after line of sterile panels in scorching ground without hardly another living thing on it behind a vast left-wing chain-link fence is just wrong.

There is only so much land in the state of Washington and it behooves the government to use it well and for as much as possible rather than to dump the only idea that appear to them into permanent form as social concrete. Where are the buffalo supposed to roam?


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