
HOT Alternative to ICE on the Border

Inventing alternatives to Immigration and Customs Enforcement all would be expensive. ICE is hated by those that seek easy civil invasion of the United States for the purpose of foreign conquest. Socialists tend to hate the USA when it resists global control and so will protest the existence of ICE and the President's willingness to enforce the laws regarding keeping the border secure. Why, they wonder, should a Chief Executive Officer enforce border security laws?

Getting rid of ICE would require an intermediate power on the border. If ICE is abolished the opportunity exists to create new government agencies arises. A Special Forces black ops division of the military with about 200,000 troops could be established while reducing the size of the Marine Corps 200,000 and shifting downsized Marines of quality to SFBOP. Initially SFBOP would be a civilian agency and would handle customs and immigration enforcement learning much about illegal aliens and disguises, methods of operation that would be useful later in another career as SFBOP soldiers.

A word about SFBOP assignments and qualifications later after their border security role is over and the agency is shifted to DOD gradually while civilians merge into a new Human Operations Tasks (HOT) agency patrolling the border. The 200,000 SFBOP would be an elite force with the skills of  seals and rangers. There task would be as a rapid response force quicker and more numerous than the 82nd Airborne.

Human Operations Tasks would be able to summon law enforcement at state and local level into part-time, local support roles in identifying and arresting persons illegal in the United States. They would wear brown camouflage uniforms except when in urban areas. Urban attire for HOT workers should be custom designed cargo-pocket Levis or Dickeys alternatively with Nehru shirts and optional camouflage bullet proof cloaks with stealth invisibility features if DARPA made those yet.

Plainly the makeover of ICE into two new forces of SFBOP and HOT would be time consuming and expensive. HOT would need new vehicles to patrol a modernized Hadrian's wall on the border-perhaps Elon Musk's Tesla corporation could produce solar-power electronic vehicle to ride along the top of the wall with a solar fuel efficiency.


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