
Brit Zero Tariff Trade with US is Contingent on Brexit

Britain needs to cut ties with the EU to have a free trade zero tariff deal with the U.S.A. The U.S.A. cannot allow Europe to piggyback on Britain's special status. 

Britain is slipping into darkness having trouble making Brexit work. It shouldn't be that difficult to employ sappers to demolish the links to the continent, yet they can't get it done. I believe a new British PM might be able to get the job done. The right guy for the job just might be former World Chess Championship challenger Nigel Short.

 GM Short is presently running for the Presidency of the world chess organization FIDE. He could maybe be induced to just jump into the real world of punch and roll British politics and be willing to accept the post of Prime Minister simply to get Brexit done. How difficult can it be?

Maybe President Donald Trump can advise the Brits on how to get Brexit done. I believe he could find a way, shortly.


During the Second World War Prime Minister Churchill was able to face down the evil of the continent with a little American and allied help. If England is not to be effectively annexed onto Europe to serve as a parking lot with fish and chips shops and ye old quaint buildings it needs to reinforce its own national security with the same kind of spirit as Winston Churchill. Britain's back-blast from its age of colonialism could erase it altogether without care. Plainly it needs a Christian spiritual revival and secure borders to bring it into the global arena with free trade without attachment and culture submissiveness.  

Brits May Need GM Short or Pres Trump to Work Brexit for Them

Britain is having trouble making Brexit work. It shouldn't be that difficult to employ sappers to demolish the links to the continent, yet they can't get it done. I believe a new British PM might be able to get the job done. The right guy for the job just might be former World Chess Championship challenger Nigel Short.

 GM Short is presently running for the Presidency of the world chess organization FIDE. He could maybe be induced to just jump into the real world of punch and roll British politics and be willing to accept the post of Prime Minister simply to get Brexit done. How difficult can it be?

Maybe President Donald Trump can advise the Brits on how to get Brexit done. I believe he could find a way, shortly.


Britain needs to cut ties with the EU to have a free trade zero tariff deal with the U.S.A. The U.S.A. cannot allow Europe to piggyback on Britain's special status.

Novichok; The Affordable WMD

The nerve agent Novichok recently used in London is eight times more powerful than the three strongest previously mass-produced nerve agents GA, GB and VX. Novichok has a greater danger in that it can be made into a solid form as powder. It is thus a persistent nerve agent unlike the liquids and gases that etherialize into disappearance in the warm sunshine.

Iran has made five varieties of Novichok and several western nations have made a batch for 'research' purposes. Plainly the U.N. is remiss if it hasn't already voted to outlaw Novichok and invention of any more persistent nerve agents.

Speculation regarding the source of the attacks in the U.K. continues. Of course the source was most likely a state agent though it might be possible for a prosperous chemist to manufacture the item secretly. Even more important than the attacks is the fact that it brings publicity to a very dangerous weapon of mass destruction that can be placed upwind of high population density civil areas to create hundreds of thousands or millions of deaths.

Plainly Novichok should get some serious attention until it is eradicated.


Google's News Source Screen Doesn't Work Well

  Google news has an option for each story to hide all stories from each news source (it should just say cancel them) that doesn't work at all well. One spends more time repeatedly trying to get rid of stories from CNN, The Washington Post and NPR then actually reading news. Seriously; each day for the past week or two I have selected the best no more stories from CNN, NPR and The Washington Post option available at least 30 times and yet the stories still reappear. It is as if Google is a partner of the leftist brainwashing, propaganda hate the President.

The Internet's strength is free choice designer selection of content to review. When heavy programming power forces choices and works to subjugate readers that isn't good.

Alternatively Google might just be cheap. After all they might not profit from the news page and just let their leftist, anarchist programmers maintain it (one or two fellows that are in the Google equivalent of exile to Siberia). I now regard the Google news page as the moral equivalent of Windows.


Did LHT Pressure Coerce Pres Trump to Oppose Breastfeeding?

President Trump insulted America's excellent Ecuadorian allies by opposing a breastfeeding support resolution at the U.N. Corporate didn't like the promotion globally of breastfeeding over artificial bottle formula, and corporate is notoriously homosexual and LBLT. Is President Trump really a good political supporter of anti-homosexual hegemony and their Borg principle of collective coercive rights over individual rights?

President Trump will need to send some sort of computer and solar power package to Ecuador to make up for the blunder.


A Third of a Billion Tons of Auto CO2 Annually in Atmosphere

Automobiles put about a third of a billion tons of CO2 into the Earth's atmosphere Each year. 

Other sources point out that humans put 40 billion tons of CO2 into the world atmosphere overall. The mass of the atmosphere is 5 quadrillion tons. It was in balance naturally before the additional greenhouse gasses were added by humans, such that it could sustain life. Humanity arose in intelligence within an oxygen rich atmosphere with lower carbon dioxide levels. Adding powerful greenhouse gasses, increasing CO2 and decreasing the percent of oxygen isn't good.

Human polluters also release extra nitrogen and reactive hydrocarbons.

The oceans absorb and remove CO2 from the atmosphere and store it, yet storage space is limited- like that of a computer hard drive or ssd. When it it full the stuff just stays elsewhere. In the meantime the oceans become more acidic as CO2 reacts with ocean water. That is bad for shellfish and sea life generally.

Apparently the ocean has  sucked up a lot of that human produced CO2 since the Industrial revolution began- more than 550 billion tons. The Smithsonian says that each day it is getting a quarter of the CO2 produced by coal burning plants- so hurry up and kill off the oceans, Alfred E Newman might blunder...it's a place where commie pinkos hide out. Oceans have become; "30% more acidic in the past 200 years". What- me worry?

image credit: N.O.A.A.
Ocean Acidification Illustration

Soy May Have a Thousand Ways of Non-Perishable Presentation

Soy bean farmers should get tough and creative instead of complaining about how much they miss selling their crop sales to the Chinese Communists. The communists choose to eschew the marvelous protein-rich bean as a negotiating tactic. That choice should provide opportunities for farmers to sell their crops to new locales where it has never gone before. They might also invent a new product that would preserve the beans far beyond their usual expiration date.


Some sort of soy-protein mint-flavored energy bars might be right. Soy protein and apple and apricots such as applets and cotlets are made of might be a popular product in protein deficient regions of the world. Soy and fruit together in a sugar-beet powdered sugar-coated mint bar could supply needed nutrition for people in Nepal or Tibet (or are the communists intimidating those areas still?). India might a market that could use non-perishable products that are very low cost, nutritious and cheap.

Quality non-animal protein food sources are just not dumped. I recall one winter scrapping muscles off beach boulders for protein and their wasn't much to the things. Not every place on Earth has lots of protein even at dollar stores that are affordable or even existent.


KJ Un Chooses Nuclear War Path instead of Peace and Prosperity

Choosing peace and prosperity when the opportunity arises instead of war is nominally at least the better choice. North Korea's Kim Jong Un apparently is duplicitous about his desire for peace and prosperity. His signals to President Trump regarding denuclearization were nothing more than deceit to continue nuclear development through other means. 


 North Korean leaders played the Clinton administration famously even getting Sect. of State Madeleine Albright to synthetic belly-jig dance . President Trump is unlikely to be so compliant in return for sweet nothings for the media that mean nothing.

KJ Un may be looking to the mid-term election and playing for time hoping that loose democrat party appeasers will return to take over government. Its not really a bad tactic yet it might not work out to well.

 When the former Soviet Union and President Gorbachev faced a similar probably of occupying an inferior strategic military and economic position the leadership choose to just allow glasnost and perestroika to run full course. Peace and prosperity were a better direction than war. Other than Democrat Party failure to work well with Russia after the end of the cold war bringing distrust to those considering letting down their guard and choosing to join mainstream western economics, the decision to change for Russia worked out reasonably well with few casualties, no war and debatably an improvement in the lifestyle of Russian.              

If North Korea rapidly denuclearizes, allows free expression and travel between north and south for business, and officially ends the Korean War, it would be better off quite swiftly and remarkably. Korea could become a technology strongman comparable to Germany. American soy beans could flow by the hundreds of thousands of tons to bring quality vegetable protein to the undernourished. There would be no chance of civil war between northerners and southerners. Therefore I believe Rocket Man is not playing with a full deck.


Roman Empire Teleology

Caesar's conquest of Gaul was a necessary historical progression. Transalpine Gaul became a vast producer of produce for Rome in addition to other considerations. In a way it was necessary for Rome to conquer Gaul after the invasions from northerners that Caesar's uncle Marius thwarted (he buried 150,000 at Marseilles and the fields were said to be rich with fertilizer for produce).

Gaul was colonized by upper class Romans that enjoyed vast estates. They had too enjoyable of a lifestyle and it was somewhat rotted from within. It is worth recollecting that it was the Huns and their speed of light comparatively speaking cavalry that showed the way to end the Roman Empire. The Legions couldn't move as quickly, and were corrupted with foreign recruits. Rome had a kind of natural lifestyle and ended rather naturally. It was a bridge nation between old civilizations and the new Europe and became a vehicle for the dissemination of Christianity. Really quite remarkable. A divine plan.

On the Proposition that Ideologies are Subititutes for Religion (Nietzsche)

Good ideas exist in-themselves after they are made and used by others. Formalizing ideas and using them politically instead of thinking for-oneself is a problem of course. Today a generality for political platforms is that they elect inertially normal social symbols that cannot reform social structure or economics as required externally for-itself.

Nietzche was wrong about a lot of things. Only one guy attended his college philology lectures- a janitor at the school. He regard the people as unthinking ants following customs in the village globally while he probably saw himself as Zarathustra living on a hill looking down upon the comedy-tragedy, metaphorically speaking.

Is political ideology the same as or a replacement for religious and theological belief? The answer to that is of course no. Political affiliation has no potential for providing salvation unto eternal life through the Lord Jesus Christ.

Can prople that just pretend to be religious with an imitation of Christianity behave empirically in some way as comfortable Democrat Party cadre if they jump ship because they believe Christian association isn't socially as valuable in the present godless, mindless epoch? of course.

Sociological behavior is different than what ideas are. Organizational structures may have similarities yet with different intellectual content or the lack of it. It depends how one is viewing human behavior; as an atheist and empirical scientific behaviorist, as a theolgican with true faith, as a social self-promoting opportunist etc. and so forth.


Wisdom could be said to be understanding social behavior and development of an ability to understand human behavioral characteristics. It is...