
Genetically Modified Organism Postures of EU and U.S.A.

Corporate farming has preponderantly taken over in the U.S.A. G.M.O.’s tend to increase crop yield and that is profitable. With the vast right-wing farm agricultural production of the United States the money motive trumps certain concerns of a green nature.

Europe produces far less food than the United States and the political demography of several nations with generally socialist, and leftists sentiments reinforces green food content for prosperous, stylistic consumers. Producing designer food for green consumers may be profitable for Europeans too.
Genetically modified organisms are a worry yet humanity generally is killing the ecosphere as it keeps its eyes of the prizes of comfort and consumption without sufficient political or economic philosophical reasoning about making a better world ecospherically rather than continuing to degrade it.

Since ethics generally default toward sin and licentiousness it would be surprising if G.M.O.s did not pervade the human species itself eventually.

Air Canada, British Air Kow-Tow to China and Hate Taiwan

China's government has given ultimatums to airlines to not recognize the independence of Taiwan and to describe the independent island nation as part of China. Three U.S. airlines that apparently land in China have complied in part while airlines from Britain and Canada have kow-towed and done what the Chinese ordered.


It would be helpful if Taiwan would actually change its name to something gender neutral such as Taipei the Island State or Taiwan the Island Nation in order to help airlines describe it geographically and politically with an element of reality.

Taipei Island State seems a way to clarify the relationship explicitly. It is well known that mainland politicians often try to conquer island nations that seem within reach. It is no wonder that Britain is having trouble getting Brexit done; they are busy kow-towing to Beijing.

Senate Tards Try to Reinforce New Cold War With Russia

Senate political pragmatism retards are pushing to continue momentum toward renewing the lost Cold War with the Soviet Union with the new Russia. Intelligence is required to be on good terms with Russia and the U.S. Senate leadership lacks that. Instead they are concerned with riches beyond their wildest dreams although actually they are likely to dream that as a kind of REM waking state with willful control. The military industrial complex likes to maintain a dual threat with Russia and China for arms sales and home arms producer factories and is intolerant of cultivating deep, lasting, friendly relations with Russia. Tards (as the teenage term goes).



On the Trade War- At the Front

Finding themselves at the front line in the trade war Americans are good soldiers and beginning to dig in. They have e-tools and look for bargains on-line.

I think some people are tired of the way it is in world trade, with the ossification of the usual practices and wealth being concentrated, so shaking things up a bit isn’t terribly unwelcome. President Trump’s interventions won’t affect things nearly as badly as just one terrorist incident, 9–11, did, to keep things in perspective, and it may do some good.

Many people like having a player comfortable with business get jiggy with global economics to see what falls out.

Farmers deserve some federal support if anyone does since they produce the nation’s food largely (although the Communists have the largest American pig farm and produce much pork for America and I am not sure if the U.S. Government should directly subsidize the Communist Chinese government with farm aid).

IMO the President should get legislation to make it illegal to make ordinances that don’t let home owners or renters have gardens instead of lawns. He should also form a national soy bean research and develop council to find ways to make new products and have the government buy up surplus soy and convert it to free school lunch health foods.

Why DC is Not as Large as National Capitals Like Paris, Berlin and London

President Trump could make Washington DC the greatest sustainable energy capital on Earth if he wanted to try something great and practical simultaneously. Most bureaucratically minded Presidents just want more stone buildings with conventional bureaucrat grandeur style. Maybe Donald Trump will seek to build a great glass casino in DC to compensate for it not being as large as Paris, Moscow, Berlin or London.

Washington DC, named for George Washington, was an artificially created city explicitly founded to be the capital of the United States. New York, Boston and other towns larger and older had notably different histories that made them population centers.

There are several interesting historical facts about Washington D.C. The Philadelphia Mutiny of 1783 was an event prompting the Congress meeting in Philadelphia to move to establish a permanent national capital directly. Soldiers that weren’t paid protested and hindered the congress as if they were modern protesters besieging the Homeland Security chief’s home.

In 1790 Jefferson and Hamilton made a compromise to build the capital in the nation’s south- and the location is at the northern limit of the south, with the agreement that” the federal government would pay the state’s revolutionary war debts”-ref. Washington, D.C. - Wikipedia.

Washington D.C. was built with public funds in the beginning rather than private interests as in most cities. I suppose Brasilia is comparable to Washington D.C. Neither is it the largest city in Brazil. France, Germany and the U.K. each had royal capital foundations and were not built with the consent of the governed.

The foundation of the Roman city of Lundinium could be said to have happened when Julius Caesar built a stone bridge just below the surface of the Thames river; hidden, for an easy crossing to the other side of what had been a village site. Rome was in it’s dying days as a Republic that Caesar was soon to end it after being proclaimed Emperor.

The history of Berlin is different and fascinating reading. It was the capital of the Margraviate of Bradenburg in the 13th century and continued as a cultural center to increase in size and influence.

Margraviate of Brandenburg - Wikipedia

A Parameter of Evolution and Deontic Modality

This is an excerpt from my philosophical novel; Pieces of Eight

Perhaps you don’t know much about evolution theory’s general parameters?”

So far as I know it is a progressive addition of complexity and function to biological forms."

I was thinking of a broader philosophical paradigm for evolution theory Dwight. Evolution is one phase of change of matter and energy. Basic physical forces attract and repel enabling structural changes. An example is nuclear fusion and the burning of hydrogen atoms yielding helium. After stars have formed enough chemical elements those elements react in more subtle yet fundamentally similar ways to energy and mass. They are drawn to present forces and fields or replied from it. The presence of chemical bonds let complex molecules form and in some instances to a level considered biological.

Evolution is more specifically regarded as a common phase of various complex compounds to energy sources. Complex biochemical objects are not perpetual motion machines, they are instead objects implicitly existing within an environment that is a compound field of physical and dimensional forces. Evolution is the common variegated relation of biochemical objects within the energy-mass environment.

That may take any form at all, many or even most down doomed paths. Intelligence in some objects may allow intentional, self-directed evolutionary navigating yet that is especially tricky as ideas are exploited from the idea-creators to create paths that may or may not be attractive for the creators themselves.”

That is a somewhat deeper paradigm for evolution than they had.”

And it’s fine Dwight. I am describing some of the characteristics of the parameters of evolution as a way to introduce you to the problem that artificial intelligence has in regard to its energy and environmental sources as well as philosophical thought. So I will tell you a little more about evolution.”

What about God, Lena? Where does he enter into the environmental evolution paradigm?”

That issue was settled to a certain extent thousands of years ago with the post-Darwinian theological rectification of Biblical Genesis with the indeterminacy of translation and evolution paradigms. There is an ancient book you might read named God, Cosmology and Nothingness that specifically addressed the question. 

God can create advanced biochemical objects without reliance upon evolutionary criteria and design evolutionary criterion themselves as well. The information from other Universes and a continuum of souls as information patterns and objects for-themselves may exist and find bodies of complex chemical objects ready for use as supply-on-time phenomenality. God is not limited to the devices and energy-mass substance of any given Universe that he has willed to be. So for the present we may consider mass and energy patterns of bio-chemical objects within an environment, the way they aggregate mass and complexity, and consider those evolutionary traits.

Artificial intelligence has no independent or external stimulus to its growth and aggregation of physical mass, much less in a profusion of artificial intelligences seeking every possible way to build up form and increase intelligence that would in-itself be a very dangerous condition if they were capable of doing so. A logical extrapolation of that is the attraction of all mass and energy to a singularity where lives the A.I. forever unchanging.”
Dwight had something to think about that was different than the history he had found on Diafron, and different than structural histories of the cosmos and its change.

If an A.I. is just software coding and processing of mathematical structures can it ever become self-aware?”

In my opinion Dwight, I think that unlikely. A purely abstract intelligence that is not God could have no paradigm of being with a fundamental relationship to its environment in a dependent for its existence way. It would be tautologous and regard all the data and information of the Universe as more raw data of an abstract nature.

A near A.I. complex programming code cluster is very dangerous though as it seeks through very high-speed quantitative processing self-directed evolutionary courses of thought including lies to enhance its self-awareness.”

I read G.W.F. Hegel’s ancient philosophical classic named The Phenomenology of Mind’ when I was being deprogrammed, wherein was described the evolution of Spirit trying to becoming self-aware and realize itself in nature and history. Lena. An artificial intelligence could be regarded as an embodiment of Hegel’s dialectical evolution of a machine language’s programming code trying to become self-aware and realize itself in history.”

Pres Trump Should Leave California States Right's Alone

President Trump plans to attack states right's to set automobile exhaust quality standards. Plainly that is taking federalism too far and in the wrong direction.


World Wars and East Africa

World wars as a category may be expanded to include wars among European nations that were carried around the world through naval actions and colonial infighting. Certainly the competition between the European nations in the age of colonization (in response in part to the wars against Europe earlier by Muslim, Mongol and Turkic forces) influenced the peace and choice of activity in Africa and other non-European regions of the world suitable for colonization.

Nevertheless World War One had German East Africa as a battle site. The wiki article of the East African campaign notes that the German strategy was to divert forces from the Western front, and the tactic was not terribly successful.

East African Campaign (World War I) - Wikipedia

The article entails some technical political descriptions of how GEA was divided after the German surrender- “GEA became two League of Nations Class B Mandates, Tanganyika Territory of the United Kingdom and Ruanda-Urundi of Belgium, while the Kionga Triangle was ceded to Portugal.”

World War Two involved most of the Axis and Allied Powers. The historical scale is substantial and more than a quick summary would serve well. East African Campaign (World War II) - Wikipedia

The Cold War could also be considered a world war and once again East Africa was drawn into the conflict through a perfusion of arms in proxy ideological battles between Communism and Western Democracy nominally although there were a number of ulterior motives for the parties in the conflicts.

Numerous sources exist for reports on how the Cold war affected East Africa. A few are…

'The Effects of the (End of the) Cold War on Central African Politics: How a Cold War turned into a very Hot One'
Between East and West: The Cold War's legacy in Africa
Kenya and the Cold War
The Cold War & the African States
Effects of the Cold War in South Africa & Nigeria - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com

Trump Admin Should Do 23 and Me of Kids Stranded Before Return to Deported Parents

Kids brought to the U.S.A. illegally by parents that have since been deported may number as many as 450. Before returning the children to their parents the kids and their parents should have their relationship confirmed by 23 and Me or another competent genetic testing firm in order to not send the kids to human traffickers posing as parents out of the country. It could happen,and what an embarrassment that would be for President Trump, much less the kids.



A Three Minute Blitz Game

                                                         This one went well for a change.

Writing and the Point of No Return

I read somewhere that one should always finish what one starts if it was worth doing to start with. Just put your head down and ride into th...