
Russian Collusion in NFL Anti-National Anthem Knee Taking?

Special Investigator Mueller should look into the anti-national anthem disrespect of NFL player and NBA players to determine if the activities were catalyzed or planned with Russian collusion. Have any Russians attended NFL games or been observed in NBA games? Did any leaders of the anti national anthem knee taking activities travel to Moscow or know Russian sleeper agents?

LeBron James, N.B.A. superstar, has shown the blindness of racism in choosing to blame President Trump for the idiotic N.F.L. anti-American knee-taking during the national anthem. President Trump did not start that godless, evil anti-American protest that so many former NFL viewers hate.

LeBron demonstrated why pro athletes are radically over-paid contributing nothing to society besides entertainment. The super-rich can moon the U.S.A. during the national anthem and President Trump is to blame. Kolin Kapernikus started sitting or taking a knee during the national anthem in August-September 2016 months before the November election.


James believes the President is using sports to divide America. Apparently he believes Americans should hate the U.S.A. as much as he or the N.F.L. does, if one interprets hate as meaning disrespecting the national anthem for an agenda of super-rich sports celebrities.

Rich biological entities with no apparent loyalty to the nation are worse that yippees; they are a fifth column of 'we are the world' globalists with various agendas of racism, plutocracy and aristocratic tendencies.  Many Americans care about democracy and the nation for it's all they have. They are not post-jet set globe trotters with no concern for a nation-in-particular.


LeBron James; LA Racist, Blames Trump for Sports Scum that Disrespect National Anthem

LeBron James, N.B.A. superstar, has shown the blindness of racism in choosing to blame President Trump for the idiotic N.F.L. anti-American knee-taking during the national anthem. President Trump did not start that godless, evil anti-American protest that so many former NFL viewers hate.

LeBron demonstrated why pro athletes are radically over-paid contributing nothing to society besides entertainment. The super-rich can moon the U.S.A. during the national anthem and President Trump is to blame. Kolin Kapernikus started sitting or taking a knee during the national anthem in August-September 2016 months before the November election. Was Russian collusion involved?


James believes the President is using sports to divide America. Apparently he believes Americans should hate the U.S.A. as much as he or the N.F.L. does, if one interprets hate as meaning disrespecting the national anthem for an agenda of super-rich sports celebrities.

Rich biological entities with no apparent loyalty to the nation are worse that yippees; they are a fifth column of 'we are the world' globalists with various agendas of racism, plutocracy and aristocratic tendencies.  Many Americans care about democracy and the nation for it's all they have. They are not post-jet set globe trotters with no concern for a nation-in-particular.

That's the Way Things Spin Theoretically

Interesting ways of modeling ‘fundamental’ particles continue to develop along with algebras to use experimentally. The standard model of quantum physics doesn't use Octonion or Dixon algebra that could be valid ways of finding sharper descriptions of the way things spin.

Spin and non-commutativity are important concepts about particles that may be represented algebraically

http://www.7stones.com/Homepage/_matter_dominant.pdf Geoffrey Dixon “The Standard Model arises from T := C⊗H⊗O”

The concept of finding deeper math that scientists can use is encouraging for those interested in learning how the mass-energy of this apparent Universe works. Hilbert space allows non-Euclidean extension of space representation to any number of dimensions. Algebraic representation of particles in any number of dimensions might be turbo-charged theoretically with new approaches.

using Octonians to develop the standard model of physics particle-waves

http://www.tunl.duke.edu/nnpss/lectures/19/NNPSS-I.pdf Fundamental symmetries of the standard model

Government Shutdown Might Be a Libertarian Event

IMO some deficit hawks will be happy that the government is shutting down. Government is too large and President Trump may possibly think about building a wall around D.C. too.

President Trump has supporters of all kinds of political spin. Maybe they are modeled with non-commutative SU (3) matrices somewhere (a unitary group ideal). The 1% in earnings (not the 1% in the motorcycle world) seemed to have their politicians in the Repub Party work against Donald Trump’s election. Democrats are government workers and against the President. Maybe the rich will hate the closure, the Demos in government hate the closure, and those that voted for the President in some areas of a Boolean algebra truth table will be unhappy, and others with different values, happy.


If some sort of extraordinary permanent budget reduction could occur whenever the government shuts down- as if when a plant didn’t get water for a while it shrank in size- that would be helpful.

At least President Trump is exercising a bit of libertarianism on European security with some reduction of the U.S. role in paying for it, and allowing libertarian trends in global trade relations by cutting out so many bureaucratic, automatic insider trading circuits for a little while with tariffs.

Government inefficiency reflects its primary concern with serving the most rich and lesser economic levels from the top-down. Government grows in size yet without making a more effective social environment for as many as 100 million Americans on the bottom of the economic mountain. Probably government could be cut in half yet its efficiency increased 50% with some cleverness.


Wift Broke British Brexit Soy Stands For Food Supply Substitute

Since China helpfully tariff'd away its U.S. soy imports Britain's challenged with potential food supply issues from a broken Brexit has a ready, cheap source of high-quality protein from the U.S.A. available for acquisition.

Soy is a vast right-wing vegetable protein useful in myriad food products. British technical scientific researches can probably convert soy into the new Spam of foods to stand beside conventional, traditional Spam and discover new ways to combine it with fruits and nuts into candies with extended shelf lives. Adding soy to the 49% food supply produced in Britain should cover the gap for some time-until locally grown intense mari and polyculture increase food productivity.


Soy is a fundamental food available in great quantity and easy to ship in bulk. Soy warehousing could be made in temporary tensioned-membrane domes for thousands and thousands of tons of bulk soy powder.



Why Paul's Writing is More Important Than Augustine's

Paul was an apostle, with Apostolic authority. He knew the Lord in a personal way. He was a planter of churches and an authority on correct doctrine. His friend Apollos probably was the author of the letter to the Hebrews, with Pauline consultation. Paul was known to all of the disciples as well as people like Clement of Rome. The letters or Epistles attributed to Paul comprise a substantial portion of the New Testament. He was martyred in Rome.
Augustine of Hippo was a 4th century theologian and an important one. His writing was excellent and his ideas philosophically interesting. His personal life and experiences and conversion to Christianity comprise much of his works. Theologically his most important position may have been the opinion that mankind’s nature with original sin is totally depraved, while another theologian named Pelagius had the point of view that it is only partially so.
Augustine interpreted scripture centuries after the crucifixion of Christ. Paul lived in the first century and was the Apostle to the Gentiles. His letters are scripture. Augustine was a philosopher of a kind; a neo-Platonist before conversion to Christianity. Paul was a Jewish Pharisee and student of Gamaliel before Christ appeared to him on the road to Damascus.
The way theological positions are hermeneutically interpreted from scripture determines church doctrine and informs church dogmatics. Augustine’s ideas are regarded as more accurate than those of Pelagius.
The Catholic church is still concerned about Pelagianism- quote from the Wikipedia- " in a letter of February 2018 titled Placuit Deo, stating, "A new form of Pelagianism is spreading in our days, one in which the individual, understood to be radically autonomous, presumes to save oneself, without recognizing that, at the deepest level of being, he or she derives from God and from others.”


Why Nations Do Not Try to Start War 'Games' With War 'Game Piece' Equality

It is a political tradition for governments to be concerned about weapons of hostile foreign governments. Perhaps it is because they are sometimes used in war. Unlike a chess game wherein it is usual to start the game with an equal number and assortment of pieces, in war the players do not try to make sure that their opponent (s) have an equal number of pieces.

Another problem is with weapons of mass destruction; they are just too large to be used very much on a planet like the Earth. Fluid dynamic political balances make power relationships regarding weapons stable and not used when they are constant. Proportional quality and quality weapons changes by various nations tend to precipitate conflicts if/when conflicts occur.

That is why there has been attention given by politicians and negotiators to changes in weapons balances internationally regarding quality and quantity with demands that any signed treaties regarding weapons balances are honored (such as the A.B.M. treaty signed with the Soviet Union).

A Brief History of the U.S. Relationship With the Soviet Union and Russia

The U.S.A. became an enemy of the Soviet Union after the October revolution of 1917. It sent 2000 troops to fight for the anti-Bolshevik Army during the Russian Civil war. The U.S.A. was not willing to give diplomatic recognition to the Soviet Union until President Roosevelt took office and sought to establish diplomatic relations in 1933.

During World War II a reconciliation to comrades-in-arms status against the Nazi Reich was feasible. The U.S.A. supplied the Soviet Union with weapons and war material to fight against German Nazi invaders. That pragmatic working relationship ended with the conclusion of the war as the communists under Stalin resumed their war upon capitalism, democracy and so forth.

The Soviet Union understandably occupied the countries in which they had fought Nazis after the war and forced their totalitarian communism upon the people of those countries. The loss of so many western nations to communism through force created a lasting belligerent status east-west. With captured Nazi scientists and native Russian genius the Soviets built a large nuclear weapons capability that they pointed toward Europe, the United States and other anti-communist nations.

Soviets provided material support for the Communist North Korean parties leading up to the Korean War. After the U.N. chose to hold democratic elections for a government in the South the communists attacked South Korea.

Until the death of the dictator Joseph Stalin March 5, 1953, the Soviets of Russia kept a Communism in one country policy and did not implement Trotsky’s policy of global conquest. With Stalin’s death Soviet expansionism and support for communist revolutions globally resumed with a vengeance. A large number of revolutionary and sometimes anti-colonial wars commenced around the Earth. The United States and N.A.T.O. were the primary opponents to a planet of totalitarian communism. Notably Fidel Castro and Nikita Khrushchev tried to install nuclear missiles pointed at the U.S.A. in Cuba nearly causing nuclear conflict.

The issues that had divided the west and Russia ended with the end of the Soviet Union, or should have, during the Gorbachev-Reagan era (Soviets withdrew a quarter million troops from East Germany in December 1988 starting a political cascade leading to the termination of the Soviet State).

Continuing good relations with Russia is the most important political challenge for the United States today; equal to that of illegal immigration. To rebuild conflict with Russia comparable to the Cold War with the Soviet Union is counterproductive and harmful to U.S. national economic and security interests. Leadership that does so is unAmerican and/or daft.

Challenges for Christian Science Fiction Writers

Christian science fictions writers may encounter problems with different eschatological hermeneutics such as premillennialism, postmillennialism and amillennialism that have different parameters for important topics such as when the apocalypse was or will be in space-time. Science fiction writers sometimes encounter disbelief and skepticism regarding theoretical parameters such as Calvinist determinism and material predestination in supercomputer artificial intelligence epistemology.

Christian science fictions writers may encounter problems with different eschatological hermeneutics such as premillennialism, postmillennialism and amillennialism that have different parameters for important topics such as when the apocalypse was or will be in space-time. Science fiction writers sometimes encounter disbelief and skepticism regarding theoretical parameters such as Calvinist determinism and material predestination in supercomputer artificial intelligence epistemology. Postmillennialism for example places the apocalypse in the first century a.d. and the present age as that for building the kingdom of God that proximally started at Pentacost.

What the Perfect Socialist USA May Look Like to Democrats

Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton would be President. The Democrat Party would own every corporation and business in the nation. Bisexual bureaucrat-CEO’s would supervise mandatory sterilization and transneuterization of all citizens. Dope or soma in the food supply would negate the need for private property that would be abolished as people became too dopey to know where they were.


Wisdom could be said to be understanding social behavior and development of an ability to understand human behavioral characteristics. It is...