
Israel is Rightly for Jews

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu recently said that Israel is for Jews; in that he is correct. Israel has only somewhat more than six million Jews- about as many as were killed in the holocaust. The United States has maybe 7.5 million Jews, and the global population is estimated and just 15 million.


There is no realistic way that Jews can allow themselves to be militarily or politically flanked from the inside or out of Israel. Unlike during the holocaust, in Israel Jews can at least go down with a fight-even if it were their Alamo. The nation of Israel should have a moderately liberal tourism policy, yet their existential security requires they remain a sovereign independent state for Jews. The stupid might not understand why.

US Annual Personal Income is About 16 Trillion- How Now a 4.7 Trillion Budget Proposal?

President Trump should be looking for ways to reduce and balance the federal budget instead of applying nearly a third of the nation's annual personal income to pay for it. Like the Democrats it is really spaced out. Inventing methods to get more bang for the buck without cutting the  safety net of the poor is the way to go.

The cost of the wall pales into insignificance in comparison to the real costly items. For one thing military wages should be cut in half and a draft restored to fill military ranks with two years of service required of all men and women who are citizens.

All citizens would serve three months at one station unit training, then two weeks a year for annual training in their m.o.s. For combat readiness active duty soldiers would have some purely volunteer units for those that view the military as a professional activity. They would have a moderately higher pay scale. With so many people in the pool to draw upon it would be reasonable to assign citizens to jobs they are well fit for- even as support elements.

Green New Deal Alternatives; Work in Progress

I have already mentioned demolition of major U.S. cities that would be replaced with hollow mountain range constructions for mass habitations with electric vehicle energy lines running between cities. Those lines would be super-conducting encased within liquid hydrogen made with hydrolysis Another idea would be to relocate all the world's cattle to Mongolia where the pharting would harmlessly be released at high altitude. Trans-world (via Alaska) hypertubes would replace air cargo traffic. Hypertubes would replace trucks cor continental mass cargo transit. 

This is a work in progress. Watch this space.

https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-47638586 Canadian technology to remove CO2 from air

Adam Smith; a friend of David Hume, imagined free trade and a self-regulating invisible hand of enterprise evolving the best economic situation. He did not account at all for the invisible hand's affect on the ecosphere. Actually the invisible hand is run by a brain dead mechanism concerning environment.

While free markets evolve they do not do so with any ecospheric sentience. Instead they concern themselves with profit. If the world were in substantial ecospheric decline the laws of scarcity would become in effect to reinforce the increase of value and profit. Some might try to find new Earths to dump supply if possible.

What is required is directed evolution of free enterprise with thoughtful regulation and incentives.

NYC and America are "Garbage"- Rep Coretz

Representative of New York said that America (including New York) is garbage. Escape from New York might have new meaning; it is trash that would be no big loss if erased. Anarchy can level things to ground zero and build a better New York City with mountains ranges instead of buildings. People could live inside mountain ranges and mountain goats could climb outside.

Yet it is the invention of 93 trillion dollars worth of l.e.d. lights that will make a better New York that Americans can be proud of instead of the unsightly trash that is occupying what once was a place where mouse moose, bear and salmon could interact as peaceful predators upon-others for-themselves.


One can create a lot of jobs for the wrecking crew with an extreme urban makeover. Cities all over America could be demolished and beautiful snow-capped mountain ranges could rise in their place. High-speeder ptvs driving on in-line power from solar panels and liquid hydrogen with a super-conducting line in the pipe could make the utopia work until an inventor replaces l.e.d. bulbs with something better.


On Indicting Presidents While in Office

Elections serve to remove the Chief law enforcement officer if necessary. There is the tool of impeachment as well. If impeached and convicted the former President is eligible for indictment. Partisan judicial processes indicting opposition party Presidents would be as common as asphalt on streets if it was lawful.
At the highest level of government it is probably useful to not have incestuous, interminable legal buggering of the president in order to avoid putting tanglefoot for the guy/gal to fall over with their bootlaces tied together.

Problems With One World Government Theory

There is no mechanism whereby Earth humanity could select or elect one fearless leader. Complete compliance to the selection by the citizens of every nation is improbable too.
Allocating planetary resources as a dictator would find some winners and losers according to the Dictator’s neutral decretals. 

People are not in agreement about innumerable political issues globally. To force one policy into effect Universally, such as homosexual marriage, would require the repression of billions of dissidents. A Dictator would need to brainwash all her subjects to accept policy issued from godless decree on high, perhaps with a genetically modified virus to dumb down humanity sufficiently to bring into being a planet of docile yes-persons.

Downsizing, consolidating, increasing efficiency with centralization, mergers and hostile takeovers; these are  popular business characteristics. Anti-monopoly laws aren't. 

One world government is a sophomoric idea that occurs to many college freshmen to simplify government down to just one. It is a kind of algebraic process of deleting like terms from both sides, or all sides in case there are several, from an equation. Unfortunately humanity is not reducible to 0s and 1s expect in abstract logic. It is the differences and complex structures that make life interesting.

When one gets more learning and experience one may approach efficiency increases from a different point of view and look for ways to bring good ideas into being globally that can rectify corruptions of systematic political logic, reform policies that are ineffective and create equal justice before the law while conserving and restoring a healthy ecosphere and human political economy.

That is, one can try.

Who's Obstructin Justice Now?

Democrats in the House can invent whatever they like to harass the President with. House investigations are a somewhat underutilized political tool that Republicans tend not to exploit as quantitatively. Dealing with lunatics in the House is part of the job of being President. President Trump seems to thrive on verbal conflict.
President Trump might consider dusting off an old F.D.R. trick and try to expand the Supreme Court and pack it with sympathetic judges. Then he could say over the House cries of protest that they are obstructin justices.

The Soviet Military Threat

The Soviet Union’s military was primarily structured for self-defense rather than hemispheric invasion. Joseph Stalin’s policy was communism in one country rather than the Trotskyite policy of global conquest. Mongols, Napoleon and Hitler had invaded Russia and the Soviet Union- not vice versa.
The Red Army rolled up the eastern front of the Nazi army and occupied the countries they had been in. There wasn’t a good reason to swiftly give them up and allow an unstable west without a pre-determined political future structurally to have an opportunity to attack again starting from the 10 yard line. After a half century when the Reagan administration and President Gorbachev working together through historical providence found a rapport, they gave them up. The Soviet Union faded away and the new Russian federation emerged through the Yeltsin administration.
With the death of the dictator Joseph Stalin and his one-country policy there was a renewal of Soviet expansionism and the Cold War became heated. Soviet and Western proxies fought battles around the global from Nicaragua to Vietnam and in Africa. The 1950′s until 1989 had nuclear proliferation, guerrilla and anti-guerrilla wars globally. It was a difficult era. The Soviet Union also had the problem of a rising China with leaders antipathetic in some respects to Soviet Far East interests. The Amur River saw Sino-Soviet militaries occasionally considering war.
The essentially Soviet threat to the United States besides nuclear conflict was two-fold. Communist expansionism from Latin America and fifth column socialist-communist citizen elements occasionally associated with the Democrat Party. Each of those invasion threats was contained.


Criteria for Erasing the Second Amendment

The second amendment and the rest could be abolished anytime with election of the right people. The Democratic House just passed a measure to let illegal aliens vote. Even with google translators the nation could have leaders that don’t give a d___ about the Constitution. The Supreme Court might be appointed with Curlie More and Larry justices to ditto whatever a Divine Dictator of the People decrees. People assume the laws and founding documents cannot be erased, yet they may be one day after some time of just interpreting laws with liberal inventive fiction to mean whatever the zeitgeist of the powerful require.

In the founding era it was nearly impossible for the government to take away guns from homes. Even when the civil war occurred and the south lost, the idea of taking away guns from homes would not have worked for long. Former slaves took up guns to try to assert independence. Today though, mass gun control is possible.

Mass surveillance and concentrated wealth would let the right people on the court and in government remove all firearms. That would be a useful social control tool for a perfected New World Order with just a billion people alive on the planet more or less.
Governments change historically. Documents may change or be replaced. Recall the fake Donation of Constantine. Tribalism is sometimes popular to take political control over vague abstract theories that are out of touch with the crude social reality; people may want a king.
The Democrat Party platform for 2020 seems to be emerging as Anti-Israel, pro-Talib, pro-Omar Mullah, pro-infanticide, anti-Trump, neo-socialist, illegal alien rights of citizenship including voting, anti-capitalism except with socialist government partnership, anti-Google, anti-Facebook, homosexual marriage, anti-Christian, pro radical Islam, pro-dope, anti-fobiya etc.

The nation has no guarantee of security or placid museum quality security.

US Should Build Up Border Security With Fence and Visa Requirement for Euros

The United States should require visas for Europeans entering the United States and put a global warming tax on them for offsetting the carbon of trans-Atlantic travel. Sailors would not be required to pay a carbon tax on the visa good for three months and available for just five easy payments of $19.95 plus a modest $50 Euro carbon flight tax. The visa fee could help pay for the cost of building a good fence on the Mexican border. It would be worthwhile keeping European terrorists out of the United States, as well as those terrorists just visiting Europe to get an easy shot to the U.S.A.


The visa-free travel program should be deleted for a security upgrade.


One must tighten up the border security looseness if global warming is to be reversed. With loose border security a King Canute command to fix it on cue won't work especially when illegal alien voters approved by Democrats veto the Rube Goldberg scheme because it gets in the way of monster truck sales and coal mining jobs.

Writing and the Point of No Return

I read somewhere that one should always finish what one starts if it was worth doing to start with. Just put your head down and ride into th...