
SD Synagogue Shooter May Have Been Godless Atheist

The 19-year-old San Diego synagogue shooter was the son of a high school science teacher. Because an arsonist hit a mosque near the synagogue a month ago it is reasonable to speculate that the shooter may have been the arsonist too. His particular hate motivation to attack Abrahamic religious centers may have been godless atheist hate driven by evolutionists that hate Christians, Muslims and Jews. Jews are the softest targets of the three because they are fewer in numbers.

Democrats and California colleges are a cluster of godless atheists that regard Abrahamic faiths as puerile. Democrats and other godless atheists seek to defile and degrade those of faith with purging and death in order to leave themselves as worldly examples of kosher dirty swine.



What About a Space Elevator from the Moon to Stationary Space Platform

While N.A.S.A. is calling for more plans for a lunar lander-launcher, shouldn't it ask for plans for a lunar space elevator as well?

Assembling space elevator modules on Earth that could be set to work on the moon seems reasonably cost effective. The cable would be far cheaper than an earth to space elevator.


Easier to put together with lower gravity and nearly no atmosphere- along with superconducting possibilities and easy solar energy capture, a space elevator would allow unlimited orbital access to the lunar surface and back without the non-sustainable rocket fuel requisite since the lunar space elevator would be electrical. It might be possible to construct a space elevator cable constructing system module on the lunar surface. Aluminum as I understand it, natural welds in microgravity; maybe some powder excreted from loaded modules could build upward from the moon toward space 11.5 kilometers.

Super-conducting storage loops in low temperature super-conductor and solar panels or a nuclear generator should keep the elevator power supply fully charged all the time. Maybe there should be two elevators; one for cargo and the other personnel. If the space elevator cable was charged and super-conducting it could let passenger and cargo modules crawl up and down the line.

Developing thin or no-atmosphere space elevators as easy to install as placing an anchor from a boat to the seafloor might be useful on a variety of solar system moons and planetary missions.

Travel on the lunar surface should be expedited with solar energy charged low temperature superconducting power lines to recharge electric vehicles.

N.A.S.A. image of an old-style Earth to Space Elevator

President Trump Was Invited to Host the 2016 World Chess Championship

On the topic of making the World Chess Championship more interesting there is some left over old business that seems somewhat germane. ABC has published an article about the invitation of then-FIDE Chess President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov to Donald Trump to host the 2016 World Chess Championship at Trump Tower in New York. Instead, the event was held in a converted fish processing factory. President Trump apparently wasn't aware of the effort to involve him in the World Chess Championship.



https://www.ft.com/content/f4d0dfea-559d-11e9-91f9-b6515a54c5b1 Financial Times article on Russian-FIDE Presidential collusion

Elite chess has had an appearance of being a mildly swingy tool of political machination the past 30 years. The Mueller Investigation found the appearance of dirt, or mud, that seemed to adhere to the former FIDE President with his alleged Kremlin ties.

An article offers evidence that Bernie Sanders can play chess, as well as Donald Trump. https://en.chessbase.com/post/hillary-clinton-looking-for-irina-krush

At age 22, Trump took chess so seriously he threatened suit for someone who found flaws in his solution to a chess problem presented in an article in Chess Life (Feb. 1968).
                                                          Donald Trump, Chess Life 1968
image and chess sequence from Chess Base April 4, 2016 article
"White to play and mate in four moves
The solution given by Trump is: 1.Qxd7 h5 2.c8=N+! Ka6 3. b4 h4 4.Qc6#. "

President Ilyumzhinov visited several corrupt leaders just before a war started; Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi, Bashir Assad. The concept is that he was some sort of unofficial representative of the Kremlin. He may have provided secret chess intelligence, such as how to assure a drawn game, or novelties in the Roy Lopez, I would guess.

Hillary Clinton might not play chess. The sole link I could find to the topic was her try at identifying U.S. Chess champion Irina Crush.


On the Social-Political Organization of Kenya Before Independence

Kenya has a fascinating history, being one of the oldest regions continuously occupied by humans. I haven’t any kind of specialization reading Kenyan history. I have read a couple of books on general African history, yet the wikipedia article on the History of Kenya itself surpasses my knowledge. I will summarize the salient points of the article in regard to the OP in case readers haven’t access to it.
Khoisan speakers and southern Nilotic language speaking groups arrived in Kenya in due order. Bantu expansion reached a high about 1000 a.d. Swahili is a Bantu language. Portuguese explorers arrived and established a presence in the 16th century. Ft. Jesus in Mombasa was an early site. Later Arabs arrived to assert power and influence.
In addition to the organic presence of several races before the British established a protectorate and then colony there, The Kenya Colony, in 1920, there was a collateral thread of the modernization and upgrade of the social and political awareness of Kenyans,
The Kenyan African Union was formed by Harry Thuku of the Kikuyu people who were politically excluded, in 1924.
Kenyans served in a branch of the British Army (King’s African Rifles) during the Second World War and were restive and egalitarian, independence minded afterward. A revolutionary movement developed during the Cold War era. The 1950s Mau Mau movement was a vicious conflict that had 15,000 African casualties. The British Colonial authority suppressed the rebellion, yet allowed a Kenyan political independence movement to grow within the system.
The United States under the Kennedy administration was supporting selective Kenyan college education in the United States. Britain wasn’t happy with the rise of a new educated Kenyan class of potential leaders
Following is a complete quote, rather than a paraphrase of the wiki article on the form of government just before independence (in response to the OP)
“In 1962, a KANU-KADU coalition government, including both Kenyatta and Ngala, was formed. The 1962 constitution established a bicameral legislature consisting of a 117-member House of Representatives and a 41-member Senate. The country was divided into 7 semi-autonomous regions, each with its own regional assembly. The quota principle of reserved seats for non-Africans was abandoned, and open elections were held in May 1963. KADU gained control of the assemblies in the Rift Valley, Coast and Western regions. KANU won majorities in the Senate and House of Representatives, and in the assemblies in the Central, Eastern and Nyanza regions.
Kenya now achieved internal self-government with Jomo Kenyatta as its first president. The British and KANU agreed, over KADU protests, to constitutional changes in October 1963 strengthening the central government.
Kenya attained independence on 1st June 1963 and was declared a republic on 12th December 1964 with Jomo Kenyatta as Head of State
In 1964 constitutional changes further centralised the government and various state organs were formed. One of the key state organs was the Central Bank of Kenyawhich was established in 1966.
The British government bought out the white settlers and they mostly left Kenya. The Indian minority dominated retail business in the cities and most towns, but was deeply distrusted by the Africans. As a result, 120,000 of the 176,000 Indians kept their old British passports rather than become citizens of an independent Kenya; large numbers left Kenya, most of them headed to Britain.”

Basic Chess Tournament Sites

 It takes a while to orient with chess resources. One likes to learn from chess star players of course. Following them is like following football stars and stats. One needs to learn to play for-oneself, yet one can accelerate that watching GM Super-tournaments.

Numerous sources exist to discover when those tournaments are being played.

Live Chess Tournaments with computer analysis (chessbomb)

chess24.com your playground has live events and video links

Live Chess Ratings - 2700chess.com lets you know when the 2700s+ are playing and where

http://Lichess.com and Chess.com - Play Chess Online - Free Games have tournaments continuously for all skill levels

FIDE Events is a list of official F.I.D.E. events

US Public Debt; The Wisdom of Insecurity

The national economy isn’t the whole world. The late Allan Watts published a book titled ‘The Wisdom of Insecurity’. One should feel a little detached from and reflective on the secular processes around oneself. In a democracy one should also reign in excesses and radical departures from moderate egalitarianism that threaten to reduce the body politic to irrelevant chattel for insiders of power. The vast U.S. pubic debt is a threat to the well being of the poor and middle class for it is they who will be made to suffer when the time comes to liquidate the debt.

The Wisdom of Insecurity

The U.S. economy faces many challenges. The old-style economics the President is using to tighten up unemployment numbers is based on unsustainable resource exploitation and world ecospheric habitat destruction. That is a concern. The President is a New York City shag carpet baby with little regard for the externalities of ecospheric reality. For him reality is social reality, power and metrics for buildings and office space. He is competent within a limited intellectual horizon of business.

Twenty-two trillion dollars of public debt that have compiled with supply-side economics since the Reagan administration are a testament to the willingness of leaders to take immediate profit and let the down-side go to the future.

It would be useful to elect a nationalist, real-politic ecological economic moderately conservative president who seeks to reform capitalism through accurate regulation that would cast the broken environmental legs and bring them to heal in support of sustainable ecological economic policy. Unfortunately the Democrats are 100% about divisiveness and old-style identity politics maxed out; they seek after class power for themselves and attack any opposition. While that is occurring some scientists speculate that just a century remains before a great environmental economic crash occurs ending the majority of human life on Earth.

It is always good, especially in regard to the brevity of human life, to keep an eye on the goal of eternal life with God through the Son, Jesus Christ.

That there just aren’t competent candidates with solid ecological economic understanding with reform plans that even run in Democratic primaries is alarming. American politicians nearly always seem like spoilt, ignorant, trained in old-style capitalism existentialist or relativity-colonialists without the sense God gave them. Maybe Americans will luck out with blind, random chance. The improbable has happened before.


Why Did Brit Crown Knight Elton John and Not James Lovelock?

It may be a reflection on the times that the British Crown choose to select a rock and roll musician famous for homosexuality and ignore the inventor of the Gaia Theory of ecospheric self-regulation. James Lovelock also proved the existence of the ozone hole at Antarctica. Isn't the survival of human life on Earth at least as important as homosexual celebrations in London and elsewhere?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yc4IzFWVC50 James Lovelock

Maybe Stephen Seagall Should Be N.R.A. President

The N.R.A. is in leadership disarray following President Trump's speech to the organization that defends American civil liberties to own guns. There probably is no causal tie between former Regan Administration field expediter-convicted-felon Oliver North's allegedly  black-mailing the N.R.A. 's Wayne Lapierre to resign. Even less likely is the chance that it centered on Democratic plans to allow felons to vote while in prison. Even so the N.R.A. may need another Charleston Heston style leader, and that just might be Stephen Seagall, Sylvester Stallone or Bruce Willis.



Democrats May Be Planning Future Presidential Campaigns From Jail

With news that a few prominent Democrats are agitating to allow prisoners the right to vote in federal elections questions arise as to why and how such a program of thought developed. 


Traditionally those that have lost the right to freedom have lost the right to vote too. Those that disrespect the laws lose certain protections of the law; and civic rights, until all of their rights are restored upon completing sentence and parole. 

Millions of convicted felons in prison have tight political organization-gangs that might like to join the Democratic party to elect some of their own to office in order to gain better living conditions, to elect better judges and politicians that understand the trying challenges prisoners have toward escaping to better, upwardly mobile lives.

With Democrats possibly becoming concerned about being charged and convicted of crimes while in office, the practical expediency of making it possible for convicted felons to vote and run for office while in prison may have seemed a conservative step for them to take.

The 1% Slop the Pigs Good

The U.S. economy is as robust as it has ever been within a classical western economic paradigm. President Trump is good at business, yet it’s non-sustainable business ecologically, and public debt is $22 trillion. Paying interest on the debt is quite costly; nearing a trillion annually. Most of the national income goes to 1% of the population. The share paid to the poorest 50% of the people vs the 1% is comparable to the cost of slopping the pigs for a farmer.
An interesting point is that China is the world’s largest consumer of automobiles. American manufacturers need to sell cars to China in the years ahead, as well as in Latin America and India. Cars are harmful to the world ecosphere in a number of ways including the roads built for them, asphalt heat absorbing parking lots, pollutants etc. Old style non-sustainable economics doesn’t care about reducing the human footprint or pursuing ecospheric synergy with human economic activity. With no U.S. global leadership in moving toward low pollution, non-invasive hypertube mass transit for the majority of substantive human travel, the world will become even more saturated with cars, more forests destroyed, more species made extinct, ocean temperatures grown warmer while the rich have better air conditioning.
Neither Obama or Trump- especially Trump, put any effort into, nor have understanding of, ecological economics. What the United States needs is a good employment rate based on new ecological economic sustainability policy (rf. Amazon.com: Ecological Economics, Second Edition: Principles and Applications (9781597266819): Herman E. Daly, Joshua Farley: Books ). If one considers the implicit weakness of ecospherically unsustainable economic infrastructure- the HES virus (Human Economic Structure), then both Presidents Obama and Trump rate an F on economic leadership.

The Problem with Ayn Rand's Philosophy

She argued against altruism and said it's bad. I believe she misunderstood altruism. It is also good for the individual in a Socratic se...