
Sen. Schumer 'duels' with the President at Electoral College Tally

It wasn't a good way to official usher in the President elect. Democrat leaders were blind to the aspirations of millions of the political opposition and believe just their own ideas are acceptable. Intelligent people have empathy- that is they understand the point of view of other people-Democrats tend to fail at that. When the Senate returned to the chambers to wrap up the electoral vote process Vice-President Pence and Majority Leader McConnell made dignified speech addressing the issue. Then came Senator Chuck Schumer who seemed overcome with hatred of President Trump. In most of American history such abuse as Mr Schumer spewed would beg for a duel, and it might be a good thing if a couple of politicians were shooting each other instead of f' ing up the public business as they usual do. Sadly I missed watching the spectacle live, It must have been a sight watching Chuck Schumer wade into the mob throwing punches all around leading the resistors defending the sacred senate temple from desecration. Democrat Presidents and vice are always lawyers- a slum of lawyers since the Clintons, and Americans can expect consigliary subterfuge and deceit four more years. It would be good if someone with an economic and environmental brain ran for the job and got the nomination. President-elect Biden showed his age when he said that Americans will learn to respect Democrat leadership the next four years, especially one assumes, as he exonerates Hunter's relationship with Ukrainian paymasters while Dad was Vice-President supporting the attack on Ukraine’s Russian rivals.

A democracy requires leaders that comprehend the art of finding a way for as many people to get what they want as possible without stepping on the toes of others. Lawyers are good at their profession of representing clients in litigation- they seek to win for a client and make the other a loser. Lawyers have no special qualification for the Presidency- they should work with laws rather than make them. The Democrat leadership slum of lawyer-President since Bill Clinton have sought to make Americans that aren’t goose-stepping sycophants of their lunatic agenda losers. They expect Americans to learn to respect corporate censorship, to respect the daily hate, to be nailed down and compliant so they don’t need to hammer people into silence.

 Congressional opponents of President Andrew Jackson probably incited violence against him - an assassination attempt Jan 30th 1835. The Attempt to Kill "King Andrew" I am not really a fan of Australians, yet some of their reputed toughness of character might be better in such a circumstance as the gunless ‘insurrection’. One thinks of the line of Julius Ceasar when he is being stabbed to death when he pulls up his toga over his head and says; "This is violence". He was such a clown.

 A good example of political insider violence would be Vice President Calhoun who resigned to join Congress and form the War Hawk Party leading to ‘the nullification crisis’ and the civil war. This week in history: John C. Calhoun resigns as vice president That is a complex and interesting story that took time to develop. The 1856 beating of a Senator from Massachusetts by a Congressman from South Carolina with a cane is another story. Assault of Senator Charles Sumner | US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives

Democrats are equally responsible for the mayhem that disrupted the electoral college proceedings for they have made a custom since the Clinton administration of having their way or no way as far as possible. They are the actual party of intolerance along the lines of Joseph Stalin. Senator Schumer definitely threw gasoline on the fire of national division so far as he possibly could. Senator Schumer and Hillary Clinton experienced the last gasp of 'the deplorables' that voted for President Trump- they emulated the Democrat Party custom of forcing the law to stretch as far as possible to benefit themselves. Senator Schumer was aghast that the Senate chamber was “desecrated”, yet had little to say for the year of Antifah stoning and fire-bombing of the Federal Courthouse in Portland Oregon that drew his ire equally. Portland Oregon doesn't count in comparison to Washington D.C. evidently.

A democracy cannot reasonably be run in such a way that a bare majority can expect to get away with murder and force their policies upon 49% of the people whenever they have a majority. In a nation of 320 million people that approach isn't wise. With oodles of weapons of mass destruction and an overpopulated world their will be dissent sometimes rising tom use those tools of politics through other means. Maybe some biological custom redesigner of viruses will engineer a subtle device to cull the population of millions- who can predict the future? The U.S.A. Should be a nation with a reputation for trying to tolerate the political opinions and morals of millions of people rather than ridiculing or suppressing them to extinctions as Democrats might like to do. The art of democratic politics should be to make each side happy whenever possible instead of just one side with a nominal majority. I should stipulate that I.m.o. as the world political response to Covid 19 evidenced, there may not be any intelligent political leaders on the planet, so getting dual political plaintiffs in a civil matter to be happy may exceed the I.Q. Of those elected.

Democrats want to take America to atheism and homosexuality norms- they have passed hate speech laws and require terms of endearment or censorship follows in the corporate bulletin board of social media, Democrats sponsored abortion of what- sixty million fetuses, Democrats forced homosexual marriage on the nation when the public would, have tolerated some sort of separate civil union establishment; they refused to respect the onions of a virtual majority and choose the path of conflict instead of taking a course that would accomplish what the homosexuals wanted and left the sane institution of heterosexual marriage uncorrupted.

Democrats forced Obamacare on the nation with a technical vote using the nuclear option. Leaders like Chuck Schumer say the hell with the opinion of so many Americans against it. Some day that custom of not finding accommodation for strong American opinions may have real deleterious national consequences. The funny thing is that most of the opinions that are so inflammatory are easily remedied with better ideas including that of flooding the nation with illegal alien workers to render the political opinions of non-Democrats minority opinions. Phasing out American political resistance by flooding the nation with replacement workers and voters over a few decades also riles up several million Americans.

Many of the ideas if the red party are as wrong as that of the blue party. I though it might be a good idea therefore to create a third party- a white party (red, white and blue) yet that would be construed of course as racist these days. While Chuck Schumer is irate about what he labeled were 'insurrectionists' storming the capital like peasants with pitchforks might have tried in some former time or perhaps SDS radicals leading protesters to trash a government building during the Vietnam War, he seems unaware that his economic theories are wrong as are those of most on Capitol Hill. No one their seems to have an idea about how to have the Federal Reserve make those zero-interest loans to Social Security instead of big banks who can loan out 9 e-dollars from thin air for each e-dollar deposited by the Federal Reserve. That custom in the quantitative easing era has in effect given 200 trillion bucks to the rich since 2008, and the world economy is only worth may 100 trillion annually- that practice seems stupid from my humble non-economist perspective.

If Social security has great investment managers loan out cash from the federal reserve keeping the usual, and even a high marginal reserve on deposit the people of the United States would benefit more or less equally instead of just the rich when the rich have liquidity problems or the Federal Reserves believe they do.

China today has an economy that is an almost perfect fulfillment of Lenin's NEP program if it were carried out to a logical maturity. There is a mixed economy of private investment in business under communist party supervision. America's corporate people have signed off on investing in China for what seems like most electronic product production as well as innumerable other manufactures. They submit to China's law that a Chinese subject must own 51% of any business their. Meanwhile the U.S.A. has a jackass system of the Federal Reserve helping concentrate wealth and power in a global plutocracy and the plutocracy invests in China while Democrats flood the nation with illegal alien workers while drug cartels seem like one of the best businesses in Mexico.

President Trump was not the worst President in U.S. History as the histrionic Senator Schumer said. Actual President Trump did a fairly good job until 2020 when he bungled Covid management and set an especially bad example of not wearing a mask. He also used 2020 to accelerate gutting ecosphere health, and of course he exited office gracelessly bringing unwanted excitement to the Capitol.

President Trump deserves a Nobel Prize for Peace on his Middle East work and Democrats should remember that he started no foreign wars even while Democrats like Rep. Adam Schiff were throwing every sort of baloney content they could at him during the great smear the President with accusations that he is a Russian agent, dupe or general dope for President Vladimir Putin. President Trump was not the worst President by any means, though he does seem to have a problem with too much egoism. He is a billionaire so his approach can't be entirely impractical.


Social Media/Corporate Bulletin Boards and Subtle Conquest

 War is a continuation of politics through other means. War is not generally a sport with fixed rules of engagement, declarations of intent etc. It needn’t be said they are less desirable means than intelligent responses within democracy that address all of the concerns of various parties involved as protagonists. The founder’s Declaration of Independence was a succinct statement concerning the right of revolt of oppressed masses. It should be remembered that real material, spiritual and social interests in addition to natural resources should be protected where possible rather than destroyed. If the United States for example does not need a kinetic war to improve the situation, and if the war could not actually resolve the problem and would make matters worse, then other means should precede and supplant kinetic conflict.

One concern I have is social media. Quora is a good outlet for free expression though it too may have limits.

Social Media; Utilities or Corporate Bulletin Boards?

The freedom to use social media including blogs for personal and creative constructions require the media to be less flimsy than anti-global warming arguments. Writers don’t want their works to disappear when a web site goes black. To invest a lot of time in developing a product to then experience search engine listings being cut off by Google blogs after one criticizes N.S.A. or Google policy is consistent with the blog as a corporate bulletin board rather than a public utility. It is the nature of a public utility that is apparently necessary for security of free expression.

Since the first Obama administration I have experienced every place I write either disappearing, or I have been banned for using politically incorrect language occasionally. With the new Democrat administration Google managers felt it appropriate to zero my blog listings so they cannot be found. In my opinion that was noteworthy.

The concentration of power and wealth historically occur together. With the social networking of Wall Street and the support of free money loans from the Federal Reserve to the rich who then can mint their own e-dollars nine-fold for each dollar deposited concentration of wealth has occurred in the United States. Wall Street is global so a global plutocracy may be far advanced in development. They invest in China. Warren Buffet probably has a second home their. Plutocrats own social media in America.

Social media is used to express political opinions as well as sundry other thought and product sales. If it is a corporate bulletin board the content need be satisfactory and in effect subordinate to corporate goals and mission. Anything else could be degraded in search engine listing or deleted altogether. Corporatism spells the end of democracy and rise of plutocracy with happy minions. It might be useful for the government of the United States to create a social media site maintained by the Library of Congress that would allocate one space per registered citizen to write as much as they want without fear of it being deleted, censored or degraded in public search engine listings. Democracy of the United States in the modern era cannot exist without free speech and free speech unsubject to corporate plutocratic criteria for normal publication.

Without honest competition that won’t disappear and that isn’t biased against some social element, social media will simply become entirely owned and controlled by plutocrats. Individual writers can afford to tilt against the windmills of deep pockets of Google for less than a pico-second. If Verizon now owns Yahoo and it can delete one’s web site for using corporate defined hate speech can’t it also listen in to everyone’s Verizon phone calls with technology and censor any language it deems hateful? A democracy entirely filtered through corporate owned social media and mass communications is one that will become a complete farce. That former democracy will be nothing more than a sham maintained to keep somnolent masses contented.

Would the founders of the United States have been satisfied with rich British corporations owning all social media and communications venues? I believe that after the revolution they would have certainly permitted social media owned by corporations like the Hudson’s Bay Company or East India Company, yet they would have considered independent free speech including hate speech (which should be subjective matter of opinion) vital for democracy and therefore would have established a government operated public social media for citizens to use as a free, necessary defense against British Corporate power.

Maybe the Department of Defense should operate a social media site for American citizens that isn’t flimsy and won’t disappear the first time anyone writes something like stop the queer government or criticizes the lack of revenue sharing by corporate owned blogs. American defense asks of its servants they be sworn in to defend against enemies foreign and domestic. The oath isn’t to defend against foreign enemies and lay down for domestic enemies or to roll over for global corporations. Domestic enemies of the past were fairly plain and overt unlike today. Corporate and sedulous cults may readily take over the government, pass laws limiting free speech and put a muzzle on democracy in order to accomplish not only particular social class hegemony, but to channel the concentration of wealth as well. Adequate defense requires vigilance against KGB-Tass synthetic public broadcasting media and other agencies of socialization such as social media. Government operated channels with completely free, stable public social media outlets for the use of citizens might be necessary in order for true opinion to be found.


On One World Government

 A world government would have a Federal Reserve bank issuing e-dollar loans at zero interest to 1% of the people who could then e-mint 9x more dollars for each e-dollar on deposit. In other words they would have unlimited wealth and concentrate power globally buying up everything for plutocracy. The plutocrats would de facto partner with Chinese Communists and tech surveillance would become ubiquitous. The masses could have mass media entertainment and thought control being programmed culturally. That would be one form of world government.

Other forms would likely be some sort of authoritarian dictatorship. Without nations for firewalls against political monopoly power would concentrate just as wealth concentrates.


If it Could Exist, Economic Populism Would Be Good

 Economic populism would be an improvement if it could actually exist. The prospects for that are very poor though since the party exists to serve the plutocracy that owns everything in sight. The problem is the Federal Reserve enabling of free trillions of dollars for the richest. That seems a kind of treason. Quantitative easing was the most recent culprit and the last Bush and Obama administrations let the rich have north of 200 trillion dollars. The number is so large I wonder, since I am not an economist, how it can be right.

I wrote about the issue here WordPress.com and here WordPress.com

The broadcast media is owned by the rich and many analysts and commentators are motivated more by profit for themselves than accurate scholarly work. There was nothing in the constitution in support of the government giving trillions of zero interest loans to the private sector and big business. The marginal reserve of 10% means that every dollar on deposit for a zero interest loan from the Fed allow 9 more dollars to appear out of thin air for loans to others that appear with real dollars repaid. That policy unbalances the political system so much that plutocracy develops and the democracy a sham.

Populism should equate to egalitarianism rather than sycophancy with billionaires’ special interests.

Janet Yellen: The Sixteen Trillion Dollar Woman

Depression Wasn't the Sole Cause of W.W. 2

 It’s been said that the Second World War was the final battle of the First World War. I tend to agree with the concept. The royals of Europe had a grand conflict that ended without unconditional surrender, Germany had a revolution that got rid of the aristocracy and put Hindenburg in power of the Weimar Republic, and the former royals were very displeased-especially with the Bolsheviks in Russia. Former royals of Germany needed a populist political figure to put them indirectly back into power -and they used Hitler to bring corporatism and themselves toward a new kind of Germany able to fight the reds on the left and the decadent royals and rival free enterprises on the right from other nations.

Hitler was a very unusual fellow with a speaking voice that had a vibration at normal speech levels with characteristics others have when shouting. He was sent by military high command to infiltrate and take over the Germany National Socialist Party which he directly accomplished- he was charismatic, and the rest is history. Crown Prince Ruprecht had a breakthrough on the front reaching in to France (some say as far as far as 200 miles). He was apparently a fairly competent military leader.

Rupprecht, Crown Prince of Bavaria

If the Wehrmacht hadn’t just run out of bodies to put into the battle Germany might finally have won the war, or nearly so until more U.S. reinforcements arrived. When the armistice occurred many veterans like Hitler felt they were cheated and could have won.

The west should have fought to unconditional surrender instead of armistice in W.W.I., or have not asked for reparations from the Weimar Republic that couldn’t pay very easily, although I am confident they could have over time being industrious people. The foreign debt was a motivator for Hitler to try other kinds of economics that were Keynesian and deficit financed. The way Hitler planned to pay the war debt was likely just with the profit of winning in war with what he must have viewed as having good prospects for victory and profit.

US Economic Reform Paradigmata

 Republicans and Democrats have supported issuing of trillions and trillions of free dollars to the rich and that seems somewhat like treason. Those quantitative easing loans at 0% put electronic deposits in big banks, and with the marginal reserve rate of 10% generally those banks could loan out 9 dollars for each dollar in their account. That means 16 trillion given between 2008–2011 amounted to 134 trillion minus the 16 trillion that needed to be repaid to the Federal Reserve. Nothing was written in the constitution about a role of government to assure that the rich are given 134 trillion now and then and the poor, nothing. Republicans in the Senate are wailing and lamenting that 430 billion for Covid relief stimulus would bankrupt the country or need to be repaid by survivors of the future.

When the Federal Reserve was started the U.S.A. was still on the gold standard. The Federal Reserve was helpful in assuring liquidity and provided some protection for depositors. When the dollar became free floating during the Nixon administration the stage was set for future unscrupulous use of Federal Reserve loans.

President Reagan and Arthur Laffer seemed to understand that the need to run a balanced budget was as important as during former times. Many viewed Reagan stimulus deficit spending as a white-washed Keynesianism and apparently that view was wrong. It was difficult to entirely revise the classical view of economics to the free floating dollar paradigm.

During the 2008–9 financial crisis their was a paradigm shift in Federal Reserve application of creating liquidity such that enabling hundreds of trillions of dollars to appear out of virtually thin air for the rich has become normative- and that policy has hidden deleterious impacts on democracy, for it reinforces the concentration of wealth and economic segregation of citizens from political power. Georgia Republicans and Mitch McConnell need to trick Georgia voters into believe they are not at fault for withholding a $2000 stimulus check in order to keep control of the U.S. Senate in the January 6 special election. Republicans either do not comprehend the vast unearned political transfer of wealth to the rich or simply are sadistic and enjoy victimizing the poor.

Big business and banks should never be regarded as ‘too big to fail’. banking and making loans is fine when the money arises from the private sector and isn’t just the result of a federal prop. It would be far better for democracy in the United States if money from the Federal Reserve that goes to assure liquidity in the private sector primarily emerged from the people of the United States in a broad base such as social security accounts.

The Federal Reserve could make zero interest loans [periodically to all social security accounts and that money could be managed en mass/concatenated and available for loans to the private sector as big banks do presently. The money multiplier of 9 to 1 would go to Americans broadly as citizens rather than to special, globalist interest. If the private sector needs special free money from the public sector it should be the public sector as actual American citizens that profit from the action as well as private sector businesses directly borrowing cash at a reasonable yet low rate of interest.. This would have numerous salutary effects.

For one thing social security would remain solvent. The U.S. Government already borrows from social security and leaves i.o.u.’s. In the future it might be possible when retiree and disabled American accounts are flourishing to forgive federal indebtedness. Loans to the private sector would be more independent from domination by corporate networks controlled by 1% of the people, and special very low loan rates could be given to students and independent small businesses. There is nothin at all remotely American about the Federal Reserve helping the rich to have more free money in a few years than the poor would earn all together in a thousand lifetimes.

Neither party really has much good sense regarding ecological economics either. When the Federal Reserves enables trillions and trillions to be dumped to the present unsustainable economic infrastructure owners that makes changing the political economy improbable. Because the rich own the broadcast media Americans can be conditioned rather easily to accept being ‘managed’ by a plutocracy. I should mention that I personally am not an optimist about meaningful positive economic reform developing.


One Reason Why Some Consider Heidegger Existentialist

 Heidegger was interested in the phenomenal, root meanings of words. Examining language in such a subjective way might bring some to classify him as an existentialist. In that way of classification it might be said that Plato and realism was in opposition to extremist left nominalism and Heidegger was an innocent bystander. If all language is about language and classification that people make up for pragmatic reasons then it might be fair to say that things-in-themselves differ from words about them.

What can be said about reality in itself- the mass that is the steady state of mass perceptible to humans that completely defines it? Nothing I.m.o. Even structures that are man-made are founded in mass and energy that are described incompletely with word structures. In that circumstance one finds Sartre’s existential parameters congruent with Bishop Berkeley’s Three Dialog s concerning idealism. One cannot really say that the shared energy field that everyone encounters isn’t a complete production of God, or a simulation real for-itself generated by a sentient field.

The Dialectical Evolution of Bic-Coin in History to Self-Awareness

I was informed recently by a friend who is a professor of the philosophy of economic comedy about developments in the field of the dialectical progression of money to self-awareness through history. Evidently the Reagan administration realized for-itself that with a free-floating dollar the Federal Reserve could simply issue low or no interest loans to big banks and with the federal requirement that banks keep 10% marginal reserves on obligations such as cash deposits, the rich that own the banks could in effect electronically mint 9 times the loans to their friends and compatriot rich people. The custom of enabling the Federal Government to in effect give trillions of free dollars to the rich did not really get started in a large way until the financial crisis of 208-9 wherafter it has issued through the marginal reserve multiplication nine-fold of zero and low interest ‘quantitative easing’ dollars, about 200 trillion dollars. I should ask Dr. Mojoke, my professor friend about it, however I believe the world income annual is about 99 trillion dollars, so 200 trillion over a dozen years is a fair amount of easing.

In the process of unbalancing traditional economic relationships with quantitative easing the federal government accelerated the concentration of wealth since they were not issuing trillions of dollars of free money to the poor and middle class who in any event had now facilities for multiplying zero-interest federal loans nine-fold. A different approach to restoring economic slumps that was fair and balanced with equal measures of free money going to citizens equally was required and that would have overstretched the meager economic intellectual resources of classical economic theorists. It was with that realization by Dr. Mojoke seated in a lotus position under an apple tree had his great insight about not only the invention of new cash multiplying structures in federal social security accounts that would manage and loan money to qualified, stable borrowers with professional class investment fund managers, the doctor also foresaw the rise of Bic-coin as a self-aware monad evolving to realize itself through monetary policy over history.

Dr. Mojoke foresaw that electronic currency trading would evolve to self-aware monad of Bic-coin that would as self-aware units be non-counterfeitable and useful in-themselves as well as in electronic trading. Bic-coin in larger clusters would have an increased capacity for artificial intelligence and intelligent thought. A billion units of Bic-coin thinking together would be very clever and in fact able to optimize structural designs for human biological living such as waterless microwave sewage processing in deserts ( I asked the doctor how he found that example and he informed me that he saw the value of propane or electric powered Incinolet toilets used for off the grid structures). Cluster of Bic-coin would become standard units of exchange able for-themselves to organize assembly of planetary materials for print-on-demand lunar and Martian structures or form transport vehicles able to rise from dust and transport Americans along electronic in-line highway grids made of solar photon absorbing and storing materials with a high albedo.

Mojoke said that he didn’t mind the rich loaning out money they’ve worked for, that it was just the Federal Reserve dumping trillions of interest free electronic cash in quantitative easing that was a fowl kettle of fish. Apparently Mojoke believes that the U.S. Government and Federal Reserve should not serve a tiny minority of the public and render everyone else peons of globallists.

I suggested to Dr. Mojoke that the new Biten administration might invest in the development of Bic-coin and innovate better and more egalitarian methods for stimulating the U.S. economy diverging from the evolving history of offering up free trillions to a global plutocracy wishing they would trickle down to Americans and not just runt the government with so much compiled capital. The doctor said; “That’s a laugher”.


Fried Chicken, Stimulus Checks and the Marginal Reserve with Quantitative Easing...

 Fried Chicken, Stimulus Checks and the Marginal Reserve with Quantitative Easing...

(Quantitative Easing gave trillions and trillions to the Uber Rich)

It seems that Republicans don’t understand how the political economy has changed since the 2008–9 financial crisis so they have a preponderance of people that still believe in anachronistic ideas concerning money supply and the rich. President Nixon took the U.S.A. off the gold standard and President Reagan first realized the potential of using easy money to promote economic growth without causing inflation- the rich get the easy money and buy everything on the planet with it or hold on to it as leverage over the government.

During the 2008-2009 financial crises the U.S. Government stepped in to stop the bleeding on Wall Street. It provided a vast loan package and continuing support with trillions and trillions of zero and very low interest loans to wealthy financial institutions. Big banks are free to issue in electronic loans nine dollars more or less (I am not a banker-the marginal reserve requisite is 10% perhaps) for every dollar they have on deposit so those trillions (maybe 16 trillion) allowed big banks to produce from thin air 90 trillion dollars. The total amount of free money to plutocrats enabled by the Federal Reserve could be as much as 200 trillion dollars. Fortunately Senators like Rand Paul are concerned about the $600 dollar direct payments going to Americans in the present financial stimulus observing that ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’ (as if it were the Tongass National Forest the administration would like to strip log with clear cuts). Preventing ordinary Americans from getting fewer than a half of one percent of what goes to the rich from the Federal Reserve incentives vigilant Republicans; the poor or their proplits cannot be allowed to increase.


When money was based on some valuable commodity like gold the value of a currency was tied to its relative scarcity. If one printed out many dollars each would become worth less if the quantity of gold remained the same. When President Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard the dollar had nothing besides its value to none in particular to determine its worth. In an age of general relativity that isn’t too unreasonable; the dollar is a commodity used as a tool for economic exchanges after all instead of something valuable in itself.


Still, the idea of giving the super rich trillions of free dollars to keep their Wall Street index value from crashing below 10,000 is difficult for many Americans including myself to understand very well. The treasury prints out paper dollars and the Federal Reserve loans out electronic dollars. Most financial transactions are done electronically these days and there actually isn’t too much cash as a percentage of all of the dollars in circulation. Why doesn’t inflation occur so dollars buy less when so many are being made to keep banks and big business afloat and to send $600 direct payments to Americans that earn fewer than $75,000 annually? Why haven’t Starbucks coffees reach $100 dollars a cup yet one wonders. The answer may be that all of the cash that Wall Street got from the Federal Reserve wasn’t put directly in to circulation. The original loan amount goes back to the Federal Reserve so the Street had just the paltry sum of 64 trillion dollars to play with. With that they could buy up Wall Street- or the one percent could, and the inflation occurred in the indexed rise of Wall Street shares to the point that the DOW is now over 30,000.


Just because the rich are much richer and Wall Street much more costly it doesn’t mean that Wal-mart needs to charge more for groceries although they might anyway. There is a difference between real goods, physical corporations and such capital and dollars. A brick is still a brick if is priced at $1 or $100 dollars. So long as Wall Street average share prices rise more or less together there need not be too much of an effect on the over-all relationships toward production and corporate welfare. CEOs can still get 5000 times the salary of an average worker (just guessing).


The tremendous hyper-inflation of Nazi Germany before the war occurred not because Hitler had too many Reichmarks printed; it happened because there wasn’t enough gold to back up the Reichmarks value proportionately. The dollar though is on an economic relativity foundation. With so many ought in to the corporatism kickback loop it is wrong to leave anyone who is poor out of the benefit. A Guaranteed minimum income and free health care for the poor should be something Senator Paul should think about the next time a Pat Paulsen imitator of Darth Vader says to him; “Rand, Rand- I’m your father; money doesn’t grow on trees.”

In the free-floating currency of the dollar context money supply may not be as important as the real material and intellectual properties that can be counted as capital. Money supply need be adequate to allow the flow of trade and commerce and tight money could be a problem itself. It is possible that avarice in the owner class could prompt corporate to raise retail prices to consumers if consumers have any money to spend in order to have all of the money they possibly can. Political economy managers need to be concerned with such matters as well as for keeping the real capital based on sustainable environmental parameters.

One of the problems of civilizations that bring them to fall is the tendency to develop a particular economic model until it crashes from over-use. The physical infrastructure of a civilization may grow to be inappropriate and destroy the human spirit of workers and designers in addition to building mass species extinction and environmental collapse. It may be the case that those most invested in the present economic system would be the last to know and most resistant to rational realistic transition to a new economic continuum.

The 2008-9 financial crisis and decade of ensuing issue of free money to the rich was the wrong way to keep the economy of the U.S.A. Functioning. It was an opportunity to direct coalitions of the willing businesses to participate in ecological economic reform and sustainability. The daft policy of throwing zero interest federal reserve loans to the rich rendered democracy somewhat defunct and put plutocratic global corporatism into ascendance. Intelligence was required in governing and idiot technocrats dumping cash to the rich was what followed. NPR has often called the Covid 19 pandemic the 'pendemic'. Repression of free speech and democratic free expression is quite normal during the rise of dictatorships and oligarchy's of sundry sorts. Some of the broadcast media believe economic exogamy is the be and end-all for existence; self reliance and independence however are not necessarily economically endogamous and strong nationalism can lead in new directions such as ecological economic reform. Coupled with Darwinist inspired atheism and Nietzchian philosophic inspiration an existential abandonment of moral norms and nationalism seems necessary for a brave new world order wherein for Americans the sole economic survivors are plutocratic supermen. The hubris and deceit inherent in the view that enables irrationality to overcome reason and fake populism to alternate with corrupt elites to manage the 'herd' of citizens ought to give some a realization that the death of democracy won't end well for ordinary people.

Plutocrats of the modern era are far more sophisticated and subtle in defeating in detail democracy, potential rival political economic trends and independent innovations of individuals. So long as the populace is stupid, drunk, doped, deceived or misled into unintelligent political economy there are no political issues to trouble the rising minority powers of plutocrats.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

 I wanted to wish readers a Merry Christmas 2020 and a Happy New Year for 2021, though my blog seems to be completely censored for the past few days with zero readers except for a subscriber. The days before I had between 50 and 100 each day.

Since the Obama administration when I criticized N.S.A. surveillance of Americans I lost 90% of the views. Formerly more than a 1000 each day was easy. I haven't got a penny of increase from blogging here the past decade or so when the $67 in the account froze and there it remains in spite of everything I have tried to fix it.

When I dropped the sentence "as if google has never trimmed bloggers" in a post that must have triggered the complete censorship status as present. Well, no problem, then the sound stopped on my Thinkpad so now the sound device manager reads "dummy output" or no device present. So my blogging for the next year will likely be minimal at least for a while with tech issues.

Recently I realized that the most rich were in effect given 64 trillion dollars via quantitative easing. Perhaps corporatism has gone so far as to merge into a kind of imperialism globally with any dissent deleted one way or another. Still, things could be worse, and there is the great hope and faith in the works of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Volume and Empty Space

Parmenides wondered about empty space and volume. There is the problem of the unified field dispersion and human entanglement in the Higgs f...