
The Utility of Doctrines

 Doctrines are a good way of summarizing complex ideas for the simple or of objectively stating policy. To be in-doctrinated is to learn a doctrine and there isn't anything implicitly wrong with that. Some social or political doctrines may be better than others. I think the point is that one needs to think for oneself about doctrines that one has to determine their worth. Presently corporatism is indoctrinating everyone to accept their policies concerning tax rates, homosexual marriage, population density, the harm of nationalism in regard to the United States in an era when all of the cheap labor is in China where Wall Street wants to invest. 

There is much anti-Christian dogma these days and doctrine that followed Darwinism. People aren't generally philosophically well informed enough concerning not only Genesis and the Higgs field to reconcile the idea that evolution isn't necessarily anti-pathetic to the Biblical book of Genesis ideas- they haven't much interest in ancient history, literary interpretation, anthropology and other fields that are needed to make well-informed determinations concerning the viability or veracity of certain controversial ideas. And of course a dozen people will emerge with false doctrines if a profit could be made with it in some way. So I think a good idea is to use the Socratic measure of uncertainty concerning deep subjective epistemology and examine for oneself any sort of doctrine and belief system encountered to decide what elements can be useful in constructing your own personal doctrine most useful for-yourself.

On America being de-platformed until the Impeachment trial is over

 Russell said that Plato was a fascist- of course that was during the second world war. Socrates and Plato supported oligarchy instead of democracy of course. The best part of the Republic was the concept of forms that was elaborated better by Plotinus in his Enneads roughly six hundred years later. Presently so many people with comments about the U.S. political seen are being de-platformed. It makes one realize that the system is something of a joke with corporatism having taken over entirely. One may find it silly to be considering various political systems when one's own is just owned by the rich.

People even mentioning the nominal insurrection tend to be de-platformed these days. Facebook may sort one out and just allow political sites they believe a writer belongs in- partisan sites. Quora may suspend editing for a while because questions seem not to be apposite for the impeachment proceeds, etc. The rich really own social media from which the U.S. electorate may experience partisan banning during important political times- social media is the ban media when it counts. For the government not to have its own citizen websites and server to prevent gross censorship in favor of corporate policy preferences makes the democracy seem somewhat like a pet.


Which Americans Should be impeached to preclude running for President?

 The Democratic Party is beginning the process of deciding if Donald Trump should be convicted of impeachment. I can hardly wait until they finish that and move on to Hillary Clinton to prevent her from running again in 2024. Some might consider impeaching George Washington to get to the source of the problem. About anyone living or dead could be impeached in the post or pre-office holding paradigm. Impeaching Americans that aren't President of the United States, even if they were in the past, is a great new trend that can increase the efficiency of returning Democrats to the White House down the road.

If President Trump was legally guilty of some felony crime while in office he is not immune from being charged by some federal prosecutor for that. What he should be is immune from a partisan majority in Congress usurping the judiciaries role of hearing criminal cases of American civilians or choosing who to make ineligible for political office by partisan vote. Inciting a riot or inciting an insurrection probably are actual criminal offenses, and it is not at all the role of a kangaroo court of Democrats in congress to prosecute. In a civilian court any defense attorney could easily have kept most of the Democrats in Congress from being on the jury; they are  hate group with Donald Trump their target the past five years. 


The Higgs Field is an interesting concept

 I am interested in the Higgs field's effect these days. It seems that in the popular realm at least much isn't known about the field that gives mass to massless quantum particles.

Is the field comparable to an electro-magnetic field and the massless force-carrying particles it has named photons? Of course the Higgs field is far more primary, and all of the other forces presumably occur within or subject to the Higgs field.
There are paradoxes concerning the nature of the field of course. Are the basic forces of this contingent Universe of mass not fundamental because like the mass of the Universe it occurs just as a secondary phenomenon of massless particles being slowed down in the Higgs to sub-light speed so they seem to have mass and three dimensions rather than two? How could those forces not be present at the higher, primary level of the Higgs field and just in the secondary somewhat illusory region of mass in the Universe?
What are the dimensions of the Higgs field if massless particles are two-dimensional at light speed? Does the Higgs have any sort of force carrying particles (not the Higgs bosun) and is that massless too, or is their a higher protocol field that allows the Higgs field to exist? etc.

The excuses for covid 19 masks

A year after the scything wave of Covid 19 entered the nation there still aren't a lot of clever, innovative designs for masks to prevent public transmission of the lethal virus. The Congress is pursuing a conviction of the former President for impeachment so he can't run again though. Unimaginative work as a sour grapes for failing to get a conviction of Trump-Russian collusion to win the 2016 election. It would be good for the government to encourage some designs of better filter masks in preparedness for some unforeseen airborne pathogen of the future.

One of the reasons people don't like to wear paper and cloth masks is that the amount of air one gets is reduced. A nation already suffering from legal dope, booze and Co2 need all the oxygen they can get- not less. So designing better masks that work well and that could be mass produced through use of the defense act would be an improvement over the la me way things are.

A better air flow quantitatively need arise. That probably means using rechargeable batteries good for at least ten hours of powering a small electric air intake fan that pulls air through some quality, drop-in filters in a thin rectangular box. Air input to the breather would surpass that of normal breathing, yet the air input level might be adjusted by dialing up or down the speed of the electric fan.

Air probably should be filtered on entry and exit. The air tubes should e made to snap on to a variety of face coverings from futuristic full face and eye covering masks to some that just covers the nose and mouth. Maybe Halloween mask manufacturers could be the ones to produce masks in large quantity should a new wave of unforeseen airborne pathogens of a lethal nature appear from some place with a runway.

Does mask wearing reduce oxygen input and make people stupid, or harm pregnant women? Like global warming CO2 reduced oxygen input could be bad for the brain? Perhaps better masks should be designed with rechargeable electric batteries that increase oxygen input.


The Corporate Left address is 1600 Pennsylvania Ave

 The Senate’s task of trying a private citizen on charges of impeachment as a private citizen seems wrong. True, Donald Trump was POTUS, yet no longer is, and the effort by a partisan faction in a different congress after he has left office is not only vindictive, it is like a vote by Democrats on who they will allow to run for the office of President- a nice swindle of voters if they can get it.

The resemblance to ex post facto legalities aside, Democrats have generated a wealth of extremist trends since the Obama administration gutting much of the regulations that required a general consensus for new laws to be made rather than a voter of one. Trying to make elections by popular choice obsolete via impeachment is another one to add to their list of trashing the Republic.

ANTIFAH has at least given the White House as their e-mail site, and that is another irony of the left in that they support the concentration of wealth and the rich these days, as that is the policy of the Democrat party plainly. It was President Obama who made Bush II tax cuts for the rich permanent after all, along with every Democrat in Congress besides Bernie Sanders. The left have helped to close down the Internet for anyone not reflecting their master's voice- Wall Street, as they pursue like most Americans, politics after the fashion of blind moles hungry for the little things. They cannot package political platforms together coherently in a way that would actually benefit the poor and middle class majority instead of the rich. The  banality of evil in accepting mass impoverishment of the poor, insecure borders at the outsourcing of national production to China, abortion and homosexual marriage is finds millions of willing minions persuaded in the morality of dispensing with fundamental rights of free speech and the marketplace of ideas that aren't their own. Politics doesn't really need social media where free speech is certain for any political viewpoint is a verity for them.

Philosophers at least should have a circumspection of contemporary history in order to see the large trends of society. Capital grows at a faster pace than wages so wealth concentrates over time historically. Investing in China means that capitalists can skim the work of more than a billion people there as capital increases faster than wages. Corporatism and communism each repress publication of dissenting points of view ( I have had my writing banned from or the entire site taken down at more than a dozen sites for example) so the trend of reinforcing policies the rich most desire rather than those of the poor and middle class is rather inevitable.

One of the interesting points about Adam Smith’s nearly 300 year old economics text The Wealth of Nations’ is that it was written largely before either corporations or environmental conscientiousness existed. That is a reason it is so popular with unreflective votaries of the system. Restoring free enterprise economics within an ecologically sustainable parameter probably will require reigning it concentrations of wealth and the size of corporations, and that is as improbably as converting the trillion miles of highway surface of the United States of America into solar power generators.

Insurrectionists (poem)

   The insurrectionists misunderstood Plato and Aristotle

tomorrows snowfall
the leader's ego
the wrath of the furies
a federal reserve magic money machine
in back of the big bank store
corporatism of the rich

  The insurrectionists in the woods
with lumber should have in retrospect
built a platform with their own planks
structured nationalist ranks
individually free of the call of global atheism
those smug networked sardines
swimming a commercial electronic sea

  Educators with rule books for crooks
digitized for fried laws of evolution soon
yuman will change to an evil demi-urgent beat
inductin the Higg's field paths of prosperity
priests sharing rem of Mao
in realms of bliss and wonder
where the erased are forgotten yet torn asunder

Insurrectionists of past times forgot
the golden glow of Shanghai showing
future visions of sugar plum faeries
capital increasing faster than wages
billions of workers managed by insiders
trickling untold riches upward
where the capitol is owned  by those with no name

Spirit became insurrection to nameless
persons of interest
with the false religion of pim-ps
waves of advertisements from the same source
a machine stirring brain waves
with advanced sewage processing
insurrectionists  regarded as meatheads

An insurrectionist contemplated action vs inaction
like a Christian Bodhisattva making green cider
signs of art for wonders how
many massless particles could be made from nothing
to be thickened
in a Higgs field's current live stream
a nation secure from economic threats.



On the possible forms of God conjecture

I like the question. One wants to compare the forms of God that are possible to something in the Universe, or something of experience or conjecture; maybe a Platonic form ala' Plotinus' Enneads might help with, or thought as an abstract form of spirit-for-itself. Contemporary metaphysics and the Higgs field provides even more material.

Consider the idea of God existing along in the dark for a second and ask- would he want to create a light in the darkness for a workspace-Universe of being rather than non-being. What might happen with that?

The Higgs field is something of somewhat unknown dimensions. People like to say that it was like a sombrero that was absolutely stable and then had a quantum jitter from nervous instability perhaps and then it hyperinflated a lot of matter punishing anti-matter mostly into oblivion.

Matter these days is regarded as a secondary phenomenon of energy entangled or slowed down in the Higgs field where massless particles get the appearance of mass travelling slower than light speed and get thick. That variable speed of massless particles is a wonder- all of the mass of the Universe is just entanglements of massless particles in different yet regular quanta, and gravity is some sort of Higgs field phenomenon that moves all that entangled energy that is mass together like an efficient filing clerk putting all of the M's in the M-file automatically.

God may have flexed a thought in his perfect and whole mind and an undifferentiated region of monistic glory pluralized like a fractured window into a zillion virtual points and strings bring energy or light to the darkness in however many dimensions were useful and used fully.

How much thought went into the energy of mass configurations foreknown to God are beyond me. I suppose quite a bit of time and space went in to the contiguity of possible Universes that might be interpreted from within contingent minds.

https://baonline.org/write-for-us-2/ bible advocate



Banned again from another corporate social media site

 I was banned (temporarily) from another web site- Quora.com this time. Apparently they want very neutered questions. The one they hated at Quora was apparently this one; 'Should illegal aliens work as corporate censors to allow fair and balanced corporate propaganda?'

I was going to ask the following questions today, and will post them here instead.

Which former presidents, living or dead, should be impeached

Did the word of God shatter nothingness into a plenitude of 2-dimensional strings

What possible reason could God, alone in darkness, have to illuminate his workplace (the perfect whole was shattered into myriad strings by someone in darkness illuminating his workspace)

Did Vichy France leaders incite the resistance?

Do solitary beings in darkness learn to create light

Is the impeachment trial of more value to Americans than stimulus checks

Were steroids used in sports in the 1970s

Could a human have broken Babe Ruth's inflated clown-era home run record without steroids

Was Kobe Bryant as great of a Laker as Jerry West

Would Tyson Fury have been a good pro football edge rusher if raised in Indiana

Are Lebron James and Larry Bird a better all-star team selection at forward than Rick Barry and Michael Jordan

Should the Biden admin accelerate lunar base development before the nation goes broke

How long is frozen beef good to eat if cached on the moon

Can one barbecue steak in lunar low-gravity vacuum

Do flying drones deliver hot pizza fast anywhere

Has anyone swam entirely across Puget Sound under water (with scuba)

Is nothingness better off without being or vice versa

Was Socrates a fascist

Is it better to have no morality than bad morality

What are the odds of Trump being convicted in the impeachment trial

Should Trump if convicted be sent into exile at Elba or Wrangell


Traditionalists and Iconoclasts

 If it's don’t broke don’t fix it is a corollary of traditionalists. There are iconoclasts and Genghis Khans that seek rapid change and Marxists seeking to redistribute wealth to the masses from the oppressive conspirators and collusionists at the top. Anarchists just want change without anything in mind as a destination- they seek just to liven things up. Nihilists off their meds have doom gloom, malaise and nothingness as the inevitable and fatal attraction.

Traditionalists want good lifetime paint on their electrified, white picket fence. Those seeking change may want to drag people from their cars and impale them on the fence. Traditionalists are not fence sitters.

Some traditionalists have given other traditionalists a bad name. Slavers for example enjoyed the tradition of owning slaves. Free people enjoy the tradition of freedom and wish to remain so.

Some traditionalists have read a lot of history and would like to encourage to avoid the often recurrent errors of the past. Some anti-traditionalists want to step right back into those traps and snares because they didn’t read about them because they were out rioting and boozing.

One great field for traditionalist and the antipathetic mob of neo-scientific atheists has developed along the evolution fault line following the social earthquake of Darwin’s tome ‘On the Origin of Species’. Especially after Big Bang theory arose atheist forces have produced a ton of anti-Christian traditional stuff seeking to purge society of belief in God. They believe they are too intelligent to believe in God or Jesus Christ. Mostly those are thoughtless, faithless people that are simply coming out of the closet of atheism in pretending to be Christian when it was the majority opinion and tradition.

Philosophical thought and reading have been traditional for more than a thousand years by those with intellectual or spiritual interests. They still read Plato, Aquinus and Kant; enjoying modern cosmology, Higgs field theory and classical contemplations of theology and traditional mysticism such as Plotinus’ neo-Platonism and have no trouble in continuing belief in God and the veracity of the Bible as they read Wittgenstein and learn of the history of ancient Sumer and the late Wisconsin ice age as they interpret and correlate Biblical history and interpretation of ancient literature along the paradigmatic and syntagmatic axis of meaning. Some of the rote-educated professionals that hate thinking for themselves outside of Professional occupational lines are quite agitated about ridding society of all of the uneducated traditionalists that just go along with what they regard as obsolete ideas.

Fortunately life does not go on forever on Earth so one need not endure the restive souls determined to change the dirt of things now and forever so they can go to the worms more assured of the meaninglessness and futility of everything ultimately. In some ways those seeking general change who are against traditionalism gratuitously are boat rockers on dry land with the frigid northern waters, waves and wind somewhere in the distance, unthreatening to their glamour.

Measured progress from a stable base and in an equal protection of the law environment are traditional pursuits of western liberalism. It is interesting how quickly super-heroes of comic books have become the vanguard of anti-traditional and evolutionary change in support of values that concentrate wealth and destroy the real civil liberties of mankind.

Inner Peace with Self-Acceptance for Slobs?

If one is a slob one might want to lose weight, launder clothes and clean up the yard. A season of discontent can be edifying.  Change can b...