
Mr. Trump's effect on foreign policy

 I don’t believe the Trump administration harmed U.S. foreign policy. I tended to like it except for his shabby treatment of the Kurds. Maybe an exception would be his maladroit environmental policy, yet that is more of a multilateral, general kind of thing rather than of traditional international relations.

In a sense he should have won the Nobel peace prize for his work getting Arab nations to normalize relations with Israel. Mr. Trump was a traditional Republican seeking the good of U.S. business and skilled at foreign policy. His primary business fault was again in not being cognizant of ecological economics or the extirpation of American wilderness, and of course he was clueless on eliminating poverty in the U.S.A. except through the trickle down approach.

Weather Preparedness

 Preparedness is next to cleanliness, or godliness, or being unprepared was it? Americans could be able to withstand future weather events with training. One will play in the big game as well as one has trained.

Like navy seals Americans could go for swims before dawn in as cold of water as they can find. They could build concrete dome homes able to withstand tornados, and if built on springs like the deep black room at Colorado Springs, they could endure earthquakes with a little dramamine.

Americans could develop hydroponic gardens indoors in geodesic greenhouses. They could recycle the water for the plants and warm their homes with Earth heating and cooling. The Earth is never cold except as compared to hot summer temperatures, and the deeper one goes the warmer it is. There are fundamentally no good reasons why an American using modern building methods from the eco-intelligent construction community would need to rely on the grid for climate survival- in fact doing so is a lazy, silly idea that unfortunately many cannot afford to break from as they are wage slaves to those sending trillions of zero or low interest loans to the rich so they can hide those e-dollars for-themselves to keep inflation down yet snap purchase a bargain overseas should one arise.

Americans should have alternate mass transit infrastructure projects to dampen the effects of shocks to the inefficient automobile transportation system that is reliant upon the grid for electrical charging or volatile, combustive fuel supplies that poison the air we breathe when jogging and a dirty truck blasts past.

American scientists could develop a better artificial fur for hats in case another terrible northerly drifts into the south freezing the southern way of life in its tracks. Northerners could develop better hyper-tube ground transport to the south in case -45 f becomes tiresome.

Americans could have a special water-bladder bag that would fit into a bathtub and safely store 40 gallons of water when there is a prospect for grid and transport system failure. That bag might have a drain release feature and a little bubble-wrap type insulation to keep it from freezing too easily.

In order to make America great again each household should have a pair of four-buckle galoshes that can transform sneakers into cold-weather boots. They should have a set of yellow and dark green sunglass lenses from the dollar store to be able to walk in blizzards or droughts without getting hit in the eye by snowflakes or too bright of sunlight or dust.


A question about education and big data analytics

 It is an interesting question. I wonder what field besides that of professional educators would use such fuzzy logic to classify a statement or proposition?

"Characterize the following research questions as: descriptive, causal, prescriptive, or normative. Briefly explain answer. What factors increase women’s political representation in developed democracies?"

Apparently descriptive questions imply a true or false answer is possible while a normative question suggests that some state of affairs ‘ought’ to be. It’s is a value judgment and subjective.

Causal questions might ask for a cause or reason that something occurs and since David Hume wrote to discredit the relation of cause and effect the notion idea has been troubled.

In my opinion proximal causes as in legal arguments concerning why some x occurred or was done by agent y are generalities and somewhat non-technical philosophically inasmuchas they cannot be absolutely, logically exhaustive description of the state of affairs.

Consider that the entire Universe exists be-cause of the expansion of a singularity (if cosmology is accurate and that is an assumption), therefore that is the original cause of Billy Bob robbing the 7–11 store last night? The cause would need to be advanced up the line to a closer space-time connection. As in ‘Billy Bob robbed the 7–11 last night because his girl needed a Covid 19 vaccination and he was trying to save her from certain death from the South African variant he read was going to arrive in town and he needed the cash to bribe a front-line worker to let her assume her fake identity and get the shot.’ That cannot be considered a very accurate cause in some senses, for instance if he hadn’t been forced out of work by an employer that didn’t like his political opinions he would have had the cash to bribe for a shot for his girl, therefore the former employer is at fault, or was the cause of the robbery?

Anyway causality is a tricky slippery slope. I think people use pragmatism about causality and just cancel out equal terms on both side of the formal logical equation to determine if what remains is the real or even meaningful cause of something.

In the field of big data analysis predictive and prescriptive analytics are use in processing and writing code evidently.

From predictive to prescriptive analytics (part 1) — the benefit of causal diagrams

Predictive analytics would seek to determine what will occur I guess while prescriptive analytics would attempt to shape events.

One example would be the riots at the capitol of January 6, 2021. The electorate could be considered the big part regarded as datums. Some might use big data analytics to predict the outcome of events about crowds of a given size, security at the capitol and other variables. A use of prescriptive analytics might be to determine how to shape events or to shape the description of events so the public considers the riot a faux pas by political tramps or an insurrection.

Big data analysis joined with mass media has several axis for utilizing analytics with all four of the elements mentioned.

On the question of how or why females can have political representation in a democracy, one would need to disambiguate the question initially to clarify the meaning of ‘representation’ before dropping it into the algorithmic engine of big data processing. That is- can a man be a representative politically for women or need the representative be a woman?

If one shapes the question well then using logical processes with it is possible. Personally I would like the generality of adding causes from historical review and put those into a logic box and test them against nations that had accomplished female political representation in a democratic environment.

When one use computer code for analysis, specific values or variables are required in flowing electrons or quantum states through test conditions, forks and so forth along the logic tree. There is a reiteration of specificity unless non-specificity is placed with another tree of branches, forks and test conditions, and that sort of thing is itself specific and determinative as a definite causal agent of further processing. Even if one tries prescriptive iterations to determine a result one might ask if the basic algorithmic method doesn’t imply that necessarily.

The idea of using will to make things happen is perhaps a less rigorous analytic or algorithmic tool. The main point of analysis is of course that it is accurate. 

Left freakers ball if Trump wins in 2024

 The new normal of Democrat intifada for years with a storm of accusations and declarations that Trump voters are deplorable haters would follow re-election of Donald Trump in 2024. I believe it can’t happen because he revealed himself in his last year in office to be a true environmental troglodyte, and that loses support of intelligent voters after a while that sympathize otherwise with conservative court appointments, secure borders and a few more planks.

Democrats would in effect react like little kids that cover their ears and hum or sing very loud when a sibling is bothering them. They will invent falsehoods to disqualify. Grownups would call a riot and occupation something less than insurrection. Even the situation in Burma or Myanmar isn’t yet called an insurrection by the media. Those require an actual military plan, arms and personnel tantamount to an effective coup.

Each party has poison pills that make them unacceptable except to extremists, although these days the media tends to regard political opposition to Democrat planks as extremism. All of that works to concentrate wealth and enslave the populace.

On the shadow government

 With concentrated wealth comprising an ad hoc plutocracy for-the-world collusion on political, economic and social goals is assuredly possible. The basic problem my lie in the electorate rather than the stars though since electing people instead of good ideas, chasing after race and goals with unequal protection of laws and so forth make democracy very ineffective and getting governing priorities done. Republicans are environmental troglodytes yet they don’t mind alternating leadership much with Democrats that reinforce their concentration of wealth and corporatism goals about as well as themselves.


In reply to the question; If Alaska were split in to two states where should the linbe be drawn

 Easy answer for that; if the state were split in two the Panhandle to Lituya Bay and Yakatat would be a new state and the rest of Alaska would be Alaska. The two regions are fairly separate as it is and environmentalists and reasonable people don’t want more, destructive shoreline roads to be built to connect them.

Some people regard the panhandle as too warm to be Alaskan, and at low altitude it is as warm as the Aleutians (that should remain with the large part of Alaska). Juneau or Petersburg could be the capital of the South Alaska and Fairbanks should be the capitol of Alaska- although the people of Anchorage might say it’s too cold there.

On evil, wickedness and society

 Maybe negativism is easier to produce than positivism. People may advance criticisms without providing anything constructive. Evil in the Biblical paradigm is natural disaster while wickedness is the right term for humanity. Therefore evil might be the man caused natural disaster of over-consuming the world ecosystem bring natural disaster responses to the world from the famous global warming to pandemics (too promiscuous of demographic travel ending natural environmental firewalls).

If humanity is mired in the original sin of thermodynamic need to consume energy to exist and thoughtlessly consumes the environment without regard to sustainability, if social inertia and poor, unreflective leadership reinforces maladaptive economics, evils ensue. Even worse, political use-truth values will repress free speech that dissents from the wrong macro-social economic structure’s most wicked facticities.


The life expectancy of cancel-culture

 Cancel culture is progressive historical revisionism and brave new world order use-truth packed into one neat deconstructionist, hyper-modernist package easy to sell in the corporate market place so it will run its course.

Creative destruction applies not just in economics, it works with culture too continuing to gnaw away at its own foundations. Sometimes popular cultural products/ideas last 20 years before anti-ideas appear to mock the previous popular one although the life-cycle may decrease with the w.w.w.

What vast public debt means today?

 Several quality economists have said that the public debt is not too important anymore. That is a ponderous concept plainly. If money or debt is so elastic for the government then it might be a good idea to periodically lubricate the economic well being of the poor and down trodden yearning to be rich that live in this nation with a trillion or two now and then.

There is a marginal reserve rate that means a bank needs to have about 10% on deposit of the amount it loans out. Banks don’t need to loan out actual cash; in fact the amount of cash in circulation is very small percent of the dollars in circulation electronically. So if the Federal Reserve gives a zero or near zero interest loan of a few hundred billion dollars to the rich, the rich banks can mint 9 times that amount in real dollars electronically that are repaid with real dollars. In effect the Federal Reserve is continuously giving free money to the rich- north of 16 trillion dollars so far with quantitative easing and there is more than that that has been lent. Giving the poor a few crumbs of what goes to the rich is quite reasonable. Especially since the money goes to Americans who directly invest the money in the economy rather than sending it to some foreign nation (the rich are the ones sending direct investment in foreign nations like China).

It should be mentioned that the last dozen years of Republican presidential leadership experienced some of the greatest deficit spending in world history- they are not people with invariably good economic ideas for the public rather than for-themselves and in fact reinvented permanent Keynesian deficit spending for pump priming as a Lafferian supply-side way of life. Former VP Dick Cheney apparently believed that the private sector should plunder the public sector and Republicans have tended toward occasionally selling those $9000 gold-plated wrenches to the U.S. government. The poor seldom benefit from that high-level brand of piracy.

Economics shouldn’t require a degree in economics to well understand, yet it does. I have only read a few books on the topic and would like a better more simplified foundation for global sustainable economics that disambiguate topics like the meaning of public debt.

Physics advances since Einstein are remarkable

 Sure; even Einstein’s cosmological constant that he set aside turned out to be apparently true with the expansion rate of the Universe. There may be not cosmological energy expanding things so much as space itself expanding, or some oddity related to the Higgs field that is itself a great discovery in physics.

One likes all of the discoveries in particle physics especially, and the insight that particles that are massless acquire energy when slowing down through the Higgs field as a third dimension is added to them.

Cosmology watchers have a wealth of discoveries since Einstein to consider, and the insights of relativity- general and special, are fundamental tools of philosophical thought as timeless as the spinning bucket thought experiment or the ideas of motion and volume of the pre-Socratic philosophers Parmenides and Heraclitus.

If time is an apparent phenomenon of the subluminal quanta of the Higgs, is the field itself atemporal, and how does that compare to an atemporal singularity at T=0? Ideas concerning quantum entanglement and ‘spooky action at a distance’, all possible worldlines and quantum jitters as analogues of infinite variable positions have been produced to provide new ways of regarding the field phenomena that is the Universe of appearance-for others.

Writing and the Point of No Return

I read somewhere that one should always finish what one starts if it was worth doing to start with. Just put your head down and ride into th...