
If Joe Biden's agenda ends 7 Nov 2022 shouldn't he get stuff done now?

 If Republicans retake congress President Biden's opportunity to reform government a little will end. Sure maybe he should rush Covid 19 vaccines to Taiwan and Japan so computer chip making and the U.S. economy can move forward better, yet he needs to get domestic items accomplished now or never.

Those could include building new infrastructure like a vast Mexican border fresh water making canal security boundary desalinating Pacific salt water siphoned or pumped up with pipelines (gosh they can build oil pipelines) and letting solar power evaporate and a plastic lid capture condensation fresh water. He could lead with new hyper-loop high speed (1000 m.p.h). tube trains for passengers and cargo from sea to sea and border to border- to demonstrate how newer faster ground transport can help make autos and select roads obsolete.

He could form a cheap Manhattan project to convert all U.S. road surfaces into sunlight photon capturing and converting surfaces with vast center left-right research, and then find a way to create new wilderness areas without roads and with limited human entry in some places.

It would be good to reform the patent process and limit exclusivity to seven years with 10% royalties to patent holders after that from others then free to manufacture the item. That would speed up economic innovation so some could happen before the end of the world from global warming and federal deficits.

The President could form a truth commission to investigate how much money the Federal Reserve has really let the rich mint via bank loans 5x that of every zero interest loan it gave to big banks exploiting the margin reserve and e-dollars for loans gambit.

Mr. Biden could establish a basic minimum annual income for all Americans so people don't get permanently caught in economic undertows and socially adverse currents of repression.

College education could be made free through graduate school to allow intelligent Americans to pursue interests equal to their capacity.

The poor should be ale to get free medical service nationally without the state quilt of baloney technical paperwork.

Those earning more than a million annually should have a 60% tax rate.

Some day a President with an advanced degree in ecological economics may appear to lead the country in a transition to a sustainable economy. Yet it seems that just lawyers run on the demo side and Republicans don't really want the job of President unless to get richer and make the rich richer.

President Biden hasn't too much time to avoid becoming retrospectively another business as usual kind of top political leaders. Well, maybe he could stimulate production of wheat and soy pasta and noodle products to let the poor have some protein as well as carbohydrates in their diets.


Why God created mankind and why mankind is responsible for things in the world-paradigm

God created everything so why not intelligent beings? He apparently found that they cannot obey His will (in the garden). Instead mankind (Adam and Eve) were willful and disobedient. What to do with willful people that had ate of the tree of knowledge and would eventually eat of the tree of immortality?  God shortened their days (life span) and put them into a thermodynamic world where they had to work to input energy and had to reproduce sexually like the animals. That was all a consequence of the original sin that required correction. So all mankind has the problems of mortality and is condemned for being so willful and disobedient. If people are called and saved by the Lord Jesus Christ then they can have their sin nature cleansed or shielded from the perfect God's view. In a divine economy how could sin be tolerated for eternity? Hence hell and etc. From I Corinthians 6 "9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God." and Thessalonians 5:6-9 "6 So then let us not sleep, as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober. 7 For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, are drunk at night. 8 But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, and for a helmet the hope of salvation. 9 For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, "

Canceling Socrates, Plato and Aristotle

 Some people would like to cancel Socrates, Plato and Aristotle became they didn't seem to support democracy. The Athenian democracy had a lot of slaves. Plato or Socrates supported the oligarchy rather than the demos, and the Romans developed the republic reasonably well while Greece became overrun, It hadn't occurred to me though that anyone was thinking about cancelling Socrates so we are left with the three stooges in regard to political philosophy In an age when empires were the norm; even the Republic was very much to the left. It's the sort of thing that the radicals that wrote the Magna Charta might have thought about.

I asked someone how many universes can dance on the head of a zero dimensional singularity. He might have replied; 'God knows'. Maybe it's an intersectional concept, whereat one awakes in the will of the One.

Maybe everyone is an economic prisoner of the federal reserve bank chained to the social ladder economy as mute approved beings-of-interest watching the shadows of billionaires cross high above, trying to interpret the weird shapes.


Realm of forms with spirit

 Plato's realm of forms is about pure, essential ideas that are like blueprints for everything actualized in any universe. Ideas can fit in a thought of God. Plotinus named God ' the One'', and elaborated the realm of forms in his book named The Enneads

Ideas of spirit exist eternally for The One. Yet like an entire universe that is designed and static in a zero-dimension singularity, no space-time is required to contain it. Space-time is part of the kernel of the Universe that unfolds dimensionally- though one wonders about the time in which time is encapsulated at a singularity.

Every quantum form is pre-determined from alpha to omega in any possible universe among the multiverse of possibilities God deems possible. An infinite number of thoughts that comprise forms are known unto the omniscient One and have always existed even as the sentient beings that occur within them wonder about space-time and the quanta and qualia of a Multiverse and of God likening it unto a simulation.


Select philosophical comments

 A few philosophical comments…

If one finds a well ordered and logically put together system, universe, multiverse or machine- that does not imply that it wasn't designed. Subtle and infinitesimal quantum uncertainties may enliven art and being like pictures at an exhibition.

Ok so God is omnipotent. He has made every possible universe in every possible form

and stage in his thought. Everything is possible for him that he wills possible.

In one universe a rock is movable and in another it isn't. Every infrastructural form of everything can be super-positioned like quanta in all possible lines God determines possible.

Modal logic allows one to populate a universe with whatever forms and relations one prefers, including temporal positions. One may make their own system of logic (ref Elements of Logic by W.V.O. Quine) concerning where and what is possible in possible locations. It is a mistake to assume that a particular logic structure exists in all places universally, as it is wrong to assume there is one universal time across a multiverse except in relation to eternal God.

If a universe can be defined as space-time with the same physicals laws or patterns of order, thought and logic in that area likely conform preponderantly to the forms that function in that space-time. An eternal being whom constructs those systems from eternity might be regarded as the unmoved mover by sentient contingent beings moving about.

Quine refuted the dogma of empiricism that just empirical statements about the world had valid data, and that wasn't subjective. He showed that all statements have a subjective element including scientific

Quine was one of the best logicians and philosophers of logic of his time

In Word and Object he examines subjective epistemology. In Ontological Relativity he examines modal logic word lexicons from a nominalist perspective.

Someone cleverly noted that the thesis-antithesis dialectic is a good way to trick people into doing stuff as reactionaries. Besides that, the dialectic has numerous applications via analogy as stimulus-response loops, natural algorithmic cycles of increase, challenge response and baloney.

Hegel thought the or a world spirit was trying to realize itself in history. Logically though humans had realized themselves in history for at least 100000 years and the or a spirit of the universe isn't retarded like a drunk trying to wake up after a binge

The spirit probably pre-existed the universe

Human wickedness and many other issues follow after the fall. I believe Adam and Eve when found unable to follow the will of God flawlessly were sent onto a containment facility known as the Universe today with its second law of thermodynamics, births toil etc in quest of energy and pleasure.

Human nature is depraved and the elect are saved through grace. Because God is eternal and Universes temporal the individual soul has a chance for salvation and salvage from the human condition

If uncorrected wicked humans as eternal spirits could run amuck plenty- hence the need for a temporal universe and a chance to sort things out.

I am not certain about nihilism being a first-person activity or just a point of view. The idea that reality is an illusion and belief in God is a heresy are part of Buddhism and consistent with nihilism in some ways, yet not in others. political nihilism could be a practical effort simply to destroy a government and leave nothing to replace it, or no one, and that would differ from anarchy. I am not sure that meaninglessness is necessary for nihilism. Consider people that hate western civilization and believe that it should be destroyed- they are partial nihilists if they want to annihilate the traditional American way and replace it with something else, foreign and non-specific, and plain nihilists if they want to leave scorched Earth and let the environment recovery (even if short sighted because without engineers to safely shut down all the nuclear plants and chemical dumps the environment would be a mess for quite a number of years left to themselves when they broke down.

Anti-particles just have an opposite spin. That is anti-matter spin is a mirror reverse image of matters spin. So anti MC could be like anti matter and annihilate MC or matter when it is incompatibly infused with it

Maybe it's like forcing a left threaded device into a right threaded device thereby breaking both objects.

That reminds me about the one concerning the Universe meeting it's long lost anti-universe rival...

Max Tegmark's book 'The Mathematical Universe' describes a Multiverse up to a level 4 Multiverse, and further posits that pure math may be the basis of everything, literally. Tegmark makes a mathematical Universe Hypothesis (MUH). Great book to read. https://www.amazon.com/Our-Mathematical.../dp/0307599809

Sartre writes about the reef of solipsism in Being and Nothingness. It is part of the human condition as an individual observer embedded in the Higgs field temporally.

Bishop Berkeley wrote about idealism in The Three Dialogues of Hylas and Philonous. The human experience could be just an idea of God or a simulation. Berkeley probably was inspired by and developed Descartes' Meditations.

. have you never read that? it started the thought examined logically in the first person school rolling.


Jesus wasn't nihilist in bringing the end of the old covenant. He said he came to fulfill the law, not destroy it.

When the prophet Jeremiah said that one day the laws of God would be written on the hearts and minds, that occurred with the work of Jesus Christ.

Marx on the other hand was raised with Jewish ideas of millennialism and seems to have fused Feurbach's atheism, Hegelianism and Darwinism with Zionism and socialism. As has been said a million times, Marx was a great sociologist and a rather bad political philosopher. His economic analysis of England was pretty good and the corrections he envisioned poor and sparse

He had strengths and weaknesses in equal measure.

Not all political or religious change is nihilistic. Maybe Kropotkin's Russian anarchism was neo-nihilistic. Trying to understand Christianity without faith in Jesus as the Son of the Trinity will result in misunderstanding much. A spiritual transformation is to occur and one must love God, and thy neighbor as thyself. That does not imply lazy, corrupt or moral relativism.

Socialism as an economic system of the state differs much from free enterprise and self-directed work. The volunteerism and unselfishness of Christians would tend to cap capitalist acquisition and invest excess profit in social development. A Christian society should be economically more egalitarian yet does not require state socialism. Socialism can be an oppressive, atheist dictatorship. Hitler rose to power as leader of the German socialist workers part with help from a large majority of former socialists in the storm troopers. Any sort of tribe or group can use socialist economics. The challenge is to defend individual rather than collective 'rights' the devil would defeat everyone if it could, in the details.

Much of the political conflicts of the USA occur because people don't care about evidence or faith. They have a will to believe and do so as a part of being a member of a group of like minded people. The race riots aren't about faith and peaceful change does not invariable follow YouTube video evidence of a police crime, neither does exculpatory evidence send protesters and rioters home

In some cases there is a lot of evidence to support faith and in others people have faith that their evidence is valid, comprehensive and uncontroverted by unknown facts.

People aren't generally working matters of belief and politics as logicians replete with lifetimes of learning and wisdom. Consider abortion, homosexual marriage, global warming, ecosphere decay, tax rates and attacks on faith. in God- People tend to reinforce what they want to believe and force social morality to conform to desire and political preferences.

The evidence of the good book is very good. Even jurors need faith that their verdict is true if they are honest. Einstein said that he just wanted to know the thoughts of God- the rest are details.

Philosophical certainty is difficult to attain

Socrates said that he knew that he knew nothing

Epistemology and pragmatism lead one toward dead reckoning judgements of necessity. Certainty or even true knowledge as of The Timaeus or Tractatus Logico Philosophicus and The Blue and Brown books leave one with words about words and short of knowledge of things for themselves or Kant's noumenon. Faith, reason and inference lead some to belief in God. The problem of the criterion as Chisolm mentioned, afflicts all judgments of sentients embedded atop quantum entangled energy as mass in the Higgs field

Interestingly the sub-luminal status of. otherwise classless two dimensional energy packets when not getting that important 3rd dimension in the Higgs field may be the reason why time is experienced at all.

Jesus said to let the dead bury the dead

It was an oblique reference to the need to be born again. Complex topic.

If one finds a well ordered and logically put together system, universe, multiverse or machine; that does not imply that it wasn't designed. Subtle and infinitesimal quantum uncertainties may enliven art and being like pictures at an exhibition.

There are numerous truth theories. I like correspondence theory and disquotation theory. Truth is about relationships of words. The sole being in itself that is true is God it might be said. For God is truth and anything else contingent and relative


USA should square away Mexico with vaccines

 The Biden administration should get enough vaccine too Mexico and Central America to beat Eurasians in the race to claim the title of first continent immune to Covid 19.

Becoming the intercontinental camp is no small achievement and Euros and China don't have strong players to win with.

The ultimate good (a poem)

Wonders of the wood cut
slashed like Wall Street sales
gone over the edge
with multiverses of logic
structured with every possible example

  Of those that do and those that don't
attack others with a variety of druthers
crumbling mountains
casting them into the sea
with talus slopes

  Eternity shapes time
movements with space
lights with deoptimalized plots
running over narrow rails
the weight, it's trained

  So nothing remains of spring
flowers casting shadows on wind
lawns cut and memories of rhymes before
with the perfection of science
romanticism and emotion died down

Being and nothingness present
choices of mass and energy configurations
with spirit flowing contingency about
like self-aware nomenclature
waiting on the ultimate good.


Let vaccinated passengers resume Alaska cruises

 Instead of banning cruise ships to Alaska in 2021 the CDC should put away the blunt instrument and let vaccinated passengers go ahead and visit Alaska. Crude, mass economic punishment is as useless as recommending bleach used internally to kill Covid 19.

The CDC should put away it's weapon of mass economic destruction and recommend that cruise ships with vaccinated passengers go ahead this year. Vaccinated passengers are not a Covid 19 danger to American cities at all unless the CDC is fibbing about the effectiveness of the vaccines and those inoculated will perish like overripe lotus blossoms with instant ghonobowla.

The cruise ship business is an important element of many coastal cities that shouldn't be locked down until the CDC sobers up to realize some vaccines work rather well.


Roll up the right sleeve for Covid 19 vaccine victory

 The United States has the opportunity to lead the world on vaccination and immunity to Covid 19 yet some are dragging their heals. With everyone vaccinated the economy can get back on track without adding to the death toll that presently is nearly 570,000.

Vaccinations are brilliant products of modern science and of course its not a bad thing if a few people don't participate in case its a communist plot to make the nation entirely dead with a trick virus so people will vote for Democrats. Short of that sort of horrible and unlikely event there isn't much in the way of good excuses for not getting vaccinated; if a new variant emerges because slackers keep the Covid 19 pool healthy until a strain appears that can't be prevented with present vaccines another year of mask wearing and shutdowns could occur- as well as another 600,000 dead Americans.

Getting a Covid 19 vaccination should be regarded as something like buying war bonds in 1943; it just helps the national effort to restore domestic tranquility through victory.


Russian turf, N.A.T.O. and the Democrat media axis of sychophants

The Democrat party sycophant media makes objective opinion difficult to get out to the public. They saturate the nation with corporate sales promotion news items such as serve the concentration of wealth best. They rely on the banking monopoly of the Federal Reserve (a private bank) to send trillions and trillions to the richest Americans and banking confreres and trickle down a pittance to the poor that don't even see blood pressure medicine from Obamacare or Medicare. That isn't a good supporting infrastructure fort democracy at all and sideways policies like avoidance of defending the borders adequately or getting on like gangbusters with Russian and President Putin are supplanted with better daily hate memos and soap operas of O.J. trials or the Chauvin trial with Rep Waters encouraging riots if the verdict doesn't go her way.

The nation has a problem that began with Bill Clinton in failing to understand post-Cold War Russia adequately to have common sense about the Ukraine problem. At least half of the Ukraine was always Russian necessarily since Russia began there a thousand years ago. Russians would never be content to give it up, and President Bill should have known that and not levered it away from the nascent new Russian state via the C.I.S. or community of embarrassing name sissies that were weak without a live nuclear threat to the west and armies ready to roll in national defense. It was really no way to treat a sort of former ally that helped defeat not only Hitler and the Nazis, but the Mongols to- at least dulling their advance, as they did with the Muslim surge following the rise of the Turkish empire- as well as Napoleon. If not for Russia Europe and the U.S.A. might be speaking Turk-French-Mongol-German, and that would be very bad for the prospects of Doge coin.


Because the ethics of the U.S.A. have merged with those of predatory capitalism from Wall Street seeking after immediate satisfaction and short-term profits (not good neighborliness at all) the concept of levering away some land that has always been an integral part of Russia-even when Europe was still in the dark ages and the U.S.A. wasn't even conceived, is unavoidable. Yet statecraft requires intelligence and ethics different from that of capitalists and President Biden should know that.

He has decided not to send the navy to crash into the Black Sea to interdict Russian naval support for an effort by President Putin to restore some Russian presence right to the Dnepr River where a border might reasonably be maintained amicably more or less satisfying most except western land grab speculators. President Biden should recognize the strategic interest the U.S.A. has in being partners rather than adversaries with Russia economically, politically and socially- as well as in joint space missions. The opportunity cost of not being best political buds with Russia is a great strategic blunder that unites most of the world against the U.S.A., who cannot really rely on Europeans for much in the long run for numerous reasons. They are rather piratical first and pursue their self-interest with as much propaganda effort as N.P.R.

President Putin may seem to have much political power in his own nation- yet the Russian constitution is written to provide for a Super-Presidency. The Roman Republic appointed a dictator in times of war and then returned to normality when the crisis was over. Russia has been attacked from all sides for a thousand years and invaded numerous times. During the post-Cold war reorganization what else should have been expected if the United States chose to resume an adversarial relationship because they believed they could bully a weak Russia?

It is amazing to me that national leadership except for President Reagan could be so blind about long-run strategic American interests. They seem like a lot of losers that prefer war to prosperity unless they exclusively possess all wealth. Without good Russian-American relations the world politically is unbalanced and divided. It may be readily exploited by special interests that can thwart globally important ecological and economic requisites for reform. Even racism can be stirred up and exploited as a diversion politically, and that simply lets the concept of reform rot.

Replying to 'Why are White People Great at Everything?'

Shouldn't one start with a rectification of names? Confucius did; so; therefore ask what are white people and what is the everything the...