United States doesn't recognize Venezuela's President Madura as the
constitutionally elected President. There are no Democrat committees
set up to investigate the fake election results, just Joe Biden's
emissaries conducting friendly business deals to let President Madura
export oil to the United States.
Venezuela has lots of fine oil Americans can burn up and add to
the vast left-wing supported global warming gas flow streaming into
the sky from auto a-holes. Some leftist drive electric cars. China is
rapidly transitioning to electric cars unreliant on oil from nations
led by Dictators and Theftocracies. President Biden has stepped back
into the over-mature, senile fossil fuel vehicle league to help his
re-election chances in 2024. Instead of leading the way to newer,
faster, cheaper forms of transport that don't harm the atmosphere or
ecosphere on land and sea the President has opted for quick, dirty
and dangerous fiscal intercourse with dictators.
Republicans are supposed to be the party of innovators, tech
leadership and economic good sense. Implementing those
characteristics have been lacking from Republican discourse the past
decade or more in regard to energy. Democrats have exploited the
failure of Republicans to lead from the front on energy upgrades.
President Biden fundamentally has a fake green energy policy that
returns to Dictatorial and authoritarian oil doghouses as soon as it
can to prop up the nation's economy. Republicans lucked out with the
discovery of fracking to revitalize the nation's oil fields yet even
that isn't enough for either party that sucks up oil from any source
at all. Yet if that is so one might ask, why not Russia?
The economic war on Russia to support the Democratic Party's proxy
war on Russia via Ukraine is quite costly the nation and the world
economy. When Mr. Biden is gone and a Republican President takes
charge it is likely that the Ukraine investment policy of Democrats
will slow or end and the world economy can have a chance to seek the
light at the end of the tunnel. The world ecosphere though will be
irreparably harmed by then and the breakdown of national energy
leadership will perhaps continue to lean on dirty oil and dictators
as the ecosphere degrades.