
Unleash the Dogs of Peace

 On this day of celebration of the Lord’s birth more than two millennia ago the United States leadership should resolve to unleash the dogs of peace and end the Ukraine war. Peace is a virtue for-itself generating manifold benefits and celebrating life. Life is a river of opportunity that grows attacked by its nemesis the necrotic monster of death. Human political leadership ought choose the living waters of life rather than the poisoned blood of death.

Peace was the hope that brought about the end of the Cold War beginning during the final months of the Reagan administration; culminating in Soviet withdrawal of military forces from Eastern Europe beginning December 1988





The United States once was the leader of the free world. Today it is something more like a sycophant of a military-industrial complex of international scope. Instead of seizing the opportunity for peace through negotiated settlement with Russia that would correct the iniquity of redistributing all of the Ukraine to the west, including the Crimean Peninsula, the Biden administration has consistently promoted war and all of the unfortunate, evil tidings that have followed. It is not too late to have a change of heart and let slip the dogs of peace.

Continuing the war into the new year brings more evil prospects for Americans. While the Biden administration has left undefended the southern border with an anticipated invasion of hundreds of thousands or even millions of illegally arriving aliens ahead it is financing the Ukraine conflict with more than a 100 billion dollars worth of weapons, cash, advisers and other goods at a minimum. The best it can hope to achieve is to end up where it began before the conflict with the former boundaries set by the Clinton administration that precipitated the present conflict. Eastern Ukraine under Russian control would have little practical effect on the people that live there economically or socially if a complete peace with demilitarization and free trade was established. Without a peace that recognizes historical Russian claims; without sharing the Ukraine, the foundation for lasting enmity will be poured like molten lava behind a dam of hate.


The Cost to Start a Nuclear War

 The U.S. Government has spent fifty billion this year on military and other help for Ukraine and the Senate has passed a bill containing nearly 50 billion more. One might wonder if that is enough to get a general nuclear war started.

The United States since 1940 had spent nearly six trillion dollars on nuclear weapons procurement and development by 1998. I would guess that since then quite a bit more was spent. The cost of keeping the nuclear locker is $35 billion each year. A lot of money has been spent to enable nuclear war. The amount of federal dollars spent on finding viable, innovative economic alternatives to war such as is Ukraine are ridiculously small in comparison. The U.S. government and especially the Democrat party prefers to invest in war rather than peace.


The United States has given Ukraine direct assistance in a single year greater than the G.D.P. of more than 100 nations. Settling the conflict with a negotiated solution was and is the more stable course even after a year of blundering political response if the war actual does precipitate nuclear conflict. Russia has valid historical claims on Ukraine and the western government’s claims are understandable too. Demilitarizing the Dnepr frontage except for Kiev and letting Russia keep its eastern Ukraine lands with free travel for each nation over the border is quite possible. To fail to recognize Russian claims exemplifies the blindness that often occurs in the political leadership realms of belligerents of war.


President Reagan wanted to rid the world of nuclear weapons and that is still a good idea. Yet when the United States proves again and again that nuclear weapons is the only thing it really respects among nations when it wants its economic way with things it is easy to understand why nuclear proliferation is apparently viewed as a declaration of independence by those newly arming. Others seem to acquiesce in the power of the nuclear powers with economic assets too.

If a nuclear develops from the Ukraine conflict it probably will need another 50 billion besides the 100 billion earmarked for Ukraine already to light the fire. Maybe Pres Putin will demure from using nukes if the war goes really bad and troops need to withdraw to old Russian borders. Even if they did stability might not follow for the U.S.-Russian relations.


The 118th Congress Ought to Investigate Democrat Politician Investments in Ukraine

  The next congress- a Republican led one, should investigate House, Senate, Judiciary and Executive branch personnel to find out who owns land or has invested otherwise in Ukraine. The Biden administration was obviously conflicted with Hunter Biden's deep interaction with Ukrainians yet that may be just the tip of an iceberg. One wonders if crooked congresspersons would rather risk nuclear war than share Ukraine with Russia or make an honest settlement that would have the collateral benefit of ending immediate prospects for a world nuclear war involving Russia and N.A.T.O.

Ukraine may be blackmailing some U.S. politicians. Ukraine had a reputation for being somewhat fast and loose before the war and U.S. politicians may have put themselves in compromising situations. Democrats won't spend anything to secure the southern U.S. border and yet spend billions and billions on war instead of ending one through rational, peaceful negotiations that would provide land east of the Dnepr for Russia. Without a mutually satisfactory end of the war hostilities will continue for some time and harm the U.S. economy that is apparently a bit vulnerable to a cascade of disaster.

Mr. Zelinsky is a hawk and wants more and more weapons and cash. Republicans should find out who is obligated to in order to keep their investments secure. Such people would rather risk end of the world scenarios than end a war if it cost them anything personally.


Open Negotiations to Limit General Nuclear War

 I wonder if it would be worthwhile for the Biden administration and Russian President Vladimir Putin to hold talks to limit the range of any potential nuclear war. Atomic scientists have continued advancing the clock toward midnight since the Obama administration and now it is just 100 seconds to midnight.

Nuclear war might not be all bad- just mostly bad. Casualties might be horrendous if it is a general MAD exchange, yet if tactical nuckes are used first in Ukraine, and if the United States doesn't choose to immediately respond and upgrade the war to full scale MAD (as if Democrat policies hadn't already achieved crazy in partnership with N.A.T.O. that colluded with Democrats to surveil Americans and censor the internet) it is possible that casualties might be comparatively low.

It could be useful though to consider the range of a MAD war, or a general nuclear war and try to agree to limit the damage; each side could choose cities before the nukes fly that wouldn't be hit and would in effect be nuclear free zones. The game theories of nuclear war are many and complex. They would continue to be, however a battleship game inversion would tell the players what cities would not be hit by nuclear weapons at the negotiations and would approximate equality in population and value.

Per example Russian seaports are fewer with less population than U.S. ports. Russia might not want Petersburg or Archangelsk hit while the U.S. woulds want New York and Seattle spared and sacrifice Boston and San Francisco.

Russia might want Moscow spared in exchange for Chicago being spared- choosing to sacrifice D.C. because it has fewer people.

There could be some sort of environmental analysis that would limit nuclear winter yet liberate the use of nuclear war when needed to work out political disagreements. Some cities could be spared for humanitarian reason, economic reasons post-war etc, while others would be free nuclear-fire targets. There is no reason to not make nuclear war preperations to limit or moderate hypothetical conflict when the defauklt tends toward being worst-case saturation with nuclear weapons; MAD policy.


Democrat Jan 6 Conspirators to Charge former Pres Trump Today

The partisan January 6th committee will recommend charges to the Dept of Democrat President Biden’s Justice Dept. today against former President Trump. The Jan 6th committee probably will want Mr. Trump charged with conspiracy, obstruction of Justice and insurrection among other items. Because Republicans were not permitted to place a single member on the panel it was entirely partisan though a pair of Republican defectors to the anti-Trump crowd were selected by Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

There is no question that President Trump acted somewhat churlishly after his election loss. He definitely was recalcitrant about sending force to quash the pro-Trump protesters of January the 6, 2021. In my opinion the protest never rose to being an insurrection nor was it ever close to being so. A tiny minority of protesters bum-rushed the capitol building and ransacked it with unfortunately, a few police officers were crushed or harmed by the mob. Real insurrections are better planned and of more scope and competence.



N.A.T.O. Helped Cripple American Democracy

 Apparently N.A.T.O.'s think tank named The Atlantic Council was given work by the U.S. Government to censor domestic American politics and other items considered by Democrats as misinformation or fake news along with Stanford, Washington University and another establishment. Ultimately Democratic criteria for fake news included anything politically sensitive and antipathetic. It was illegal for the U.S. Government to censor Americans posting on the Internet yet N.A.T.O. could easily get away with that. Homeland Security personnel supported it when N.A.T.O. helped kneecap U.S. democracy.

The Election Integrity Partnership apparently was an Orwellian mislabeling in-itself.



Internet censorship, shadow banning and deletion of accounts by rich Internet concerns list on the Dow Jones exchange subvert American democracy and create a great opportunity cost of unknown extent altering the life histories and potential economic development of countless millions of citizens.

Corruption of free speech and the marketplace of ideas has run rampant the past seven years or more- I would guess that the N.S.A. and others have partnered with left leaning and plutocratic social media to censor Americans whom are regarded as rivals to the agenda preferred by the rich and the Democrat Party. At this moment Fox News' Steve Hilton is presenting an interesting review of some of the topics including that of N.A.T.O. in taking down U.S. civil liberties concerning free speech.



The history of corruption is more serious than it seems. One may be concerned that one third of European have been contaminated with a brain infecting parasite from cat feces and blame that for bad European decisions in preferring war with Russia rather than peaceful relations and respect for historic Russian ownership of Ukraine, yet that would be a wrong explanation.


While cat crap fever is dangerous, bad N.A.T.O. and Democratic war party decisions are made for reasons of wealth and power. Censoring the Internet kneecaps real American democracy and makes it a fop tool for show purposes.


US Gov Shouldn't Give Democrat Social Media Giant Military Genetic Material

 Military service members serve their country at personal risk. There is no way the US Government should give away or sell human body parts, tissue samples or material removed from human bodies with genetic material without express written consent from the military member or survivors. Google may be developing Artificial Intelligence and would like to use the genetic data for sundry purposes. One can easilly imagine dystopian application including designing super soldiers etc with so much data. It is alos possible to track military members through their genetic data since their are so many other non-military sources of genetic data. The ability for nefarious powers to identify service members could create a cas ade of harm to veterans.


Post-modernists may regard the military and service members or veterans as bad amoeba to study and sanction. The U.S. Government should not be their accomplice. Google may want to censor human genetic structures like it does blog posts


Wavefunction and Everett (what reality is continued)

 Interesting points of view. I suppose the Universe or mass and energy are composite; pluralist builds of all things, yet sentience of course does work- it's more than a different state off matter. One shouldn't be rashly reductionist about mind arising from matter. The wavefunction, Shrodinger equation, Hilbert Space quantum paradigm etc; does it all require different ways of viewing things if one substitutes Hugh Everett's paradigm of what Tegmark named a level 4 Multiverse instead of the Copenhagen Interpretation/Schrodinger wavefunction collapse? Or does the Higgs field effects slowing down two dimensional particles so they pick up a third dimension and allow the appearance of three dimensional mass to exist mean that items like quantum entanglement are secondary, contingent phenomena too?

I would think that reality is everything that exists including appearances of it sentient beings are aware of and everything they aren't aware of too. Even so these days I tend to regard the two dimension, massless particle-wave realm 'outside' or beyond the Higgs field as more fundamental than the three-dimension world of experience.

 Tegmark speculated the Multiverse is made of math; that a logical structure exists in it that corresponds to reality and is based on oure math. The idea of a mathematical universe brings one to think that there is a logical structure to the universe including the quantum world that seems necessary for temporality, motion, being and nothingness, change, evolution and so for th yet of course it could all be in the thought of God. An infinite Multiverse pre-existing from eternity in an Everett-Tegmark Level 4 Mutliverse construction perhaps. It's interesting to consider. String theoriy's Mutliverse paradigm with mathematical, logical structure would be interesting for mathematicians to consider and for others like myself to read about.


Pres Biteme Signs Respect for Homo Marriage Act into Law

 Democrats have forced states to recognize queer ersatz marriages from other states. In a divided congress heavily polarized legal technicalities exploited like kedging a sailing ship of yore have been worked by attentive Democrats to force their will upon the unwilling. Maybe it's inevitable that a decadent and corrupt leadership mileau in an anthropic age with possible global warming death of the human race ahead would become wicked. It is possible and perhaps necessary that compelling legal fictions is OK when a balanced budget or a just society without wealth being concentrated are as dead as the dodo.

The Respect for Queers Expropriating Marriage Act is a wierd thing that forces red states to submit to laws passed in blue states (queer 'marriage'). If Massachusetts has queer marriage then Idaho must respect queer marriages. Or if California makes car theft legal then cars stolen in California must be recognized in Oklahoma as belonging legally to the car thief in possession of that car with California plates in Omaha. Or if dope smoking is lawful in blue states, red states must let visitors from blue states smoke their dope except maybe in restaurtants indoors.

Revivals of nations have occurred yet the sophistry and skill of the corrupt, ungodly and reprobate disrespecting God are as profound and solid as the superfluous, needlessly belligerent 'respect for marriage act' that is truly Orwellian doublethink. As might be expected the fake marriage force act hid behind interracial marriage protections; probably unnecessary as Americans have already accepted interracial marriage for some time. There isn't a false element to interracial marriage. Queers simply cohabit and should have created their own, new institution instead of expropriating and redistributing the old.


The Democrat Party has evolved to being domestic fascists spiritually (if they had spirit) using legal advantages to try to compel one-party rule including social media censorship, racketeering and operative organized crime. They are intolerant of anything besides their social zeitgeist narrowly interpreted and really don't support individual intellectual or political independence. They should have passed a respect for American citizenship and borders act instead of a respect for legal fictions that is the lie of homosexuals marrying as if they were heterosexuals marrying to produce offspring. The respect for lies act is appropriate for post-modernists that regard people as meat or amoeba; truth is subjective to Democrats without any objective reality.

Tesla is More for Republicans and Libertarians than Democrats

  Democrats don't like Tesla so much anymore being disaffected by Elon Musk's Neo-libertarianism rather than Orwellian neo-Democratic censorious one-party rule. Republicans seem to be inheriting the kingdom of Tesla purchases and with so much global competition for EVs now Tesla may need to redesign its product appearance.

I was riding a bike a couple of years ago when two guys stopped in the middle of the street driving Tesla's apparently, in order to talk about that. To me they looked liked Saturns- yet I am not so knowledgeable about car fashions. If Democrats won't buy because of Musk and Twitter then Tesla should ditch the wussy look and go for macho with rugged models that would appeal more to male voters not working for the Cambridge dictionary or social media.

Dodge went that route with trucks long ago moving to Rams etc. Apparently people want p.o.v.s to seem like they are suitable for combat in some form, even if they are EVs, not four wheel drive vehicles and will be used to take someone to work making donuts. A convertible EV would be a great item too for a niche market, yet it should also look like it can drive up a stream's dirt track.


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