
General Gerasimov Enters the Dragon of War

 The war in Ukraine that began with a Russian invasion of land areas that were part of traditional Russia; in example, Crimea and later into areas claimed by Ukraine and supported by the Democrat Party and select European nations appears to have entered a new phase with the appointment of General Gerasimov to lead the war. Gerasimov is also Army Chief of Staff and one of three Russian with a nuclear football- nuclear codes, able with discretionary powers to use nuclear weapons.

After the Crimean conquest and years of increasingly tight sanctions with no end in sight Russia apparently choose to go whole hog and enter the dragon of full scale war on Ukraine. After the western response with loads of high tech military weapons and cash, information and all of its propaganda engines lined up in a row of resupplying Ukraine the counteroffensive occurred driving Russian forces back and away from the Dnepr and some eastern regions toward the edge. Notably Ukraine attacked point targets inside Russia. Winter developed and the realignment from what may be viewed as the warm up to the serious fight has shaped up.

Some say that Russia begins its war battles rather slowly. It is good to take them out in the opening rounds of the fight because over time their determination and stamina for battle may win out. Such analogies have limited value yet western leaders may need to set aside rose colored glasses about the war of attrition where the Ukraine wins with so much support from the west with HIMARS, tanks etc and Russian supplies are depleted and consider what Russian leadership might do in an existential conflict with the west.

Gerasimov has a philosophy of total control apparently that became eponymous for a doctrine somewhat reflected in American social media and the Democrat Party; the importance of controlling the information space and the real-time coordination of all aspects of a campaign, in addition to the use of targeted strikes deep in enemy territory and the destruction of critical civilian as well as military infrastructure."-Gerasimov. That is much like the Obama doctrine promoting homosexual marriage and social media attrition of conservative writers in social media.

The new phase of the war may be a more dangerous time- even as Russia may have internal conflicts and competition for leadership exacerbated by covert and overt support by the west. The entire affair reminds me a little of the true story of a skydiver whose parachute and reserve didn't deploy and yet photographed himself and the ground as he fell to Earth.


Joe Biden Lost Track of Classified Documents 7 Years?

 Apparently when Joe Biden was Vice President he took numerous classified documents from secure government facilities to his home and offices around the country and didn’t return them when he left office. The amazing element to the story is that additional documents continue to turn up nearly seven years after he was no longer the Vice President of the United States. He knew that as a private citizen all of those classified documents should have been returned.


So the narrative is that he simply forgot to return them and left them strewn about his offices and home in unsecured locations for seven years or more for unauthorized persons (including himself) to gaze upon at their pleasure. His two or three offices with classified documents might not have been empty and not visited when he wasn’t in them, and people attending parties at his home may have had the opportunity to rummage through his garage to examine any documents there or elsewhere. Former Vice Presidents have one secret service agent with them for life yet one guy watching a politician’s security wouldn’t necessarily be able to watch out for espionage efforts among those frequenting the Biden’s home and offices.

In my opinion loose security and rule breaking for a privileged class of self-entitled government insiders is de rigeur for post-modernists unconcerned with national security including border security in comparison to furthering the global cultural agenda of Democrats and plutocratic sponsors spawning wars to take over the planet’s markets. Evil and its sycophants haven’t a capacity to reason outside the conquest box and will configure affairs, control the media narrative and consolidate matters of political economy in order to rule through the new yet aging world order.

Toynbee’s paradigm of cycles of civilizations include successful civilizations rising to a universal phase of global power. That over-reach is the final phase when followed by internal collapse and disintegration. Though the United States is a part of one world civilization these days that has emerged from one world market, it was not to the advantage of the United States to transform its economy into nothing more than a global plutocratic market place for the world without reservation. It is rather ironic that Aristotle’s idea that democracies break down into tyranny could be supported by another idea of his that common areas become the least well maintained of social areas as people focus more on privately held interests; it seems that the United States as a marketplace owned by global plutocrats will not maintain its social spending or federal budget as the public sector becomes neglected in pursuits of hegemony over Russia and Eurasia.


Banning Muhammad's fake Image at Hamlin University

 When Hamlin University let a college Professor’s employment terminate after the prof showed a painting of Muhammad made in the 14th century it was cited as an example of pervasive far-left extremism ubiquitous on college campuses in the U.S.A. that shoehorn students into leftist-Democrat party political correctness. Yet the largely unreported element in play was the location of Minnesota and it’s largest in the nation concentration of Somali immigrant Muslims. The Muslim community of Minnesota of course became notable for being a source of Isis recruits.




Maybe the quiet college didn’t feel up to putting a red flag in front of bored potential ISIS recruits fallen on hard times with the downfall of Isis in the Middle East. Isis may not have had sufficient time to reorganize in Afghanistan to export or outsource a conflict to begin a new Islamic State someplace else. After 2001 and the WTC attack prohibitions on images of Muhammad were ironically elevated virtually to an Islamic law in some places with a fatwa, perhaps to pre-empt cartoon images of Muhammad made by anti-Muslim publications. Middle-Eastern Muhammadanism is heavily associated, commonly, with ruling powers and/or sectarian conflicts.


The era of integration and affirmative action drafted a couple of generations of new educators to academia and changed the demographics and content, focus and spin of higher education significantly. That wasn’t all bad if the educators resonate overseas enough to improve educational prospects of the uneducated. It can become counterproductive though if truth and the facts are spun into obscurity and replaced by politically correct narratives reinforcing the ancient, venerable problem of educators becoming sycophants of political power locally instead of independent auditors, objectively of secular and religious affairs.

It is possible that the old conservative though disappearing Lutheran community didn’t object too much to not featuring a reasonably good, simple painting of Muhammad and the angel Gabriel meeting either. Ancient fiction art doubled down as a sacrilege being shown to the public when it is not kosher to make an image of Muhammad for Muslims- although the painting was done by a Muslim with a good Arabian kind of name. That was an era where Orthodox iconoclasm and the Turkish conquest of Constantinople and attack on Vienna were, or would be in the air of worldly affairs. Islam was reempowered in its war against Europe. Maybe the iconoclast movement was stimulated  by increasing Muslim pressure and hegemony upon Byzantine culture and land.  I would give Hamlin a pass for demurring on joining the Greek fire waters of controversy since their educators may not carry many concealed weapons to class and there aren’t heavily armed campus security personnel with a large supply of sandbags around.


The Pond at Desert's Edge (a poem)

Where did you run when time went
like a slick fox through fog spent
cups of grog wreck papers bent
physics banter clues clog tent

Infinite numbers of dimensions go
cross webbed then, four plot Avrm’s goat
space and motion send matter with time glow
caught for replacement of sins mortals know

Ladies and lakes will come now
when rains of the Earth rise somehow
time loaves the vine just to plough
cold logic met ponds from Tao.

Four of Infinity - the poem


Infinite numbers of dimensions go
cross webbed then, four got Avrm’s goat
space and motion sent matter with time glow
caught for replacement of sin mortals know.


Joe Biden's hidden classified documents are a trove of cream puffs

 When it was revealed that former Vice President Joe Biden had left classified documents at one of his Trump administration era offices he continued the tradition of creepy Democrat leadership treachery inititated by the Clinton administration (cf https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CRPT-104hrpt849/html/CRPT-104hrpt849.htm )

President Biden and Democrat leadership excoriated Donald Trump and supported F.B.I. raids at the Trump Florida residence to look for classifed documents. Mr. Biden expressed surprise that he had possessed classified documents one might believe, disingenuously.


A part of Democrat Party playbook seems to be to U.S. nationalism and religion too since they may conflict with imperial style aims to make world culture cinform to post-modernist values. Lying, cheating and stealing are acceptable modus operandi to accomplish that objective for the moral subjectivists.

Maybe Mr. Biden had thousands of classified domuments and the few discovered- perhaps ten, were the scum at the bottom of the pot...one will never know. Like Hillary CLinton's emails that disappeared with a wiped hard drive or the truth about Hunter Biden and Ukrainian business or mafia relations a veil of obscurantism and the dark haze of sympathetic broadcast media 'coverage' encountering the actual facts would be as rare as the spectre of cream puffs falling from the sky.


Concentrated Wealth has helped developed the RIse of Sin

 When churches make sin such as homosexuality officially OK. and perform homosexual marriages many Americans are down with it Sitting comfortably in pews they can consider Wall Street portfolio performance and think about how to survive inflation profitably.

Traditionally inflation was bad for capital investments that were locked in to a low rate of return. Capital usually rises faster than wages so wealth over time becomes concentrated as big capitalists glom up smaller capital clumps in various kinds of buyouts. Setting aside the inconvenience of Biblical sin from official church doctrine is a logical en passant action in the criterion of concentrating capital. It is sometimes useful for empires to annihilate national and religious spirit and install a uniform secular culture without dissenters.

It is interesting to consider the historian Arnold Toynbee’s paradigm of challenge and response that he used to analyze the rise and fall of civilizations. As a contemporary American the United States is of  interest; wealth is concentrating in the United States equal to that of Mexico presently so one may wonder how that affects broader social criteria for freedom, democracy and basic well-being for citizens.

Without enough challenges individuals and societies may not develop skills at overcoming challenges. Inherited wealth may allow living in inherited incomes, properties and so forth that require no ingenuity, adaptivity or challenges to overcome for the heirs. As wealth concentrates and a class rises with such unchallenged people owning most of the nation’s capital a certain kind of financial conservatism can develop that is not one of conservative moral values or classical virtue. It is instead a fiscal conservatism that descries challenges to one percent of society owning about everything or at least subjugating all of the capital that it does not directly possess.

The ruling class does not want to seem to be so. It hires and promotes minorities in the United States into positions that it receives in the existing system and would not otherwise have already attained, or so it is led to believe. A meritocracy defines itself by how well individuals support the values of the one percent including censoring social media. Pro football is greatly entertaining yet completely useless and even parasitical as millions are led to follow the seasonal cycle of not producing anything material at all for the benefit of the masses. Chess champion Bobby Fischer at least invented the Fischer time clock. Einstein’s theories of relativity are instrumental in space work with satellites, farmers produce food to eat and football is nothing more than an opiate of the masses.

The fundamental problem in the United States is the return of a mostly unchallenged class that promotes values mostly of self-serving special interest to itself. Keeping capital from becoming overly concentrated and democracy sliding into plutocracy is a great challenge to overcome for society generally and isn’t likely to be met well. It will be interesting to see where that leads with farces like border porosity for non-citizen illegal labor to enter and keep labor supply cheap and the middle class weak. Not only is the nation no longer a real democracy, it has an inherent sub-class of non-citizen workers that cannot even vote.


The Meek have and shall inherit the Earth

 In taking an online course concerning the history of Jerusalem circa 8th century B.C.E. though to the 5th century B.C.E. when it was invaded and/or destroyed by Assyrians, Babylonian and Persians there was an illuminating historical point that emerged that served to explain some of the context that Jesus may have been informed with when he said that “the meek shall inherit the Earth”. During the period when Nebuchadnezzar invaded Judah, destroyed Jerusalem and depopulated the city carrying away the inhabitants to Babylon there was a remnant left in the city that were deemed by the Babylonian ruler to be harmless to there interests; poor Jews not affiliated with Jewish leadership or military power.


Poor and meek people that had been subjugated by the advantaged classes were for a time left in Jerusalem to fend for themselves and perhaps maintain some services for occupying elements. One might infer today that when the devil claims his booty of worldly leaders, rich and powerful people, atheist swingers and schemers to their destiny just the poor and meek in spirit will remain to inherit the Earth.

Psalms 37:11 — “But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.” 

2nd Kings 25 verse 12-"But the captain of the guard left of the poor of the land to be vinedressers and husbandmen."

Jeremiah 40 verse 7

“7Now when all the captains of the forces which were in the fields, even they and their men, heard that the king of Babylon had made Gedaliah the son of Ahikam governor in the land, and had committed unto him men, and women, and children, and of the poor of the land, of them that were not carried away captive to Babylon;”

Matthew 5 verses 3-12

“3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

12 Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.”


Laurel Lee for Speaker of the House is a Good Choice

Einstein was attributed with saying; “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”). The House voted for the tenth time for Speaker with the same result. Apparently that is a reflection of deep state Representatives that are interested in money for-themselves and a handful of dissenters (20) that refuse to vote for the same old deficit spending leadership of the deep state.

In economics a good plan is to have one's cake (own it) and eat it too through environmental and employment sustainability. As one eats one cake it need be replenished rather than consumed and drawn down to nothing with dirty energy, mass species extinction, degradation of ecosphere and fishing, increasingly non-secure national boundaries, concentration of wealth and comparative impoverishment of the poor and middle classes etc. In Washington D.C. pork for constituent special interests seems to be the general principle that will enrich one's political family narrowly. Republicans have been divided over the election of Rep. McCarthy. Because the party is more of a deep state organ than conservative and some have even talked about making concessions to Democrats to get a deep stater from California elected Speaker of the House it is consistent that they refuse to select a conservative for-the-people sort of representative to the job.

I have suggested they run Florida Rep. Laurel Lee for the job. She is a lawyer and can speak; that's what they do (too well sometimes).

The Republican Party should elect Rep. Laurel Lee as Speaker of the House as the leading edge of change. The party after Ronald Reagan just seems to lack the capacity to put forward charismatic, capable leaders. Rep McCarthy is alright I suppose, yet no one expects much to change or get done if he does win the job. January of 2025 will eventually roll around and the party should coordinate a bit with a little optimism and forward thinking its personnel for the equivalent of a Superbowl team.

The Seattle Seahawks appear to be building for the future rather well. Denver has gone out and been competitive for the important task of winning first place in the NFL draft April 27 by losing most of its games in 2022. Denver gave its first and second round draft picks to Seattle for 2023. Republicans like the Seahawks barely have a winning record in the House. Seattle too may be good enough to make the playoffs if they win and Green Bay loses to the Detroit lions Sunday, unlike Seattle the Republican Party does not appear to be planning ahead for 2024 when a DeSantos victory would put the party into the position of taking control of the Senate, House and Presidency. Speaker McCarthy doesn't have the charisma required to lead female voters to vote Republican in 2024. Of course Republicans could offer the Speakership to Rep Hakeem Jeffries if he would change parties today. That may be the only way there will be a new Speaker tomorrow. He would look like other deep staters in Congress and fit right in.



NFL Evolution to Kinder, Weepier Tough Guys

 Times have changed in the U.S.A. When Damar Hamlin was hit in the chest with a shoulder from an offensive players running at full speed it seemed fairly obvious that his heart might have stopped, that he might have had the air knocked from his lungs, and that his head might have been hit by the offensive players helmet and then the ground in quick succession. It was the sort of injury that occurs when a safety whom is a lighter player tackles a stronger back nearly standing up. Newton's law of transferring force of impact from the larger, faster object to the lighter, slower one approach at an angle was exemplified. I tried tackling my breath knocked out. A db or safety should have a lower attack vector.

The NFL cancelled the game and players were in tears and prayed en masse (they should do that anyway and not rarely) as the Buffalo safety was treated on the field with CPR to keep the heart going and brain functioning with oxygen input. THis morning Mr. Hamlin is in critical condition. Probably he will make a full recovery and return to the game eventually next season. What will be remembered is the crying of the tough guys; in the U.S.A. men didn't used to be trained to cry. The change is somewhat notable.

It is possible that in the era of national feminization and homosexuality and ubiquitous television that some of the players were acting because there is a female audience for the games these days that is increasing in numbers. It is good for strong men to appear to be sensitive while off camera they would cut the throat of someone that insulted them if legally permissable.

Still, historically speaking the evolution to crybaby males in comparison to the men of the 1930s, 40s and 50s seems to be a change in national character worth noting. There are probably many reasons why the change has occurred including a vast number of causes including females in the workforce and social ideas of equality as well as ubiquitous surveillance and vast national debt that might deserve having grown men crime and tear their clothes while throwing ashes into the air.

Rather than evolve into a society of morlocks below ground and eloi above living in a naive utopia where tough American males weep at an injured player on the field while the government funds foreign wars where hundreds of thousands of people perish or are injured for life, the crying society should work for peace and stop funding foreign wars as a preferred alternative, since many people and the poor of the world haven't got great medical evac and Class I Trauma Centers available with Obamacare.

Experiencing cardiac arrest is bad. I don't think that crying is a good reaction to it. One must act or perhaps contemplate fate if action isn't possible. Praying is good. Roy Benevidez faced with adversity choose to act. He was a tough guy; an inspirational figure with virtue. A better example that NFL players.


Inner Peace with Self-Acceptance for Slobs?

If one is a slob one might want to lose weight, launder clothes and clean up the yard. A season of discontent can be edifying.  Change can b...