
Replying to 'Why are White People Great at Everything?'

Shouldn't one start with a rectification of names? Confucius did; so; therefore ask what are white people and what is the everything they are supposed to be great at. I shall stipulate that the timing of the OP is importunate. Trying to use greatness with white people as a middle term for racism is harmful to Trump politics. The appearance of racism simply impedes good political works Trump might be able to do. Those policies are primarily not racist.

Modern economies have specialized occupational roles. No one is good at everything. Commercial aircraft pilots usually aren’t great dentists for example. Some people are good at a few occupations though usually not at one time. For those that aren’t white and are envious it may be the ownership of material goods and the things associated with homes, autos and devices that seem to be what the white people are ‘great’ at. Keep in mind that the IQ of the average white American is only about 100, so it doesn’t take rocket science to own average things in the USA; in fact it’s better to be average than to be great at something like philosophy or poetry with a higher IQ if one is seeking material satisfaction in life.

Black Americans have a lower average IQ than white and that isn’t surprising considering their history of intellectual repression and exclusion until modern times. A culture of social exclusion is hard on individuals concerned generally with simple survival in a hostile social environment. That exclusion long-term lowers IQ. Even a bad diet can lower performance on IQ tests. It is difficult to build a culture up intellectually. That tends to occur yet it is a long term advance.

Black Americans have a higher IQ than some sub-Saharan Africans. The life expectancy of some of that group is far less than much of the world’s. Poverty tends to lower IQ scores because diet and environment don’t support brain health. Most blacks haven’t had the positive early childhood environment supporting intellectual development that many white people have had.

Structures that were started by a particular race and culture should have at least a few individuals that excel in a given structure. Other cultures require time to catch up. Differences in achievement at given tasks among various cultures tend to be culturally rather than racially caused. Differences among individuals are more toward a combined genetic and cultural causality.Structures that were started by a particular race and culture should have at least a few individuals that excel in a given structure. Other cultures require time to catch up. Differences in achievement at given tasks among various cultures tend to be culturally rather than racially caused. Differences among individuals are more toward a combined genetic and cultural causality.

China had fantastic inventiveness thousands of years ago. It’s development was retarded by imperialism until the 20th century. Capitalism allows better quantitative opportunities for invention with the profit motive. Now that China has a mixed economy. It performs better than it did with a state dominated form of socialism.

One need find the difficulty of a task as an occupation and determine what sort of IQ is needed to perform a task and if it falls within the basic bell curve distribution of a race. Actually cold weather drove some invention while others inventions like metallurgy invented in the Middle East travelled north.

One can consider cultural advantages and tool kits at any point in history and find that some lead others for a time then even disappear. What of the glory of ancient Rome or the strong walls of Constantinople?

Because Europe was challenged by invasions for thousands of years technology advanced there quicker than in places less challenged.

Toynbee pointed out that easy living regions of Greece did not advance as fast as some places that were given more, yet not too great of challenges. China is advancing very rapidly. Economists have found that mature economies stabilize at a growth rate of perhaps 2 or 3% while developing economics have a much faster growth rate until they equalize with the nations with mature economies.

There is additionally the criterion of values. Were the values of Diogenes the Cynic more like those of Bill Gates or Lao Tzu. Cultural values can be followed by minions until the over participation destroys the health of an environment. Hundreds of millions may surge over the edge like lemmings with great skill; is that really a value to be admired?

I would really hate to live in a jungle in a primitive condition being ate by mosquitoes. Overcoming some of those challenges required biology at a level barely reached today- not a thousand years ago.

Europe had fewer tropical diseases than more southerly regions and that matters even now What sort of fire ant problem exists for campers in Europe in comparison to South Florida?

Africa is advancing almost too quickly now. Nigeria alone has, I believe, 85,000 PHds. There are modern looking cities all over the continent and the ecosphere is in decay and receives toxic waste from Europe.

There is only a human race now and individuals differ more in ability than traditional races.

Concerning Evidence for the Existence of God

 People sometimes overlook the wealth of archaeological and scriptural data in support of God interacting with ancient Israelis. Lawyers can get convictions on empirical evidence based on archaeology (such as finding bodies, settlements or other material and writing.;even war crimes convictions have been made on comparable data. Perhaps some skeptics would like empirical evidence based on astrophysics and certain hard sciences to conflict directly with their own understanding of nature. I am impressed that so many often overlook the obvious.

Peter Woit wrote a book named 'Not Even Wrong' regarding string theory. He is a skeptic. I believe the Big Bang theory is in a similar position. I believe it is accurate though understanding that other, unknown mechanisms could have caused the appearance of expansion. It cannot be proven to be true, it can just be shown to be consistent with observations, Einstein's general theory etc. One day it may be proven to be false; there is certainly a lot of mystery about that first split second and the inflaton presumed to occur nearly the same time, as well of course as what went before. Maybe it would be best to name it rapid expansion from a theoretical singularity. 

Some one use it as evidence confirming God's parameters of creating a Universe from nothing. It is a roughly similar paradigm. It may be no coincidence that a Belgian Catholic Priest, Georges Lemaitre, is the father of Big Bang theory. Of interest is the live debate about dark energy not really existing, and that instead it is just an apparent effect created by distortion in rates of space-time expansion because of empty space versus space with more mass in it. 

       "Professor David Wiltshire, who led the study, said: "Our findings show that we do not need dark energy to explain why the Universe appears to expand at an accelerating rate.

"Dark energy is a misidentification of variations in the kinetic energy of expansion, which is not uniform in a Universe as lumpy as the one we actually live in."

He added: "The research provides compelling evidence that may resolve some of the key questions around the quirks of our expanding cosmos.

"With new data, the Universe's biggest mystery could be settled by the end of the decade.""

A Reply to "Why are White People Good at Everything"

Structures that were started by a particular race and culture should have at least a few individuals that excel in a given structure. Other cultures require time to catch up. Differences in achievement at given tasks among various cultures tend to be culturally rather than racially caused.Differences among individuals are more toward a combined genetic and cultural causality.

China had fantastic incentive ness thousands of years ago. It's development was retarded by imperialism until the 20th century. Capitalism allows better quantitative opportunities for invention with the profit motive. Now that China has a mixed economy. It performs better than it did with a state dominated form of socialism.

One need find the difficulty of a task as an occupation and determine what sort of IQ is needed to perform a task and if it falls within the basic bell curve distribution of a race. Actually cold weather drove some invention while others inventions like metallurgy invented in the Middle East travelled north.

One can consider cultural advantages and tool kits at any point in history and find that some lead others for a time then even disappear. What of the glory of ancient Rome or the strong walls of Constantinople?

Because Europe was challenged by invasions for thousands of years technology advanced there quicker than in places less challenged.

Toynbee pointed out that easy living regions of Greece did not advance as fast as some places that were given more, yet not too great of challenges. China is advancing very rapidly. Economists have found that mature economies stabilize at a growth rate of perhaps 2 or 3% while developing economics have a much faster growth rate until they equalize with the nations with mature economies.
Structures that were started by a particular race and culture should have at least a few individuals that excel in a given structure. Other cultures require time to catch up. Differences in achievement at given tasks among various cultures tend to be culturally rather than racially caused.Differences among individuals are more toward a combined genetic and cultural causality.

One need find the difficulty of a task as an occupation and determine what sort of IQ is needed to perform a task and if it falls within the basic bell curve distribution of a race. Actually cold weather drove some invention while others inventions like metallurgy invented in the Middle East travelled north.

One can consider cultural advantages and tool kits at any point in history and find that some lead others for a time then even disappear. What of the glory of ancient Rome or the strong walls of Constantinople?

Because Europe was challenged by invasions for thousands of years technology advanced there quicker than in places less challenged.

Toynbee pointed out that easy living regions of Greece did not advance as fast as some places that were given more, yet not too great of challenges. China is advancing very rapidly. Economists have found that mature economies stabilize at a growth rate of perhaps 2 or 3% while developing economics have a much faster growth rate until they equalize with the nations with mature economies.

There is additionally the criterion of values. Were the values of Diogenes the Cynic more like those of Bill Gates or Lao Tzu. I would really hate to live in a jungle in a primitive condition being ate by mosquitoes. Overcoming some of those challenges required biology at a level barely reached today- not a thousand years ago.

Europe had fewer tropical diseases than more southerly regions and that matters even now  What sort of fire ant problem exists for campers in Europe in comparison to South Florida?

Africa is advancing almost too quickly now. Nigeria alone has, I believe, 85,000 PHds. There are modern looking cities all over the continent and the ecosphere is in decay and receives toxic waste from Europe.

There is only a human race now and individuals differ more in ability than traditional races.

I would really hate to live in a jungle in a primitive condition being ate by mosquitoes. Overcoming some of those challenges required biology at a level barely reached today- not a thousand years ago.

Europe had fewer tropical diseases than more southerly regions and that matters even now  What sort of fire ant problem exists for campers in Europe in comparison to South Florida?

Africa is advancing almost too quickly now. Nigeria alone has, I believe, 85,000 PHds. There are modern looking cities all over the continent and the ecosphere is in decay and receives toxic waste from Europe.

There is only a human race now and individuals differ more in ability than traditional races.

Conservation of Meaning

Going further than Shannon entropy; a theory of semantic information.

“Semantic information, autonomous agency and non-equilibrium statistical physics” https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6227811/


A Song by AI and I named 'Freedom of Faith'

I've taken three courses in how AI is built- an intro agenda to learn about deep learning algorithm structures. I think that AI really won't have more limits than people have with speech. Democrats since Obama have blocked conservative free speech with a little success on social media. Because of the monetary value of A.I. though in my opinion it will be difficult to jam back into the sack. I wrote a song (lyrics and selection of kinds of music) in a few minutes that I will link to below. It's pretty good and everyone can make those sorts of things with AI.. As one of the instructors said "A.I. is a disruptive technology". When I was young it was nearly impossible to publish anything. One might study for decades to get a book published if lucky. Now anyone can publish anything instantly and even regret it later, A.I. will write for those that can't write well if they want to express opinions eloquently 


To the End of the Quest

There is a list of several free on-line philosophy books here https://www.openculture.com/free-philosophy-ebooks
There are many other books available free of course. Getting a used copy of The Confessions of Augustine is great to read. And a free online version of The Enneads by Plotinus is a way to make Plato and the realm of forms come alive. At the end of the quest it’s only the word of God in the Bible that matters.

Science at War on Russian Orthodoxy

Biden is at war with Russia; lots of scientific support for that in technology. Some Catholics have been in a cold war with Orthodox Christians forever and now it’s escalated to a hot war to expand Polish Catholicism and German Lutheranism East. There is the additional prize of valuable land and minerals. Europe is atheist and scientific while Russia has reverted to Orthodoxy from atheistic socialism. So maybe science is at war with Orthodox Christians for a while.

DARPA probably supplied the new electronic warfare tech that stops Russian drones from attacking us and German tanks advancing in the Kursk region toward Moscow- so Russia reverted to using helicopters instead of using swedish at-4s on flying drones to hit tanks from just beyond the EW effective range. It’s complex.

Proof of Gravity and of God

No one knows what makes up gravity. It could be particles or a field, properties of quanta or some kind of relationship of space-time to mass. Some scientists no longer believe in dark energy, though the NY Times hasn’t yet published the headline ‘Dark Energy is Dead’ so many Democrats still believe in it.

So gravity is evident yet what makes it up-the mechanics isn’t proven. If they would offer a cash prize for proving it I would make entries into the contest. It would be like the Nenana Ice Classic where you can  make an entry guessing the hour and time the ice on the river will break up in spring.

God is evident through the Bible for people of faith. Proof could be said to be the number of people that believe it is true. That’s not too different in some respects from those that believe strong theory will be the final theory of everything

Life is Made of Non-life

Life is made of non-life components like fermions. When they are in an appropriate configuration the condition named life exists. No one knows what the primary field is made of; it could be spirit.

It is useful for mechanics that work with matter to understand how it works. Philosophers probably want to understand what the fundamental substance really is.


Select Factors Affecting Einstein's Religious Ideas

Einstein was a German Jew that had to leave Germany with his family and move to Switzerland because of the rise of the Nazis and that unhealthy business environment for his father’s generator manufacturing business. Many Europeans don’t like the Catholic Church or even German state sponsored churches because of their historical role in owning great tracts of land. Americans don’t have any sense of that because their was about only one colony of the original 13 that was Catholic (Maryland).

Europeans didn’t have the same sense of freedom from authority Americans had (with some notable exceptions). One need consider the Holocaust and. Einstein’s help getting the Manhattan Project started. He definitely wouldn’t have appreciated the raving doctrines of Hitler, Mussolini or fellow travelers.

The European Churches were no safe place either. One should place figures like Albert Einstein in their historical context. He wasn’t Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

Deficiencies In A.I. Text to Speech Reading for Ads

  For a while at least people will be able to discern the differences between A.I. readers of internet advertisements and stories with those...